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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. Start lecturing her in an especially superior tone about world history, geography or astronomy. Out like a light in under 5 minutes I bet. My go-to is the old "Why is the moon smaller than the sun even though it looks bigger in the sky".......
  2. The deviant joke practically writes itself 555
  3. I've had times when I've had those ho'ys during the wrong time of the month and ended up with blood cockles. ???? Vibriosis and gono......nasty.????
  4. Alcohol is dependent on ME! Without me and my army of billions of like-minded reality-distorting warriors, alc would just sit in a warehouse like a pathetic loser and rot away till its shelf life expires. Much like the ugly women who would never get any D without drunk men around them to compromise their standards.
  5. Just watch the Russian version of Sesame Street like me and you'll pick up the basics in no time. Today's episode was especially fun because it was brought to you by the letter Z.????
  6. Did the travelling thing years ago, got the tshirt, all good and fun at the time. Now, my bar stool is the most fun and reliable thing this place has to offer me and they'll have to use the jaws of life to pry my rigor mortis'd azz from it. Happy as a clam on it~ Wish all happy travels and/or stooling ???? -Norm
  7. Sandboxer

    Condoms :)

    Non-immuno compromised heteros in 2023 who still use condoms probably love their facemask and coof vaccines too.
  8. Ah yes, the old monolingual thing....like 90-95+% of Brits, Americans and Aussies, with the remaining 5-10% being immigrants.
  9. All I'm hearing here is "Monkey want banana."
  10. Happy with my GF and GR, and if GF ever leaves or kicks me out of my house because her husband gets too jealous, then I'll still have GR to lick my feet, fetch beer from the fridge and go for walks with (something GF isn't too keen on usually, especially the walking part). Just sucks that the average lifespan of GRs is only about 10 years, but I can always get a new Golden Retriever puppy an hour after Rover has been buried (or turned into soup - hey, I'm 1/4 Chinese, it's in my genes????).
  11. Sig.......impressive, not a cheap gun. Especially in Thailand I imagine nothing under THB 40-45k-ish for a legally sold/registered one? That pic of the scene in the "resort" looks like a crack den.
  12. I thought the article was going to be about some American moron who got black out drunk and then black-listed/deported for offending some local GenZ snowflake's little sensitivities.
  13. I only wish I will be as mentally strong as you obviously are when my time comes. Peaceful journey, friend. I'm an atheist but wishing for you I'm wrong.????
  14. I do hope he got the proper "Fit to fly" certificate! That Covidiot PCR test musta hurt for the poor fella....what did they use, 3 broomsticks tied together with a loofa at the end?
  15. Confirmed. But easy to get a ...errr.....'language tutor' on short time notice from online agencies such as Tinder^^.
  16. If it's a criminal case and not civil and the defendant is black (which in CA would be statistically roughly a 67% chance), sending a copy of your Aryan Brotherhood membership card to the defendant's public defender usually works wonders to have him auto strike you as a juror.
  17. Aww..........ain't love grand.???? I mean, she could've skewered his heart, so it's true love for sure. That and maybe she was just (rightfully) pissed off at him for wearing such ugly ass shoes in her presence, making her lose face?
  18. (Edit: missed a coupe of posts while I was typing this one. Ok, I understand a bot more now. Thanks for everyone's input. Makes sense that it is a wee bit simpler between two locals, especially in the sticks...) My post is specifically in regard to due diligence when it comes to small village environments where unrelated people in the same village who are friendly and wish to do a land transaction don't really have the extra money to spend 10-30k on a DD lawyer for a sale/purchase that is only 100k-ish worth of land. Or I guess another good question would be, how much of a proper DD process can a regular person (peasants/province commoners in this case) even do by him/herself - and do they even attempt do that, or just mai en rai the whole thing and hope Buddha is in a good mood? Chanote check/review at Land Office, tax office check, bankruptcy court check, etc etc.
  19. If two Thais who live in the same small village in northern Buriram who are generally on good terms with each other decide to do a land transaction that is relatively minor (1.5 rai), would the buyer still, generally, hire a lawyer to do due diligence? Or is the sense of community/social pressure to not screw your neighbor so strong that the social/cultural repercussions are generally enough of a deterrent? Generally speaking of course. Asking because gf has been given option to buy a small piece of land that belongs to a nearby neighbor as they need some cash. She says she can get it done within 3-5 days. I'm really just curious, I have no bone in this financially. Just seems rather "casual" as I've been raised to trust no one, but I've been here long enough to also realize I'm perhaps underestimating the intricacies of villages' "inner workings?" Not looking for advice (again, not my baby), just some educational cultural insight.
  20. She would still need to transfer the assessed value from overseas, but yea, a few probate/court related steps could be skipped. But if she then dies first, it's back to square one. Just reversed, 555.
  21. 500k PerCentiMeter, that's peanuts for PooKrap nowadays!~☺️
  22. Edit to my above post (was unable to edit again after posting): Once the heir has brought in the assessed value from overseas and "bought" their inheritance, they can of course do with the money as they please - send it out of country again (not as easy as it may sound), or just keep it in LOS to use (or not) as they please. The point is that not every dead falang's heir will have $200k,,,,300k....+++ etc. in cash on hand to send money here. Never mind the principle of the whole matter. This is the legal situation as I understand it. If there are any legal eagle members here who can correct me, please do so.
  23. If it's a foreign quota condo, the non-Thai heir has 12 months to sell it, after which the Land Office is authorized to sell it at auction. Non-Thai heir can NOT simply transfer the title in his or her name if he/she decides to keep it beyond that. Heir would need to import/transfer the assessed (by Land Office, based on previous purchase price) value of the unit from overseas to Thailand first. So technically as an heir you're forced to "buy" your own friggin' inherited property if you want to keep it permanently (after which you can do with it whatever you want....rent it out/live in it/sell it at a later date etc.). TiT. Property sellers/developers/lawyers try their best to avoid this topic because it's something (most?) foreign condo buyers never really think to ask because it would be a completely normal and logical process in pretty much any other country for an heir to rightfully be able to inherit (register in their name) what is theirs without additional financial requirements B.S. thrown in... Basically reason #8762536468 to never ever buy anything here (condos included) unless you you're alone with no one to leave anything to or your non-Thai kids/relatives/friends all just hate you 555 (ok, that probably covers half of us, lol). https://www.thailandlawonline.com/article-older-archive/inheritance-of-real-estate-by-foreigners
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