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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I thought the two types were those who hate the English and those that despise the English.
  2. Must remember that....555 Do you have backdrop? Tower of London?
  3. Genuine question.......how do they know where you are?
  4. Absolutely......fortunately I am out of it now, but I keep in touch with few of the "younger" teachers still in state schools and academies.........I know teachers get stick for complaining......but their lives are not happy ones. A few have got out, much to the detriment of the system.......but schools are now set up to have a steady stream of young, wet behind the ears graduates that keep the salary bill down until they see the light, leave and are replaced by new graduates. (It is annoying how the government use the "average salary of teacher" scam.)
  5. https://www.meetup.com/cities/th/bangkok/ I use this for sport (really)
  6. If there are posters on here who you relate to, email them and share phone numbers......you can always block them at a later date....555. You can then Whatsapp (example) either by text or voice only or video link. Just a thought. You can do group chats and calls by the way.
  7. In a UK state school you have little choice, certainly when it comes to those subjects that really 'count'.....Mathematics and English.........your job and mental health depend on 'your' results.
  8. Water parks (if they are open). Lots to choose from,
  9. Works really well with one proviso.......you have to have students who actually want to learn. In 25 years, with average class sizes of about 25, I can only recall a dozens kids who genuinely wanted to learn and were be capable of making progress in a student centered setup.
  10. Going to do an in depth investigation......if and when I get a chance.
  11. Need to wait for the wife to go out and will read up....555
  12. Been here......on and off for 30 years......and still not sure what a soapy is!
  13. Off to the Grand Palace tomorrow morning........I will report back......although I suspect many on here will have been already.
  14. Where 2 doses of a vaccine are required for a full course, you can: mix 2 different types of vaccine from the above list, for example Oxford/AstraZeneca and Moderna have the 2 vaccinations under 2 different approved programmes, for example Australia and Japan, UK and USA, France and Canada https://www.gov.uk/government/news/travel-updatenew-guidance-for-people-vaccinated-under-who-emergency-use-listing-and-under-18s
  15. The owner of a UK company I worked for had A1.......worth a bob or two now I imagine.
  16. That would be novel.........Queen having to stop and show her passport to get to Balmoral........555
  17. Point taken, but WhatsApp, Signal, etc are so much easier to use.
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