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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Don't tell me you could end up in economy and the sweetener is a free of charge change!!!!!
  2. I genuinely believe that is the route being taken. Slow, but sure transformation away from the image they detest, party capital of the planet, to a wholesome, family-friendly holiday location for teetotal millionaires.
  3. Parliament prorogued illegally Manifesto promises broken Judicial reviews to be prevented in future MP's whipped to allow paid lobbying (retrospectively) Sex pest MP allowed to go unpunished.....(can't change the rules retrospectively) Oh! Look over there ...........people taking the knee.... terrible. Someone has pushed over a statue....OMG is this the end of civilisation?
  4. There is little doubt people are slowly waking up to the fact that the whole "woke issue" is a rightwing construction designed to deflect, confuse and divide..........and it is very, very successful in achieving those aims. People have been hoodwinked!
  5. I find this Thai form of leadership very strange. Edicts are issued......stop fires in Chang Mai........no flooding allowed in BKK.......no more illegal crossings..... No plans, no ideas put forward, no suggestions......just do it. NEXT
  6. Yep....my own fault........... half Italian and half Serbian should have been enough of a clue!!!!
  7. Apparently the Thai owner was recorded discussing the insurance policy for his disco...... "You will need fire insurance, burglary insurance and flood insurance" the insurance agent told him. The Thai owner said ......."Fire and burglary fair enough.........but how the **** does anyone start a flood?"
  8. Mmmm......call me crazy, but I would have gone for my new one BEFORE the old expired.
  9. They must be gutted. Expecting Gucci handbags and all they've seized is Roger the the cabin boy and Semen Stains.
  10. Of course it appears thus. The J unta having been banging on about it for months.
  11. -1=ei⎍ Always fascinated me (couldn't find the correct symbol for pi)
  12. Wife is the same....hates it and says all Thais hate it!!!! I have hardly any sense of smell and she continually badgers me to sniff them and admit it is horrible....555
  13. Seems like a no brainer until you realize where you are....555
  14. God forbid. My money runs out at 85, 65 now. It is all in the timing.
  15. Along with the stringent health insurance policies and the steady elimination of bars, clubs the tourists they don't like are slowly being discouraged..........and then the millionaires will come instead ......????
  16. Just thought......these health insurance requirements are becoming a serious filtering mechanism to put off the old and the poor.....all part of the strategy to only have millionaires???
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