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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. With no one pointing are we to be just left trying to guess which was the overturned Triton?
  2. Yes......the notion, for the moment at least, is just a bolt hole to escape the morons with sound systems in the village*....but it could eventually develop into a second home.....555 * Why do people tolerate it???
  3. Not since the curious incident in the night on soi 4......not allowed out, not allowed money.
  4. Wow thanks for that......certainly food for thought. I think will go down the avenue of the fan/battery first off and see how comfortable life is with that set up........looks like a big step up to consider aircon. Cheers.
  5. As a single dad with five teenagers one of my many jobs was to clean the toilets......nobody, nobody was allowed to stand up and pee......and I have never stood up to pee since (except at urinals!!!)
  6. YES......driving up to the toll booth. Look at the wife and say...toll coming up....nothing......do we know how much?......50 baht......then nothing. I want to scream, but know better. Queue up, crawl up to the barrier, open my window......now, only NOW, does she get her purse out and starts looking for money....WT?
  7. Assuming there are plenty of experts on here could I be cheeky and ask a quick question? Looking at building a knock down, but keeping it cheap and simple. Would it be feasible to run a decent sized fan from a solar cell or even a small aircon unit, just for daytime use?
  8. Seriously......it has only been six days?????? What are these people smoking.......the new cannabis laws haven't come into effect yet have they?
  9. I wonder! Does no one in authority look at this and think...mmmm.....do we have a gun problem? Although some on here might say yes.....there simply aren't enough out there.
  10. OMG.......at the tills.....stuff scanned, bags packed.....then opens her big bag, searches for her handbag, opens handbag bag, finds purse......opens purse AND THEN fiddles about looking for small change to pay the exact amount....give me strength......not my wife, the woman in front of me at Villa yesterday.
  11. No need to worry........ it is being closely monitored every minute of every day.
  12. They know, with the possible exception of The Saj and Sunak, they are no-marks and only hold the positions they have because they are sycophants.....the back benches await.
  13. Seriously.......??? So I will be able to grow full strength cannabis and smoke it?......Not that I have a clue how to do that.
  14. Can't be....if you can lie at the dispatch box surely you can lie on this forum?????
  15. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/new-video-reveals-boris-johnson-27144005?utm_source=linkCopy&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar French guy must have hung around to have another go....5555
  16. The very reasons I would love to see him, for my only personal amusement, become PM.
  17. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/every-job-bumbling-boris-johnsons-25925658?utm_source=linkCopy&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar I have to agree....why don't people just accept the facts.
  18. Clicked 'like' based on the first sentence.......need to go back and read properly.
  19. One would then have to question the lawmakers I guess. I am guilty of driving SVR Range Rovers for the last five years......what a sound.....then the 2020 model came out......not quiet, but the sound has gone.....lawmakers!!!
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