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Everything posted by Sandboxer

  1. I can...... live...... with that. RIP regardless.
  2. Fair enough I suppose. I'm sure the other two would've ended up as well adjusted, basic traffic laws/common sense abiding future drivers like most here^^.
  3. Way more people get bitten by poodles/etc. than pits/Rotties etc. The problem is that poodle/etc bites are generally not dramatic/lethal and don't make the news. IMO ownership of large breeds whose bloodlines reflect protection instincts should require a higher level of legal ownership requirements (temperament tests, mandatory training level, insurance etc.). Won't happen in goofyland in our lifetimes so its up to us to protect ourselves from these animals. I have a canine repellent sonic device I keep in the car (as well as a couple of more "serious" tools if needed) should the need ever arise to put one of these mutts down if it attacks me or anyone I care about.
  4. Ahhh, now I know why the MB dealer put an "E" on the back of my car. So everyone knows I have the Elite visa!
  5. I recently got a pink card. I'm told by the issuing amphur that the id # on the card concurrently acts as my TIN. Is this correct?
  6. Disclaimer: I know f-all about growing anything beyond my trouser snake with sildenafil. Putting this into the ground will result in another coconut tree? How deep/wide should i dig the hole? How long till it's about 3m high (Buriram). Need some shade for my house patio.
  7. Premeditated murder that is proven beyond any doubt - immediate (as pain free as possible) execution upon verdict, no long appeals. Life (no parole) or very long sentences for other homicide degrees. Charge teenagers from 13....14 yrs of age as aduts.
  8. I don't give a hoot if he is an ex soldier as I don't buy into the whole sense of entitlement thing that vets/society seem to have. A gramps got assaulted. Find the chimp who did it and punish him.
  9. Stellar. More laws for them to ignore 555.
  10. I am beginning to think the "D" in Dmax stands for "D"-bag. Just like the "R" in "Raptor" too often seems to stand for "Retard"..... luckily they didn't take down any innocents. Sorry, empathy level zero.
  11. Bout a 5k ticket a few months ago and the flight was cancelled. Took them 2 months to refund. Better to just take flight credit voucher for next time.
  12. Maturity of a lab monkey.
  13. Stop typing in "What part of my body does my wife hate?"
  14. Off to monkey house with him, but let's be honest - we could all benefit from a legit legal place that makes British people look more attractive. What utter Quasimodos most are~~
  15. But we CAN pay attention as 6 year olds in school when teach us Engurishee.
  16. They really are mensa level geniuses to possibly rule out suicide.
  17. Dr. Google is all over the place on this one (or I'm just too stupid to phrase the search specifically/correctly).
  18. I feel for him (a little) and even share/understand some of his views, though I choose not to let the young wussy generation's ways bother me one iota. Obviously a life long un(der)educated blue collar drone whose only way to make himself be noticed in his old age is to be the buff tough guy senior citizen who may or may not know how to box a little.
  19. Good. The industry is finally adjusting to reality. Same goes for the whole economy. Outlook for expat life next 15-ish yrs is still rosy^^
  20. Wife of a friend and he is not very good with understanding complicated English. Female, age 50, previously had breast cancer+ mastectomy 7 yrs ago. Recently had a lump grow in her clavicular area. It's a "well known" govt hospital which I personally would not let my dog have his nuts cut off in. Below the biopsy result. Obviously, I know this is bad. Metastatic....malignant.....glandular...... Just trying to get an idea just how bad/lethal and how long(ish). Anyone have an educated (or semi educated) guess? They are talking about chemo, but somehow this feels like a Hail Mary.
  21. If statistics matter to you: A therapist. A good divorce lawyer. In no specific order.
  22. Who cares what someone wears in a gym as long as it is appropriate for a gym? Your/you're.........seriously, 3rd grade stuff.
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