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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I have always thought fines should be a % of income or estimated wealth (can of worms I guess trying to assess that in many cases though). Pointless fining a Tory MP £10,000, yet financially crippling to fine a nurse £1000.
  2. I heard it all went to an orphanage along with some extra funds the RTP added.
  3. Plus the "vaccine paradox"......if the vast majority of over 50's are vaccinated, then the majority of deaths will be in those that are vaccinated.
  4. Almost 700 dead in Bangkok this year....that is staggering.......having said that I saw two lying in the road on Sukhumvit yesterday during a 10 minute walk....neither seriously hurt.
  5. Hell those people who bought on the wrong side must be *******. All that money to look at the side of another tower block????
  6. Agree 100%......the atmosphere and excitement that was created was magical......all gone.
  7. Good point.....it staggers me how many there are....and how many people must be too lazy to step out of their front door to get food or to cook! Never ordered a take away in my life!
  8. Ha...that is the one I always go for on the same basis.
  9. I have never used their services......but last time I applied I used a Thai agent (out of pure laziness)....all went well total cost 4000 baht.....just so you have a price comparison at least.
  10. Prayut will order the reduction to be achieved................. Problem solved.....next?
  11. It could certainly make a difference to you if a motorbike taxi crew catch you snapping away........555
  12. Oh I see......that is where they are coming from! I assumed they were a new influx from abroad........but that would explain why there seem to be so many 'new' faces suddenly knocking about.
  13. WHAT???.....seriously? Just booked flights and haven't read anything about having a little yellow book????? Did I just miss it?
  14. Call me crazy, but I wonder if the lack of mask-wearing and large sporting/social events in the UK is connected to their 30,000 plus new cases each day?
  15. As long as the advice from the Thai government remains in place ........if Thais, working 10 to 12 hours outside in this climate can wear them, then I feel duty bound to comply as I wander from bar to bar. I am no great fan of masks, but as a foreigner (guest) I think it is only sensible to comply.
  16. Using a football analogy...... Thailand would be in the Premier League (for murder, kidnapping and corruption) and looking for a season treble. The UK would be struggling to stay in the pub Sunday league.
  17. Do we 'need' these for anything in particular?
  18. No shortage of Thai police....over 200,000. UK for comparison has 123,00. The problem is the RTP who, by and large, commit crimes, whereas in the UK the police solve crimes.
  19. I always find the first reading is way high 136/90.........if I take the average of the next three it drops to 120/80......very odd.
  20. Not keen on any of the bigger, 'organized' bars. Prefer the smaller, probably illegal, street bars. Hooters strikes me as the worst, if that helps. Soulless.
  21. This is pretty much endemic. I would be more comfortable trying to win 20,000 baht for reporting arrogant Westerners not wearing masks. Four Americans walked into our hotel lobby today....no masks.....the poor guy on the door asked them politely to put masks on. They just laughed at him. Walked from soi 2 to soi 8 and saw another six farangs walking along no masks.
  22. Humans have experimented endlessly to find cures and treatments.........the ones that are generally found to work are called medicines.
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