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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Damp squib at best I am afraid. The initial flurry of activity will be returnees and family visitors in the main.
  2. If there is money to be made they will return.....no doubt whatsoever.
  3. Mmmmm....that is what I expected to happen. I have a suspicion something has gone wrong! Her mother gave her away when she was born to a family in another village, but her Aunties carried out a raid sometime later and snatched her back......need to dig a little deeper. Having said that she has her Thai ID, which I assume must be linked to her birth certificate in someway??? Anyway, thanks for the advice.
  4. At the risk of hi-jacking the thread, what if you do not have an original or copy of your Thai birth certificate? My wife doesn't have hers and has been told by the local Amphoe.......fat chance, please go away.
  5. What gets me is you just walk up in a balaclava and spray paint the lens???? Job done.
  6. They are going to be a big plus when tourists read it in their travel brochure.
  7. To be fair he could be on the right track now that prostitution has been eradicated.
  8. I would agree, although my boss, fit as fiddle, thin as a lat, 52, rode about 100 miles every weekend.......dropped dead in the middle of the pack......they reckon he was 'dead' before his face hit the tarmac.......luck of the draw! Might have died at 42 if not for cycling of course.
  9. In the same boat....transit rules are vague at best. What worries me now is what happens when you land in Doha and you suddenly find you have a fever!!!!! What the hell happens then?
  10. Best advice I heard was from a doctor in the USA...... .......he said the only difference between fat people and thin people is thin people only eat when they are hungry and stop eating as soon as they don't feel hungry!!!
  11. I am sure someone on here explained it is not illegal to own, possess or smoke e-cigarettes, it is only illegal to import and sell them......is that correct? I see people very furtively smoking them for fear of arrest!!
  12. Guilty to a degree. Working all hours, having to entertain (business), the wife is a "feeder", lived in hotels for 5 months......bang up to 90kg. Fought back down to 74kg, got lazy and drifted back up to 82kg......time to get active again.
  13. I was looking at that....good price and direct going out. BUT....... airlines under financial pressure have a tendency to cut back on maintenance costs, which is a bit scary.
  14. Just watched a program on a SA guy who was taken to court (and won) over his diet plan. 100% animal fat and meat......plus water.....nothing else???? He looks a million dollars, slim, fit, sharp. He claims it is the only way to avoid the real killer and remain healthy......the real killer being sugar.
  15. Sorry to milk you......I guess you will transit.......is there anything you need to do to transit without ending up in an administrative nightmare?
  16. Can I be nosey and ask who you are flying with? Did you do much research?
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