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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. No alcohol, no fireworks, no firecrackers, no lanterns, no fun...........another big draw for the multimillionaire Indian tourists gagging to come here.
  2. Haven't read the thread, but what has this got to do with the police (apart from their income from tea money being severely restricted)? I can see Pattaya being the last place in Thailand getting permission for alcohol sales.......the government don't want the place to exist.......it is putting off all the Indian millionaires from coming here.
  3. I looked at the figures quoted in the BP.......the upshot of which was something like 73% (I think) are still not fully vaccinated. Puts a different gloss on it
  4. At least they live in predominantly Buddhist society so they are not taught by a "Christian" church that sex is a dirty, disgusting activity to be avoided at all cost. That and there are few, if any, Catholic priests
  5. She hopes........she has to complete her "Thailand Pass" first......555
  6. Very serendipitous numbers...................... just as they demand alcohol should be back on the menu????
  7. Am I reading that correctly? It strictly controlled to licensed clinics and hospitals, but he knows it is being used in shops and restaurants?????
  8. Had a three night stay in a cheaper hospital......bit rough around the edges, but.......three nights, all meds, intravenous antibiotics, 5 Ltrs of saline.......£60.....laughing.
  9. Just did a trial run.....got to the second page before it folded....error...see browser console????
  10. Doing that at the moment......hotel has a free bar 1800 to 2000 every night.......only three days in and starting to struggle....got another 27 nights to go!!!
  11. I take it you are not a hypocrite and have not ended up living in another country.......that really would be beyond on the pale!
  12. I think I was her biggest (only?) mistake
  13. I spend ages researching the history/stories behind idioms......fascinating stuff......and well done champ.
  14. Just looked at my cert'....Sinovac June and AZ July.......spotters badge is in the post.
  15. Damn....thought you were going say.....doh!.....just speak to these people. So it is back to "eggs and baskets". I did learn the hard way.......and boy did it hurt......lost £180k a few years ago going large on a share deal.....I still cry at night sometimes.
  16. At the risk of sounding like an idiot (not an uncommon experience for me)......can you insure against.....say.....a stock market crash....or gold bombing etc?
  17. I had my jabs in June, so have been 'safe' since then. I have a notion I would have been seriously peed off if I had died 8 weeks ago waiting for Pfizer.
  18. I've been toying with setting myself a challenge and narrowed it down to.............. understanding string theory or getting a grip of Thai visas. String theory here I come.
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