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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. NO NO NO...That puts a little red dot on your forehead...and it won't be a bindi!!!
  2. Whatever you do....do not give any indication that you are the one who is bothered or the one who might, potentially, take action. Hang back, see if the Thais sort it out.....(very doubtful).......then get 'clever and nasty' in equal parts. Can't go into details, but I had a similar problem and resolved it without anyone knowing I was the aggrieved party.
  3. That has really upset me....I have no idea why you are being so nasty.....there really is no need.
  4. Funnily enough I've won two weeks on the trot. £5 and £3.50.......not telling the kids!!!!
  5. Interesting.....where is our resident... "People drive better when they are drunk" advocate? Try telling that to this family. How death by dangerous driving is not manslaughter is beyond me (I know the legal arguments...just being rhetorical)
  6. The Iron Lady of UK politics.....may she rust in hell.
  7. They certainly appear to 'know' each other or were at least aware of each other existence. It appears the kathoey raised their hand....possibly to strike first, but in a very effeminate manner.....and the Chinaman went full on in a a fit of rage. If this all occurred because of a simple rejection the Chinaman certainly has issues.......he could be just drunk of course, maybe the rejection was excruciatingly public and he lost face massively....who knows??????
  8. "That man did not try to vye (sic) her services and get rejected. He attacked her knowing her from previously"....truly amazing.....How on Earth do you know all this? Do you also know who will win the US election and this week's lottery numbers?
  9. As always, the right always has plenty of time to regurgitate nonsense, but never has time to support or explain anything. You have lost all credibility righty.
  10. ..........do you have sufficient time to explain to whom you are addressing these remarks?
  11. ....and it's reported many Tory MP's, even though they were voted back in, are considering jumping ship. Freebees few and far between now, no kudos as rump opposition, Farage skewering them at every opportunity.......and more moolah to be made outside parliament.
  12. If they were genuine Haitians surely they be snacking on a puppy or a kitten kebab.....Putin and Trump missed a trick there.
  13. Yes, but that has always been the case in every US presidential election since......let me think....oh? .....Only since 2016????
  14. I'd go Tories are the equivalent of the Dems....Labour, from a US perspective, is just one cigarette paper away from a rock hard, communist dictatorship.
  15. Kemi Badenoch: New Tory Leader “Tories worst nightmare”
  16. Is this to a mirror, just muttered to yourself, aimed at all "lefties" or one particular lefty?
  17. Just read your post.....read mine above if a flat bed is important.
  18. Emirates.....I'm still sulking after booking Q Suites on Qatar for me and SWMBO......only to find..... "Sorry sir, we know you booked and paid for Q Suites, but this aircraft doesn't have them"
  19. Agree....best to keep him tucked away until the lawsuits Trump will file are all done, dusted and rejected.
  20. Haha...very true....technically not mine of course.....but I do get to live free as a consequence.
  21. And who would not recognise one gem of truth in there......'a danger to Democracy' (sic).....of that there is no doubt.
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