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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Lord Nelson on the beach is serving as it the Eastern Star Golf club.
  2. Will B Good

    W District

    Reminds of how Nana used to be except......... It was full of handsome young hookers and fat foreigners.
  3. Strikes me it might have been better (on sooooooo many levels), not to invite these people in the first place........rather than invite them and but make Thailand so uninviting they don't come.... ................not a good look for the future.
  4. Haven't they just opened up air travel to/from some of the most highly infected countries in the world.......UK for one! Doesn't strike me as being a "very aggressive near zero approach to Covid". Wait on....is this sarcasm?
  5. With winter coming your don't want anything else that is going to obscure the view!!!
  6. Invest in a good water filter system at the same time?
  7. Good article.......could have been written by (m)any of the people who frequently post on TV.
  8. Yes....remember that at the time. Can't believe it was that long ago......where did my life go??????
  9. "Sorry to say that the once great NHS is broken...... Many claim all done purposefully to drive us towards private care!!!
  10. I asked for mine and the were emailed to me.
  11. Yikes! Just paid 92K baht for a Q Suite, Qatar BKK/LHR return.
  12. If ticket prices are down people will be treating themselves to BC.
  13. Did you rush out and go to a bar and night club to celebrate?
  14. The teller just gave a phone and said talk to customer services????......Sat there for 5 minutes listening to Thai rap music and left. Customer care not quite at the same level as some other countries.
  15. "Phuket airport asks to relocate testing on arrival to a small garden shed in the car park"
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