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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. GFs brother-in-law dropped dead last night. Poor guy was only 35. Super nice the few times I met him, hard working, 2 kids+wife. Family is a typical farming family i.e. they ow a bit of land, a good herd of buffalo, a few rai of rubber trees. So they do ok and live a relatively decent standard of life. Question - how much ROUGHLY will this whole death process cost? The ceremonial stuff, feeding the villagers (probably about 300 of them) who come to pay respects, temple costs + cremation. Any guesses appreciated. And before the jokers here comment the obvious - no, I'm not contributing any money for this. I already bought both my gf's husband AND boyfriend a house each, so I think I'm off the hook for a while.
  2. Oh my Buddha, you didn't just get TiT-ed, you got absolutely TiT-f__d!
  3. You may be surprised to learn that online banking is waaaaay more vulnerable to being hacked than bank apps.
  4. Can't wait for this to happen to me, the clerk's gonna pee him/herself laughing. Will be totally worth the inevitable week-long silent treatment.
  5. The virtue signaling here by forum members is amusing.
  6. Nice to see at least one guy here chose wisely. Never seen a collection of so many simps on one forum.
  7. I live in Poocrap and have been in Patts for the last 10 days. Patts is nothing compared to the hordes of miscreant T-max rocketing camel humpers there, especially Patong.
  8. The Thais probably think his ghost will haunt the temple for all eternity and bring bad luck. I had my immediate falang neighbor (condo) off himself a year before the scamdemic and the place stayed empty until the day I moved out a few months ago, unrented and unsold. This is in an very popular, almost always 100% occupancy luxury condo. Owner has been trying to sell for about 60-65% of the going market price ever since. If it was a foreign freehold unit I would jump on it.
  9. Looks like one of those dozen or so rent-a-Jeep tourist douchemobiles I've seen around. There's a yellow one in Patong that stupidly has a big "Tsunami" sticker on either its front or side, wonder (hoping) if it's the same one.....
  10. Well done. Blood means nothing to me. Treat me with disrespect and/or cross a line and you're out of my life no matter friend or fam. My 3 daughters and ex found out the hard way I wasn't joking about that. It gets real entertaining when you then post pics on FB of you and your "new daughters" in LOS wearing "Daddy's Girl" T-shirts 555....
  11. I found mine in bed with my TGF so it's all good. Only drawback: no threesomes (well, yet).???????? And before the judgemental brigade steps in - stepdaughter! Might have to Woody Allen that situation.
  12. It's all in the wording. Always give 5 stars and then just write: "Due to the risks of exposure to Thailand's legal system in regard to publicizing truthful experiences with/and/or opinions in regard to businesses/individuals, I am unable to comment on this hotel/restaurant/bar/etc."
  13. No mention of what time the fall occurred 555. Percentage of Brit tourists not drunk as howitzer after 8pm = 1% Excessive booze clause, case closed, move on, nothing to see here as per usual.
  14. I think you, your gf and her bf really need to sit down and just hash out who gets her on which days. My gf's husband and bf didn't really get along with each other until I called a family meeting and now the 4 of us are in perfect harmony, and I only have to pay 50% of everything since the other boys are so generous to contribute 25% each to the or household(s). I'm a lucky guy.
  15. After a couple of bottles of yadong I'd dig up my grandmother and beat her silly. Love it!
  16. The upgrade is not "locked in" - there is a clause in the membership agreement that basically lets them do whatever they want at anytime during your membership. Price increase across the board coming in Sept/Oct according to several of their main agents.
  17. If she's any good, take her to the casinos in Manila. The dealers and pit bosses suck at IDing card counters, especially at PAGCOR outlets (I lasted a whole week before being booted and I'm not exactly a pro counter). Or, just ditch her useless azz if you have any sense.
  18. You are either full of doodoo, a moron, or worst case scenario both. I'll stick with my first guess. Waiting for the inevitable "I'm an ex-SEAL/LEO/MMA instructor etc."..... You are however a real black belt in bullshi-do. If actually true, it would 100% make (national!) news because it's just too good of a story not to make newsfeeds across all of LOS, and if it does, I will apologize and stick my head in the sand.
  19. Got registered with username and password etc . All good. But what I don't understand is the Excel sheet part. We have to make out own sheet/fill it out and then upload it??? The template at the bottom of the site is not fillable so.......wtf
  20. I lived in PI many years. Very true. Currently in Thailand for a few years because PI is still a bit scamdemic crazy with some retarded rules, and it's nice to be in a place with good infrastructure and nice local cuisine for a change, but I'll definitely move back at some some point. The good much outweigh the bad. Nice(r, IMO) people, better visa options (permanent residency visa SRRV very cheap), English is normal, waaay better beaches/diving etc (8000+islands). Only drawbacks are crappy infrastructure, local cuisine is a bit dull but no problems getting good falang food, and good medical care is limited to the bigger cities, but of high quality (many US trained docs). Thailand's cool, but definitely not permanently (for me).
  21. When one gets fined for TM30 (or 90 day) infraction, does the passport get some sort of "fined/paid for ___" stamp like on an overstay, or is it just a piece of paper/receipt?
  22. Don't worry about it. I'm sure one of your more entrepreneurial neighbors will rent the pace out to tourists while your're gone (and not tell you). True story 555....I know a guy who left his condo unattended and when he came back after 2 yrs, even though it looked the same, it was suspiciously clean. And then he found a thank note on one of the shelves thanking the "host" for being able to stay in such a nice place and looking forward to coming back next year. Turns out the condo manager" had quite a nice little side business in that bldg during the scamdemic.
  23. Obviously, because there is no intelligence required to begin with to spread legs/open mouth.
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