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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I would agree with all of that, but the point is Scotland will, by comparison with England, remain cooler and have water to spare. Water wars are coming
  2. Didn't realize people still used Skype!!!
  3. Been telling my kids the that....same goes for Wales and Ireland.......Scotland will be cooler as well, as the earth heats up. Property/land could be a smart long term investment
  4. Just watching the Thai news......guy is assaulting airport staff and smashing up counters with a big metal stand used to make people queue......anyone seen it? Looked on the net and can't see anything. I wonder if he just tested positive?
  5. Only 48% of the population are fully vaccinated........."ourworldindata"....still a way to go.
  6. "People who have been fully vaccinated with Sinovac or Sinopharm in Thailand, as well as with one of the UK’s approved vaccines..........." Kind of implies it counts, but by no means certain???
  7. Centralized, decentralized, rote learning, free learning........no of that really matters. The key to success is parental understanding of the value of education to their own children.........it is parental pressure on children, teachers and the government that have a serious impact. Case in point. Coastal town schools in the UK are grim; results, behavior, attendance.....all poor. The progress and achievement of Chinese kids in those schools is amazing.
  8. Struth......now not heard that for a while......going to work that into some conversations.....cheers.
  9. Don't be telling me that I don't like being told what to do.....I don't like it. For those of you who totally lack any sense of humor....this is a joke!!!!
  10. Any word on mixed vaccinations....sinovac/AZ or have I missed that? Whoops. Edit Does this cover it? "..........as well as with one of the UK’s approved vaccines" Is AZ produced in Thailand approved?
  11. Back to my book on String Theory......it is so much easier to understand than Thai visas.
  12. Damn....and there's me imagining I could fool people into thinking I had flown down to Koh Samui just to take that snap and post it on here......you got me.
  13. Will they all be multimillionaires does anyone know?
  14. That could sound quite appealing to certain sections of the expat community......555
  15. Mannequin was eventually found dumped at the morgue with six plastic bags over its head.........police claim they managed to get a signed confession, but no tea money.
  16. WHAT?? The traffic is the usual BKK traffic, choked as every.....and thronging crowds? Seriously? They must be very quiet, well behaved and no where near any of the places we visit.
  17. Beat me to it...........pool is small, but you do have the Gulf of Thailand 10m away. As hotels go, for that region, we are more than happy to stay there.
  18. So do I...........but the wife has other ideas.
  19. Got two mates booked in for the second week in April......so things are looking up for Thailand.
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