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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. Tramadol, but be careful with it.
  2. All those countries have legit nationality-for-investment programs but I am sure the minimum time involved is at least 4-6 months or longer, not 30 days. Buddy of mine got his St. Nevis & Kitts pp after about 5 months.
  3. Have her do it on her own. Otherwise, lolz.
  4. The posters who suggest getting a fake FET via an agent or bank connection are retarded morons. This would leave you vulnerable to extortion down the line or worse, losing the condo in an investigation/seizure because the legitimacy of the funds will be easily traceable. Especially these days where financial/corporate crimes by falangs especially are in the bullseye. About property agents in mall booths - many (most?) are just airhead barbie dolls hired by the developers solely for their looks with an hour's worth of "sales training in how to make proper googly eyes to the suckers" who wouldn't know an AAC block from a dinosaur fossil, much less what an FET is. And stay away from off plan condo purchase unless you seriously know what you're doing, which frankly it doesn't sound like.
  5. Meh. Boring nothingburger. I stopped reading at "02:00am drunken altercation".......Hardly "tragic." If you ever see me outside at 2am in Thailand it will be stone cold sober with absolute situational awareness.
  6. Honestly, not having really learned it beyond rudimentary level has probably kept me sane.
  7. Bangkok Branch branch in Patong that my account/debit card is with has closed down according to Google. When I arrive for a visit next week, do I just go to the nearest available branch with my passbook/passport and they will "adopt" (i.e, transfer the account info to their branch) the old account, or will it be the usual T-idiocy PITA and require an entirely whole new account opening? I could care less about having an actual branch since I don't live in Poo-crap anymore. The debit card, which I never use, expires in a few months - assume the app will keep working regardless? As long as the app keeps working, I don't really GAF.
  8. Same as 99% of all men who come to live here. Spirituality.
  9. Good ole Indian errr I mean British negotiation methods didn't work out well for her this time. Probably wanted a 90% discount from the offered last price.
  10. 1. Millions of mothers who didn't marry the father of their children. 2. Ever hear of land being generationally passed down, you utter twonk?
  11. Home country or legal resident of wherever you are.
  12. Land ownership rights should always be based on reciprocal agreements, like DTAs. If a Thai can buy/own land in my country, the same should apply for me in T. Time for the EU/North America/Australia etc. to restrict Thais from property purchases apart from condos and/or offer only the same long lease conditions. Won't happe of course, because Western leaders/govts are diaper wearing cowards. And Western MSM journalists are too afraid of getting blacklisted and not being able to get their rocks off on soi 6. Having said that, I don't even blame Thailand or its government. They are doing what is in the best interest of the Thai people in the long run. Look what happened to Australia. Best real estate is Chyner owed. Thailand is smart in this respect. The West is retarded.
  13. Ed Snowden chillin' like a villain in Moscow enjoying delicious caviar, fine hot young Russian kitty and romantic fireplace chats with a real leader who actually acts in the long term interests of the country.
  14. I guess even some 30 yr old tourists do not own smart phones or know how to use Google maps in this day and age ...... Didn't know Krabi gets tourists flying in from ......NORTH SENTINEL ISLAND
  15. Whoever edited this video to make the bald fat Brit "dancer" look like a female is very skilled!
  16. I was assuming the average AN member's age is 90.
  17. Farm land with at least a 15 yr strategy if you're married to a Thai lady (or now, man) and are confident in your marriage lasting permanently. Otherwise, just give me 2 million and I'll make you a millionaire within 24 hrs.
  18. Download any free or paid VPN (Virtual Private Network) app on Google Playstore, and then choose any server location worldwide. I use NORD vpn, but there are a gazillion.
  19. For me the "after feel" only lasts about a couple of hours. It's really the actual time that I am being massaged is what feels great. I've started to get (overpriced but YOLO) massages at BKK and DMK in the departure lounges right b4 the flight. Makes me fall asleep on the plane more easily and the 4-5 hr flights I usually take more bearable. Oil only for me.
  20. Richest Thai woman I personally know is a humble single 62 yr old lady with about 200 rai of rubber trees in a small village in Isaan who has never been married, has 2 grown kids who are not spoiled and have gone on to earn 4/6 yr higher education degrees. Nice small modern style house and a pickup, dresses like a normal village elder, eats normal food and generally keeps to herself. The respectable gems are out there.
  21. I am proud to say that not a single baht of my money has ever contributed to govt sponsored dual pricing.
  22. The widely accepted figure of muslims who in one way or another support "any measure necessary" to advance Islam's expansionism among people who study this professionally ranges from about 25-35%. No, it is not the majority. But it is waaaaaay too many of them. Just 1-5% would already be an incredibly high number..... https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2006/05/23/where-terrorism-finds-support-in-the-muslim-world/ Gallup poll: According to a 2017 Gallup poll, 7% of Muslims worldwide support terrorism. However, the poll also found that 36.6% of Muslims do not condemn the 9/11 attacks, with 7% agreeing that the attacks were "completely justified", 6.5% justifying them, and 23.1% thinking they were at least somewhat justified.
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