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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. Like cops, the kick a Brit moron's brainless skull WS guards are never around when you REALLY need them.
  2. He's a corrupt POS, but that specific casino purchase story by him (or his wife/company) has been debunked.
  3. Cool, thanks. Will give that a try. I can get Chlorox where I am...
  4. 1200 for a bottle of SaengSom with 4 mixers. 80 for a glass 555555555555555555555555555555555555555
  5. What's the water/bleach ratio you use to make it? 50% bleach? 30? 20%? Less?
  6. Flew it once. The name is perfectly suited.
  7. Moose-limp pit maneuver? 😂
  8. DW is funded by the same retarded Kraut muppet govt/parties that push the myth that Ukraine can be armed enough/Russia can be sanctioned to win the war 555......
  9. Sounds more like your DEBIT card # got hacked rather than your credit card. CC issuer fraud department's are generally super professional in handling claims. Debit card raud claims generally place a higher burden of proof on the customer.
  10. Obviously an AI post (dozens of these with a very similar syntax over the last few days), but just for shts and giggles: 1. Just leave them. No advance talk/note/message/call. Cut all financial support immediately. 2. Have some fun in Pattaya for a month and have coitus with 100 LBFMs. Try to stay off the booze. Go to the gym every day. Don't fall in love with the next hooker. 3. Re-evaluate after a month if you want to stay here in Thailand or go back to your country (not sure what the financial situation is). 4. Forget the kid. Kids do just fine here (especially in the sticks) without their daddies. This isn't as bad as the 'Murican single black ghetto on foodstamps mom situation. Offer to take the kid with you either to your new home here in LoS or your home country, with full legal custody, if the wife agrees to it. Incentivize the agreement with a one-time payoff, all contractually via lawyer and approved by the courts. All dependent on a positive DNA test, obviously. If she really loves her kid, she'll refuse and then you can at least have some small relief that the kid will grow up somewhat ok, but then you must also, in fairness to the situation, cut yourself off until she reaches late-teens/adulthood and gets to her make her own choices. Not a lot of 'winning' scenarios here, but it's not the end of the world. Again, one thing for certain - stop paying for all these village idiots' habits and/or bad decisions. It won't do your daughter any good, now or in 15 years, to have a broke ass pops. Best of luck and success. PS. Get the kid her 2nd passport regardless of how things turn out, if you haven't done so.
  11. Personally, I prefer wearing shirts of a winner. Z!
  12. Silly nothingburger #1,234,505,943. If the local media published an article everytime a Thai gets caught overstaying in South Korea they'd run out of bandwidth.
  13. Lol, 2 pages for this idiotic thread (which I started) and we're already at homos. Like shooting fish in a barrel 😂
  14. If the Dems run the tranny ex First Lady, they probably have a good chance.
  15. In the last few days there have been quite a few 1st time posts from newly created accounts that all have the same syntax. Is anyone really falling for these AI-generated stories?
  16. Do you work for the Vatican by any chance?
  17. NOT if the operator is not eligible to drive. You are welcome to try this. Have a 10 year old village child drive your car into a wall and see what the adjuster says (right after recovering from his laughing fit).
  18. Yes, provided he has not been here more than 3 months. Insurance companies can (and generally will, unless there's an oversight which is rare) void claims in this case. Same is true even if someone is driving on home country license+IDP, even though the IDP itself is valid for 1 year (Thailand simply invalidates this validity with its own stipulation).
  19. I would get him a beer, hug him like he's a rock star, and bequeath my dildo collection to him on the spot. I'd also encourage him to bang a baby into that lass. We need more real men like him, not the walking vaginas that are the boys/men in the West these days. I'm jealous. You are a lucky SOB.
  20. The fact that you use the term "cisgender" instead of simply "woman" or "girl" makes me want to move up my planned vasectomy date. You probably call these freaks by their unscientific "gender pronouns" too.....
  21. More of a curiosity question than a rant/problem, but.... What is up with this? My bloody water kettle, in which I only ever boil water, will have a bunch of dead ants in it after every use. I don't leave leave any water in it after usage either (at most a coupla drops that will evaporate after a few minutes anyway). It's right next to my sink which, as sinks do, always has some wet spots/drops, so I don't think they'd make the effort to climb into the kettle as a source for drinking water. WTF?
  22. It's hard to find now because the majority of customers have probably died of high blood pressure from the astronomical amount of sodium in it (as well as all canned foods).😜
  23. To me it looks kinda sorta like a Golden Tree, but seemed rather large for one. Any ideas? Leave it? Call a snake wrangler? If not aggressive AND venomous, I really don't care much. Would rather have it living in the roof than friggin' sparrows. Sorry for the crappy quality.
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