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Everything posted by Paris333

  1. The sudden death was caused due of Britain actions and because of it so there is no excuse for his criminal reaction. If Russian civilian has his own wife and British origin civilian reacted by the same way then will we have two deaths for the sake of women "games"? The death is death and only Jury have the first and the last world. British civilian should be send to serve his sentence in Russian prisons like those who are in isolation from terror attach at Crocus Hall Theater and FSB (former KGB) arrest and interogate them. (the British girls in midnight are without winter coat beacuse at the entrance of pubs or clubs if you give to hold some ours your coat then you pay additional ....... €20 -€30......). Manchester City UK Party Girls Nightlife -2023 Dear Thais Royal Police Authority send Britain wise guy to serve his sentense at Russian prisons to "enjoy" his rest of life. Moscow concert hall attack suspects appear in Russian court
  2. Covid-19 billions euros in subsides only brothels received States money in Austria €17 million euros for a Nation of nine (9) Federals of 10 millions Austrians........ Those who did not do injectable gene therapy are not against the Jews nor against elderly Mr.Schwab accusing them of being ... Semitic with all the prepositions for/against/under/over .........MERCY. WE DO NOT SPEAK RUSSIAN BUT American English. A laboratory study showed that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which is present in all vaccines, inactivates p53, promotes the development and spread of cancers, and makes them resistant to chemotherapy. Source: https://www.oncotarget.com/article/28582/text/ Source: www.oncotarget.com/article/28582/text/ A laboratory study showed that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which is present in all vaccines, promotes the development and spread of cancers. Source: (in France language) https://www.brighteon.com/535ca5ef-966e-41e1-83f1-3a8a5cd802f1
  3. I cant figure out your inquiries “in general” about of how foreigners fit in the Thai social hierarchy. You probably mean civilians of hierarchy because for official State we are all written at their “sensitive” point of their body. For civilians Thais I can’t see any differences since we all have one head, two hands, two legs in connection and we inhale the same oxygen. My point is Thai society is similar like many tourists places we have in Greece Athens -Santorini (I have lived in Santorini island for 4 years) or island Rhodes -Kos -Kriti etc The people are very “friendly” if you are a nice woman or girl but if you want to get inside of their society then things are changed because they are very closed repulsive society like Thais although for Greeks marriage is a great almost secret institution. You absolutely can’t break the “rules” as foreigner to get inside and it is general phenomenon you meet in USA because my first cousin have been Professor at Washington DC University since 2000 year but Americans native family cycles whisper to each other that he…..is foreigner and understand him from his voice pronunciation although he has been professor for many years furthermore he travels every year at European Universities in many countries to give lectures -presentations and teach them his subject of study. The sadden point is that you also here that from black community Africa origin and Spaniards population or European citizens in USA. You can realize it if they know you are “plenty money and sound investments” you are a “good boy” and if you are a middle-income foreigner or domestic people you are a “bad guy”.The average common usual phrases….. Discrimination is everywhere don’t be confused because people are friendly ,smiling etc. its like a theater and they use diplomacy word when we say yes actually we mean no etc and if you want pay attention at my assumption that they behave friendly but don’t be confused they are not “your” friends. They have to have their own social narrow cycles avoiding narrow relationships with foreigners and they may be are right at some points of their assumptions because unfortunately nowadays many crimes to locals are committed by foreigners not only in Thai community but also everywhere. In Greece many crimes are committed by illegal immigrants from ….half Africa and rapes by Pakistanis –Indians -Bangladeshians and former east Russian countries -Ukrainians -Georgia etc. If you say something against of illegal foreign migrants then all media are playing against you the same refrain from song : You speak Russia (???) and antisemitic (???). Humorous situation a Greek proverb says that laugh the best those who laugh last!🙃
  4. Accident: Qatar B789 enroute on May 26th 2024, turbulence injures 12 A Qatar Airways Boeing 787-9, registration A7-BHM performing flight QR-18 from Doha (Qatar) to Dublin (Ireland), was enroute at FL360 over Turkey about 2 hours into the flight when the aircraft encountered severe turbulence causing injuries to 6 passengers and 6 crew. The aircraft continued to Dublin for a safe landing about 5 hours later. 12 people were treated at the airport, 8 of them were taken to hospitals. The airport reported 6 passengers and 6 crew needed to be treated at the airport and 8 of the injured were taken to hospitals after the aircraft had encountered turbulence over Turkey. Passengers reported food service was just in progress when the turbulence hit. Flight attendants were thrown against the ceiling, food went everywhere. Some flight attendants had scratches in their faces, one lady had her arm in a sling. The aircraft remained on the ground for about 3 hours, then departed for the return flight. Source: https://avherald.com/h?article=5191c544&opt=0 Singapore Airlines Rerun | 12 Injured After Turbulence Hits Qatar Airways Doha-Dublin Flight | G18V Boeing 797 -9 Dreamliner......................
  5. Ι dont know your continent but if you are in European States then the representative΄s car is right due to mandatory Tax Authorities reports every transaction above of €1.000 to be completed be Banking transfer electronically from your IBAN to dealer΄s IBAN account. If you are in Asia I dont know but I suppose it will be the same rules as in E.U States which is secured and you are covered from the Law. My suggestion is to transfer your money from your Bank account electronically IBAN to IBAN but every time a fraction of money in order to avoid to pay stupid money for Banking fees.(in Greek region is €2 for amount of €5.000 and €3 for ammount of €10.000 etc). It is prohibited by the Law of Tax Authorities to pay in cash large amounts of money......except "migrants" from Ukrania -Bangladesh -Pakistan and......half Africa who is "above the stupid law" and the exempt from the obligation........... This is Queen V.D.L (von der Leyen) paradise to trasform "voluntary guests" migrants above the law making local population real immigrants under European apartheid law because tonnes of cocaine -heroin cargo ships arrive in Italy -Albania -Belgium and Greece...... So next time I want to send money I will buy a sandwich to my my friends from Ukrania -Bangladesh - Pakistan and.....half Africa and I will go together at my Bank desk in order immigrant friends to send money above of €1.000 to parcels I bought. If I go myself at my Bank then Banks have the right to check my Bank account for any change or ask me where did you find the money. For migrants and "refuges" Banks do not have the right to ask them any inquiries because it is racial descrimination under racial criminal Law they are......"protected". Einstein: Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe........ President EU Commission Mrs.Ursula von der Leyen message received? Congratulation and she is gynecologist doctor Belgian origin..... Congratulation madam!
  6. Microsoft Windows11 .......are you kidding?🙃 No thanks! I have installed virtual machine at my computer and I test every new application running linux program so if something fails I can delete my whole virtual machine at my pc and install it again. Source: New Windows AI feature takes screenshots of your desktop 'every few seconds' and I can't imagine wanting that https://www.pcgamer.com/software/windows/windows-ai-feature-takes-screenshots-of-your-desktop-every-few-seconds-and-i-cant-imagine-wanting-that/ Why Microsoft wants to take screenshots of your laptop every few seconds https://uk.news.yahoo.com/microsoft-ai-copilot-screenshots-laptop-141641174.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFxrP6HKCsS6Jh_dfl-oyvdzijLb04vhr5mNJHJTg0uGRFIU1mT5rasywQ29EpORrqyxNieHBaI9r5I003ym54CGU-NF2q2mU4SMgtDvCqwTu5RQDh-BcWmP6pliku07cK5dVPo4pOw2GV60JA4Gz27sNhQfwKv7NEM2pTqq6ECw
  7. We must be aware about of the current Global Mickey Mause economy which is calculated in fake figures of individual country economy (not only for Thailand but everwhere by WEF). In corona period all economies output shrink at the bottom and many economies experienced high deficits and high debt furthermore the rate between fraction of your GDP and deficit should not exceed some standards which in EU States is Maastricht Treaty equivalent not above of 60% of GDP. Prime Ministers across the world have received orders from IMF and in EU States additional from European Central Bank (E.C.B) wrongly increasing product prices in order to increase fake their GDP (Gross Domestic Product) so the fraction between Deficit of National Budget to G.D.P not to exceed 60% which false budget data fake decrease your National Debt. Inflation is one of the "tool" of Mickey Mause economy which benefit rich bussinessmen. Τhe States received higher income taxes from VAT (as products price increase then the VAT also is increased.....) in order to give billion euros in benefits to civilians for everything. Another "tool" is I.M.F which fund the wars in order to "burn money" and close "black holes" of countries National Budget because all States budgets run huge deficits...... at their National Budgets. For Thailand Consumer Price Index is 0.85% (measures the overall change in consumer prices based on a representative basket of goods and services over time). Source: https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/Thailand/inflation_monthly/ What’s your personal inflation rate? If your inflation rate is high, there are some things you can do to lower it. Start by focusing on your biggest expenses: energy, housing, fuel and food. These items get divided into 8 categories: Food and Beverage Housing Transportation Apparel Medical care Recreation Education & Communication Other goods & services My inflation rates is very low because I own and rent as landlord my houses -trasportation I have my car driving few km everyday - Apparel we have huge discounts in clothes etc -Medical care absolutely - thanks God - (zero) nothing - Recreation very low because I work in two works until 23:00 for 5 days -Education & Communication very very low approximately nothing -Other good & Services in middle size expenses. Source: How To Calculate Your Personal Inflation Rate https://www.forbes.com/advisor/retirement/personal-inflation-rate/ White Horse - Laid Back 1983
  8. Samitivej Hospital issued its 2nd statement revealing that 27 patients have been discharged and returned home, while 58 remain hospitalized. The hospital reported that on May 21, a total of 84 injured passengers were referred to Samitivej and other hospitals for treatment, while 19 received treatment at the Samitivej Suvarnabhumi Airport clinic – a total of 103 people. As of May 22, 27 patients have completed treatment and been discharged home. Of the remaining injured, 41 are still hospitalized at Samitivej Srinakarin, 15 at Samitivej Sukhumvit, and 2 at Bangkok Hospita Source: https://www.pattayamail.com/thailandnews/27-injured-singapore-airlines-flight-sq321-passengers-discharged-58-still-hospitalized-461315
  9. The captain of the aircraft will have given statement to the investigating authorities of Flight Safety and Ground Office as well as they will have analyzed the flight recorder (orange box) of the aircraft to see the conversation between the crew as well as the speed - angle of attack of the aircraft etc. as well as the update of weather report etc. Certainly Singapore Airlines are responsible for the death of Britain passenger and serious injuries of passengers. Turbolence can increase aiplane speed from 260 knots to ........825 knots........... When Is Turbulence In An Airplane Dangerous? | Curious Pilot Explains #1 Airline Pilot Reveals Tips About Turbulence (You Don't Need to Be Scared) (in 10.000 hours flight he confronted 2 times instances of severe turbolences) Degrees of turbolence Light Moderate Severe Exreme
  10. Generally Asian civilians arent overweight furthermore Asia nutricion dishes have΄nt many fats as it exist in European northern nutricion mainly in Mediteranean region bread and sweets (sugar -salt ). Especially Thai nutricion is excellent if you want to be healthy and fit (Thai spicy shrimp salad dishes etc). When I visit Thailand I always have on my shoulder΄s bag a litter of squeezed 4 limes with water and orange juice furthermore hot weather help overweight people to lose fat. https://www.calculator.net/bmi-calculator.html Thai Shrimp and Mango Salad
  11. Pilot Explains the Science of Turbulence | WSJ Booked
  12. I usually do not wear seat belt in planes except during take off and landing when the red light is blinking in the cabin of the passenders. Its my principles particularly for Thai region I wear my seat belt on the plane after 3 hours departing from Qatar airport and as the plane approaches Thai shores I wear my seat belt and continue my relaxing nap. At my car I always wear my seat belt as well as helmet when I drive my motorcycle in capital of Athens. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Samitivej Hospital' updates on 40 patients from plane crash, still being treated. Dr. Adinan said that the number of injured persons still being treated at Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital is 41 cases, 19 males and 22 females, consisting of 10 British nationals, 9 Australians, 7 Malaysians, 4 Filipinos, United States: 2 cases, New Zealand: 2 cases, Myanmar, Ireland, Israel, South Korea, Singapore🤠, Spain, 1 case per nationality, of which 41 cases have improved and 1 case has been sent home, leaving 40 patients still being treated. Dr. Adinan said that there were 22 cases of spinal and spinal cord injuries, 6 cases of skull and brain injuries, and 13 cases of bone, muscle, and other injuries. The patients had already undergone surgery. 17 cases included 5 cases of cervical spine surgery, 4 cases of thoracic spine surgery, and 8 cases of torn wound repair. The patients received surgery and were treated with supportive care. Source: https://siamrath.co.th/n/538460
  13. Have you try ozonotherapy injections which is official medical act? You will solve temporarly your knee problem but you should make one injection ozon after 3-4 months and it is absolutely safe. Otherwise try bone support high quality vitamins. Personally I suggest you to pay a visit to doctor to examine your medical history for permanent solution otherwise ozon injection for relieve four times per year and it is official medical Act safe.
  14. Airbus330 dive due to jammed camera Mentour pilot describes the incident very impressively: The Strange case of Voyager Flight 333 And something else about the fatal outcome for a traveler. Nowhere does it say that the turbulence resulted in a fatal injury. Just read the right sources: A -30 to +100 meter variation in altitude and a rapid 37 km/h reduction in speed were recorded. The pilots then started a controlled descent from Flight Level 370 to Flight Level 310 -> that's 6000 feet = 2 kilometers lower, but that was intentional to avoid the severe turbulence. Source: Accident: Singapore B773 near Bangkok on May 21st 2024, severe turbulence kills one and injures 85 https://avherald.com/h?article=518e5d47&opt=0
  15. We criticize medical issues from "neutral" position and medical science have many specific procedures and many patient΄s issues. Unless Thailand is reformed from general tourism destination to "medical destination" and this is a flaw and an issue for the already health tourists. it would be better for Thai tourism to be modernized with better tourism services than to develop from an already mature tourism industry into a medical service industry. Escort girls are better than "medical girls" because if you join escort girls you "sleep" healthy and you wake up .....healthier but with medics you dont know if you will be alive "tomorrow".
  16. The Captain of the aircraft is responsible for the aircraft arriving safety at its destination and he is not responsible for the safety of passengers in the cabin. The cabin staff -the flight attendants, are responsible for the safety of the passengers. If you have noticed the flight attendants during taxing of the aircraft make presentation about the safety measures of the passengers during the flight.(how to wear your seat belt -oxygen mask etc). Captain -Officer B -Officer C are all responsible for engines failures and navigation GPS system as well as TICTAS (only receiver radar of civil aviation to avoid collision with other aircafts in the air). The civil aviation aircraft arrive at Suvarnabhumi airport withought any damage and with priority emergensy landing.
  17. Answer to the question please. How much does it cost an implant or teeth extraction in Bangkok? In Greece/Athens I paid my dentist €50 for an implant and teeth extraction.
  18. Singapore Airlines: First picture of man killed on board Boeing 777 which hit severe turbulence Geoffrey Ralph Kitchen, 73, is believed to have been hurled from side-to-side when the plane was struck by treacherous conditions at 37,000ft above the Indian Ocean. The plane, bound for Singapore, had to make an emergency landing at Suvarnabhumi International Airport in Bangkok, Thailand. Source: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/breaking-singapore-airlines-first-picture-32861102?utm_source=mirror_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Mirror+-+Daily+Newsletter_newsletter&utm_content=&utm_term=&ruid=5f84e469-954e-413d-bb25-1bb3cc4fc5d8
  19. Accident: Singapore B773 near Bangkok on May 21st 2024, severe turbulence kills one and injures 37 A Singapore Airlines Boeing 777-300, registration 9V-SWM performing flight SQ-321 from London Heathrow,EN (UK) to Singapore (Singapore) with 211 passengers and 18 crew, was enroute at FL370 about 210nm westnorthwest of Bangkok (Thailand) when the aircraft suffered severe turbulence causing injuries to a number of passengers. The crew descended the aircraft to FL310 and decided to divert to Bangkok where the aircraft landed on runway 19R about 30 minutes later. One passenger was pronounced dead upon arrival, 30 passengers and 7 crew were taken to hospitals. The airline confirmed there had been severe turbulence causing one fatality and injuries on board of flight SQ-321. The airline later reported: "As of 1950hrs Singapore time on 21 May 2024, 18 individuals have been hospitalised. Another 12 are being treated in hospitals." Authorities in Bangkok reported a British citizen (73) on board died as result of a heart attack. Seven people are in critical conditions. 23 other passengers and 7 crew received injuries of varying degrees. According to ADS-B data the speed over ground of the aircraft dropped rapidly by about 20 knots prior to starting the (controlled) descent from FL370 to FL310. The data also reveal the aircraft had experienced an altitude deviation of -100/+300 feet about 350nm westnorthwest of Bangkok while enroute at FL370 over Myanmar about 15 minutes earlier. Source: https://avherald.com/h?article=518e5d47&opt=6144 British man killed by turbulence on London to Singapore flight When the aircraft has high speed and falls into an air gap the Captain reduces the speed of the aircraft in order to reduce the turbulence. The Captain of the aircraft considered whether to increase the speed of the aircraft in order to leave the air gaps quickly while alternatively maintaining the existing flight speed and all of these happens between the Gulf of Thailand and Myanmar region. Another point to take account is that the plane fell 6m/second while landing is 4m/second........and it took 5 minutes to descend around 1800 meters. Incidentally, most injuries occure to those not wearing seatbelt during sudden downward movements of the plane do not occur when they hit the ceiling of the cabin, but rather when they subsequently "land" on armrests and backrests, other passengers or trolleys (serving carts). My inquiry is that: Why don't I have to fasten my seatbelt on the train?
  20. I have official converted in car dealership my car in Greece/Athens from petrol to natural gas and I paid €25 thats it takes me to drive 500 km almost I forgot to refuel it. Very cheap and convenient clean fuel for our pockets .
  21. Its a sudden hit and it may hit tourism because Thailand is considered to be a safe distination for both local and tourist foreigners. I am sure that Royal Thai Police Officers will clarify the act although I dislike Britains.
  22. Migrants have come to EU -US /States to destroy our privelege social system and Thailand is not an exclusion. Very nice decision for Britain couple but what about of health manadatory isnurance and private shcools for baby? Its very difficult to find a job in Britain although I have two of women cousin to Essex but they both migrate to Britain since 2008 year and both have dual citizenship.(they are lecture in University of Essex and Architect) We suffer in European States from influx of migrants Ukraines -Bangladeshians -Pakistanis -Indians - Chinese and.....half Africa brotherhood who move out to Queen V.D.L (von der Leyen) Europe "free meals" social system and local population pay higher taxes for them. Horrible terryfic situation and European States are in debt trap.
  23. Examine 30 million mobile banking accounts "The name does not match the SIM card" and does not show up and will be suspended from use. On May 15, Mr. Prasert Chandraruangthong, Minister of Digital Economy and Society (DE), revealed that at a meeting of the Technology Crime Prevention and Suppression Committee Measures have been issued to block horse accounts by having the NBTC office develop a central platform to link bank account information with mobile service providers' SIM cards. To check the use of mobile banking accounts Must match the registered name of the SIM card. It will start on May 27th and is expected to take approximately 120 days. Source: https://www.dailynews.co.th/news/3436268/
  24. Congratulation one more time to Royal Thai Police Athorities for their success to arrest criminals samurai knights. They act to serve and protect not only Thai civilians but also every foreigner to this excellent and wonderfull Kingdom. Gentlemen congratulation from E.U States!
  25. Since you have no problems with your computer its Youtube problem because in some videos I had have the same problem. (check pc sound by trying to play mp3 in your pc). In addition dont interrupt your pc windows security updates and update your antivirus program everyday manually or automatically for your safety. I had have Win10 problem updates for almost 1 month and I read from official Win10 site that it was microsoft bug problem and it will be solved but I download a program from microsoft reader forum and Win10 update problem is solved. My Win10 everyday makes updates and everyday is "You are up to date".
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