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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Agree 100%........but many politicians pay little heed to "what is best for the kids". Schools, as you say, have so much more to offer than 'learning'.
  2. Rightwing politicians in particular, must be salivating at the very prospects; reduced costs to the state and an opportunity to get snouts in the trough......as you say....it is coming.
  3. Always thought that.....you can so much done without students......all those crazy schemes management dream up, but tell you, you have to implement them.
  4. ????.........Just invested a chunk in the Polkadot (DOT) Parachain slot auction....so hope things keep moving in the right direction!!!!
  5. Same thing happened to me....but in Germany. Family came round to confess. Their insurance covered the cost of repairs, over 10,000 Euro.........and I received a cheque for 2,500 Euro for any inconvenience I suffered!!!!!!
  6. Maybe the 30g was all he had left out of his original 30kg and it was that that drove him mad......555
  7. I wonder if they've spotted the big gas tank in the middle of the photo????? Could be a clue.
  8. Who was banging on yesterday, telling me that Thailand is "aggressively and successfully pursuing a policy of zero covid".............. still convinced?
  9. As this urgent I guess there no need to put contracts out to tender...........now where have a seen that done?
  10. Frustrating, but chasing them down could end up with you looking at the wrong end of a gun.
  11. 555.......they would have to catch me first. Missed a Wings concert in St Mark's square, 1976......saw the stage being built, but never asked who was playing and left later that day......I think it was free as well......????
  12. It is a rich man's country for sure.......we stayed a couple of weeks near Interlarken, which has lost a lot of its charms (for me at least)......we first went in 1966, heavy snow capped mountains all around, but now starting to rather threadbare in the summer with climate change (I guess).
  13. Had coffee and cake (me and the missus).......Zugersee, Switzerland ........$40.......no meat!!!
  14. Odd isn't it? The original perpetrators suddenly become the victims when some one has the ***** to turn the tables. Some people need to grow a pair.
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