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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. YIKES.....I know cataracts have started in my eyes. I asked the optician when will I know I need an operation?.......She said when I cannot see properly even with glasses.
  2. Same as the UK..... When you will not get a refund: You will not get a refund of the application fee if your visa application is unsuccessful..... ........and to add to the pain they will not tell you why your application was unsuccessful.
  3. I would like to think you are correct....but in the UK we have old pit villages and ex-mining communities voting Tory.......so let's wait and see.
  4. Not directly.....they will sub this out to the Russian Tory donors and pay them.
  5. ....and Ireland apparently.....but Putin has issued a new law that somehow gets around this by allowing all foreign registered planes to re-register in Russia...or something like that....beyond my pay grade.
  6. ....and to add to this......many owners are more than happy to encourage a vicious streak in their dogs........it adds to their macho image.
  7. Saw it last night on the news.....one hell of a smack......the one punch kill type. Hollywood has a lot to answer for.
  8. This kind of dog, in particular, should never be off their leads in public and should always wear a collar. The few times I have encountered rottweilers they have come across as vicious and uncontrollable.
  9. Purely anecdotal, but seen a few interviews where Russians claim Putin is almost 'dove like' compared to many older Russians and their desire for Russia to be seen as a dominant force in the world.
  10. I always thought ac electricity was generated as three phase, but domestic supply was only single phase.........is that incorrect?
  11. I was just joshing......I am sure they did the test straight away......although many a true word said in jest!!!
  12. Are you sure the new battery is getting charged? Trying turning your headlights on when this happens and check how bright they are. I would check the alternator is functioning correctly at a reputable garage (if such a thing exists)
  13. I knew only waiting two days before doing his blood test might not be long enough.......someone is going to be in big trouble for this.
  14. Chelation therapy is a treatment primarily used for metal poisoning, but it is also an alternative treatment option for other conditions. It's based on the process of chelation, in which chemicals are used to remove heavy metals and other substances from the body.
  15. Fire destroys sedan at garage in Chonburi, owner escapes with insurance certificate.
  16. I can feel a McEnroe coming on....!!!! https://youtu.be/t0hK1wyrrAU?t=22
  17. Same as the my wife so possible......555 (She has a migraine for the other two weeks).
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