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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. I've seen them check it in my Bangkok Bank book. It has been lifted from something else I have signed, increased in size and then transferred into the bank book. My signature is very inconsistent. Last time she had to show it to me and told me sign the papers like it was in the book....555
  2. Thank God for that.....been wearing a fleece for past two weeks.
  3. Things could cut up rough if the agent is taken out of the loop......that is my impression.
  4. There are about 200,000 of these gangsters, all wandering about in brown suits, in broad daylight.
  5. Interesting perspective....democratic country invaded, innocent civilians murdered, their capital about to be destroyed.........Yes........but what about our tourist numbers.
  6. There are not many in the Thai government who are not a deputy Prime Minister
  7. Slave labour and treated as such......any agreement isn't worth the paper it is written on........stop smuggling people in to Thailand and allow Thais to remain here and earn a decent wage.
  8. With an almost inexhaustible supply of cheap labour brought in/smuggled in, Thais will never be offered a decent wage.........the likes of CP will see to that.
  9. Can you rent these?......might park one next to my neighbour just as a warning.
  10. Just looked online (not the app) and it is much more straight forward and breaks down all the options into things I recognize.....can't get the app to open at the moment????
  11. My thoughts exactly.......however........if he is to be removed from power I doubt the 'people' can achieve it. It might come down to one incredibly brave (or incredibly greedy) individual in his inner circle putting a bullet in his head......Ceaușescu style.
  12. Whoops....meant extensions.....I know 'we all' have the habit of calling them visas rather than extensions.....my bad as the kids say.
  13. You would have to have a heart of stone not feel for them.....poor little puddin's
  14. I faced a similar situation......mine was for extension based on marriage......went for (I think) "Family Reasons". I do recall looking at the list and thinking it was confusing....... why not just list visa types....... When we got there, an hour early, no one asked anything about appointment times. I suspect the system has been designed with little thought as to what happens when people actually pitch up at the IO.....but it does look good as an app at least.....and it works!!!
  15. Just about to start investigating this....so I am interested to follow peoples advice.
  16. Industrial scale dumping of waste at sea.........hard to believe it is cheaper than taking it to a land fill????
  17. Wife......foremost authority on this topic......says one of the men had a heavy bruise on one arm and scratches around his neck!!!! The plot thickens .
  18. Done something similar....plus remained registered with my local GP......even pop in when in the UK and regularly order repeat prescriptions.
  19. Laws, rules etc are irrelevant I am afraid. There is no way you will stop people smoking outside.......and it might be quite unhealthy for you to even try. I'm a non-smoker and always looked forward to sitting outside in the German bars and cafes where we lived........but of course all the smokers sit outside!!!!!
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