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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. About 20% of soi 6 just this year, so whatever that adds up to, plus another 100 or so to go till NYE.
  2. If they can't even get their noses out of the world's biggest terrorist's anus in Ukraine, I'm sure they have no problems doing business with some (in their eyes) nobody on the other side of the world.
  3. It's like that time I took my mom along on a gang bang....prolly should have thought it through a bit more I am doing a research paper for my Psych 101 class - do you mind if I PM and ask a few questions about what life is like as a man without a penis with an inability to focus on the actual question being asked?
  4. As the title says..... Yes, I know how to Google, but I'm looking for specific recommendations/experiences. Thanks. PS. That popular expat car rental place that I have used before is already fully booked, hence my post.
  5. Aye caramba, it was a joke/sarcasm!!!! ????
  6. About 400 people in total showed up says gf. I still haven't been asked but I've put 50k in an envelope and hand it to mum or dad later tonight. I really liked the guy so don't mind at all.... Quite a nice show, actually....
  7. I read his post as saying he has a Thai GF AND a Thai BF. The joke/sarcasm went so far over your heads that if your turned around now and tied to chase it down there's no way you'd catch up.????
  8. Ever since I posted about being in the market for a pickup, every time I open up AN I see ads from One2car for pickup trucks (mosty MG) at prices that seem a bit too low knowing how well cars retain their value here. Do MGs have have a much higher initial "off the lot" drop? My BS radar is telling me not to waste my time even contacting them but I might be wrong. Opinions? Here's a screenshot of one of these ads.
  9. I fly AA almost weekly within Thailand and always pay via (local) bank app/ QR code/scan.
  10. I guess I have one of those sense of humors that is not easily understood by everyone.???? To everyone who replied with all this seriously valuable info both publicly and via PM, thank you. I now know the amount I feel ok to (again, entirely voluntarily without having been asked for dime) contribute without going into extremes either way (and that's really what it's about in this place sometimes, isn't it,,,)
  11. Thank you gentlemen, that gives me a much better idea of what they're dealing with. The cremation will be on the 3rd day. I haven't been hit up by gf for any contribution but feel somewhat compelled to pitch in even though they don't really need my money (but it's not like they're loaded so I think any extra help is appreciated?). The guy was the first male in the family to really warm up to me once he realized I'm not a douche (well....y'all can debate that later) and I truly liked him.
  12. GFs brother-in-law dropped dead last night. Poor guy was only 35. Super nice the few times I met him, hard working, 2 kids+wife. Family is a typical farming family i.e. they ow a bit of land, a good herd of buffalo, a few rai of rubber trees. So they do ok and live a relatively decent standard of life. Question - how much ROUGHLY will this whole death process cost? The ceremonial stuff, feeding the villagers (probably about 300 of them) who come to pay respects, temple costs + cremation. Any guesses appreciated. And before the jokers here comment the obvious - no, I'm not contributing any money for this. I already bought both my gf's husband AND boyfriend a house each, so I think I'm off the hook for a while.
  13. Oh my Buddha, you didn't just get TiT-ed, you got absolutely TiT-f__d!
  14. You may be surprised to learn that online banking is waaaaay more vulnerable to being hacked than bank apps.
  15. Can't wait for this to happen to me, the clerk's gonna pee him/herself laughing. Will be totally worth the inevitable week-long silent treatment.
  16. The virtue signaling here by forum members is amusing.
  17. Nice to see at least one guy here chose wisely. Never seen a collection of so many simps on one forum.
  18. I live in Poocrap and have been in Patts for the last 10 days. Patts is nothing compared to the hordes of miscreant T-max rocketing camel humpers there, especially Patong.
  19. The Thais probably think his ghost will haunt the temple for all eternity and bring bad luck. I had my immediate falang neighbor (condo) off himself a year before the scamdemic and the place stayed empty until the day I moved out a few months ago, unrented and unsold. This is in an very popular, almost always 100% occupancy luxury condo. Owner has been trying to sell for about 60-65% of the going market price ever since. If it was a foreign freehold unit I would jump on it.
  20. Looks like one of those dozen or so rent-a-Jeep tourist douchemobiles I've seen around. There's a yellow one in Patong that stupidly has a big "Tsunami" sticker on either its front or side, wonder (hoping) if it's the same one.....
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