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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Cheers.....I'll do that.....don't want to whack something on the walls and find we create a whole host of other problems...
  2. 10%....honest.....I just need your bank details and password to transfer the funds.
  3. 555....It's not he has ever tried it before...555
  4. Educated people vote for Trump. It's for Unity not like hate, division and hatred like Democrats are running on. Hand on heart I cannot believe you posted that....and believe it to be true.
  5. Been reading up them.....correct me if I'm wrong......they rely on the presence of a high-ish density of apple phones in and around the area they are in......so no problem in the city......but ify in the sticks?
  6. Parked at Schipol a few years ago.....my floor in the multi-story was....I hate my mother in law*. Found the car after four weeks away no problem. * All the floors were give crazy monika's so you would remember on which floor you parked....🙄
  7. Steady on.....more weird?.....YIKES
  8. Why coz he's black like me? The reference to white, stems from polling analyses ...not race...doh!
  9. ...but try as hard as they may the indoctrinators failed with the others or they simply focussed on Vivian?
  10. Concrete scree, if that's the right term, over single brick wall. Two walls in particular 'soak up' the heat in the dry season
  11. We have planted some Korean Banyan trees but was also was considering plastic planking on the walls that get really hot.....is that feasible...crazy?
  12. So you've never watched the near infinite number of uneducated, white male, no college Trump supporters being interviewed on YouTube......? They all would struggle to beat a rock in an IQ test.
  13. Chicken feed......I've got $10 million coming from a Nigerian Prince......any day now....just sent him my bank details.
  14. Looking at doing that......re: the wall.....what are you considering?
  15. You're going to hell....555
  16. She probably won't know about it till she pitches up Monday morning and finding she has a small desk at the side of the room, facing the wall.
  17. Please be civil at least and use their correct names.
  18. Thought it was Musk with the trans kids?
  19. Similar story....father served five years in the North Atlantic.during WWII, family man, worked hard all his life.......died the most horrific death at 58....cancer of the lung....cancer of the neck.....cancer of the oesophagus .....died vomiting blood and begging my mother for a knife to end it all...thanks God.
  20. Link? Evidence?....and as polls no longer count (for some strange reason).....what evidence do you have?
  21. Disappointed.......Currently researching prostate surgery options.
  22. Cheers, but what about this operation? I've heard horror stories associated with prostate surgery.....does Rezum circumvent those problems?
  23. ....also, if there is a God.....why would he make me live in Isaan???
  24. The traditional response is.....'God moves in mysterious ways'.....like bone cancer in children....that is a really mysterious one.

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