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Everything posted by Paris333

  1. I think that in Thailand in order to open a bank account you should present work permission in Thai region otherwise you are not permitted to open tourist visa because you can use your Bank card in any transaction. I have worked temporarily in Bangkok each year for six months since 2014 until corona holocaust period and I wanted to open Bank account for my salary and the Banks hesitated because I am European foreigner so I drop over to Kuala Lumpur to Malay region and I open a Bank account in a branch of May Bank as well as in Laos. If you are a foreigner from Europe States Thailand banks treat you like criminals and you feel uncomfortable like a victim. But if you are in legal marriage with Thai woman you should not have the same treatment and unacceptable behaviour like me. Otherwise you drop over to Malaysia and Laos and Malays are very -very polite (gentle manner) employees. (moderate Muslims excellent very good people) I am talking about until corona period because from corona period onwards I am affraid to visit Thailand because of possible mandatory medical insurance or check ups although I am healthy no any drugs many decates ago I hate dirt hospitals.
  2. Its very good but focus of how much percentage canabis oil includes your product.There plenty 5%- 15%- 10% -20% -30% and higher depending between quality and .....price. Μany of my friends have bought it at 30% canabis oil ratio for medical treatment and found it is very -very effective. Pay attention at canabis oil ratio depending of your symptoms.Safe product no danger for your health and I am against to any prescription drug for many decates ago but this product is safe and mainly very -very effective.
  3. Apostle of climate change "ecomodernism" with high taxes........the usual fairy tale to commit gains usually......from middle class . Photovoltaics are another tricky "methods" to commit huge profits from unsuspecting citizens and I will explain what I mean. If you want to take official building permit for example 85 sq/m and denote to Athorities that I want to install on the roof photovoltacs then you get building permit not for 85 sq/m but for 100 sq/m. That of course is not for "green planet" scheme but ......to pay higher real estate taxes not for 85 sq/m but for your "gain" for 100 sq/m. We can not destroy our planet as well as to save our planet because hydrocarbon mining multinational companies proceeds in new hydrocarbon mining areas in Arctic and in other areas of the earth that caused ice melt which in turn causes the sea water temperature to be warmer which in turn causes in "El Ninio" phenomenon with huge damages and catastrophic consequensies. The only thing I worry about is Chinese expansionary policy because China have bought back Iran with $400 billions and Iraq with $250 billinons furthermore they want to lay energy pipelines to supply European States with L.N.G from Iran and petroleum from Iraq and these operations lead to hostile consequensies........
  4. When you are tourist in one place others attend you as a tool of their wealth and it doesnt have to do your origin country or arrivals State. Japanese -Taiwanese is the worst people for friendly feelings and it doesnt have to do if you are foreigner because I have already seen that in many tourist places in E.U States or Asian States the same thing exit among Japanese to Japanese or Taiwanese to Twaivanese. Thais and Malays are number one States in freendly feelings furthermore very willing to help you (majority of people). I cant say that for Americans -Canadians or northern European States people because local people in ther neighborhood have received millions migrants from Arabian States aswell as from African and Ukranian States.
  5. You should be very causius when you are going to drink or to buy bag of coffee because the price of coffee in commodities have been increased since....many years ago.... So when a shop offer you "cheap" price of coffee that means they sell you a mix of coffee with cat sh.... and camel sh.... with many other "substances" for "tasty"..... It is usually sold in cheese pie/bread shops as an "offer" take away to attract customers........ Most of coffee shops chain have been bought from "investors" to launder black money usually from heroin/cocaine issuing "receipt" of expenses for locals Authorities. As an employee you are paid in Greek take away coffee "shops" €13.000 - €14.000 yearly with 8 working hours per day five (5) days per week and 5-10 days off during Christmas or Easter furthermore 30 days regular paid leave yearly and bonus ....... Source: https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/coffee Source: https://www.enjoybettercoffee.com/Swiss-Brands-s/558.htm Is it possible quality & at low price?
  6. The entry tax on tourists visiting Thailand again in the news The Tourism Council of Thailand is again lobbying for the government to introduce the 300 baht (US$8) levy on all foreign tourist arrivals. Vice president Surawat Akaraworamat said the income was desperately needed to upgrade tourist sites and monuments, whilst the small amount would not deter the number of international arrivals The 300 baht revenue booster was first mooted in 2018 with cash to be divided between medical insurance for foreign tourists and a renovation fund for popular sites such as leisure parks and some temples. The idea was then shelved during the covid pandemic and then delayed by the change of government after the May 2023 general election. The current prime minister Srettha Thavisin has shown no interest in the proposal, preferring instead to boost international arrivals by reducing visa restrictions for some countries. The tourist insurance issue has been addressed, sort of, by the introduction last January of the Thailand Traveller Safety Scheme which allocates up to one million baht (US$27,000) for the accidental death of a foreign tourist and up to half that amount for medical compensation such as loss of limbs. Negligence or carelessness or participation in illegal or dangerous activities voids the policy which is not available in any case for expats. The scheme ends in August 2024 and there is no public information about claims, successful or otherwise, made to date. Some hospitals claim not to have heard of any policy. The other outstanding issue is the actual collection of the 300 baht, or 150 baht at land borders according to an earlier draft. As the scheme applies only to foreign tourists (not Thais or foreigners with work permits) simply adding the fee to airfares is problematical to say the least. Other ideas have included pre-payment by plastic card or QR code, but the danger of long queues at airports and border crossings remains a real concern. Incoming tourists wanting to pay by cash or needing change or claiming they knew nothing of the 300 baht fee pose a looming reality. Source: https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/the-entry-tax-on-tourists-visiting-thailand-again-in-the-news-459625
  7. The worst thing is that Thailand have both reputation of child prostitution and adults prostitution ..... I got huge problems during my first trip to Thailand in 2010 when I returned back at my home country Greece and I told my friends that I travelled 2 months for my vacations to Thailand. My Greek friends both males and females asked me if "went" with children and I got surpriced feeling guilty because I didnt know what to answer.So in the coming years 2011 -2012 etc I frequently travelled (one or two times per year) to Thailand but I hide it telling that to my friends in order to avoid embarrassing questions. In 2013 I took two of my married friends with their women and kids to see the reality that Thai child prostitution exist as it exist in any other western country in European or American States. I have made many pure friends from Thailand two of them have travelled and accomodated at my house in Athens and the only thing I can tell you is that it is very easy to take a Thai woman outside of Thailand but it extremely difficult almost impossible to put out Thailand from their heart and I admire them. Congratulation ladies because during Greek financial crisis in 2010 and afterwards corona holocaust hundrends of thousand Greeks generation Z millenians (those born between 1981 -1996) as well as new generation (those born 1997 onwards) have quit their home country (800.000) and reside usually in USA and Germany -Belgium -Holland etc joinning millions of Ukranians -Russians - Bangladeshians - Iranians - Indians -Pakistanis in order to enjoy their "american dream" paying the price of exremely high rents and higher cost of life. (€15-€20 /sq/m the rent).
  8. He travelled with high cost airline Etihad in order not to attract Authorities attention .Congratulation to Thai Authorities!
  9. Thailand is suspicious country both in relations between westerners with local population and relations between "professionals" with westerners. On the back door always involved m.o.n.e.y....... Τhai - Ukranians-Russia as well as African origin people are focused in "easy life"and their usual haunds is usually outside of Shopping Centers asking "general questions" and "directions" because foreigners usually westerners are in their "priority list".......
  10. Fake news because Thailand have lower population number and lower prostitution population number at the same time we have USA first country in prostitution furthermore its very common "situation" to ....pay for sex and Holland have the higher murders number of prostitution than any other country.... and Holland o.f.f.i.c.i.a.l.l.y have political Party of pedophiles .......and Dutch people audacy is that they accused Thailand underdeveloped prostitution Nation and .....pedophillia. Sure they are kidding us! Besides of that we should estimate than during corona fairy tale Austria was the first country in brothel subsidies arount €35.000.000 for brothels and strip "shows". I have Austria news if someone wants official fund figures ........(it is in Germany language) Can you estimate Austria brothel subsidies for one sex worker (hypothetically €1.000) ......how many m.i.l.l.i.o.n.s subsidize? And we are talking about Thailand prostitution at the same time where in European States prostitution its something common among population (mainly Ukranians -Russians -and Muslim immigrants). I am absolutely sure that Thailand prostitution reputation is Chinese international game to attract Chinese enterprice tourists globally and to hide Thailand monumental history and legacy. Nothing more and nothing less. Its unacceptable and organized crime against Thailand population the "legacy" prostitution reputation something about of negerian mafia which act in Hamburg Germany.
  11. I have no idea about him although Thailand reputation can not be damaged from a foreigners post or videos. But if Police Authorites announced that he violeted Thai law I have no reason to believe his videos commets because every foreigner ought to obey Thai rules and the fact that he is foreigner in one step forward to be more sensible about of his social behaviour and stance. Deport to.....Rwanda.............!!! Source:Britain sends first voluntary asylum seeker to Rwanda, report says https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/05/01/world/politics/uk-voluntary-asylum-seeker-rwanda/ This is Thai internal affairs and you are in foreign teritorry criticized Thai internal social affairs insulting institutions and implemented policy and congratulation one more time to Thai Authorities for their immediate reaction to supervise any commets in media and I am not Thai but from Greece/Athens.
  12. First try to take vitamins Magnesium taurate -vitamin B and B12 with liposomal tumeric and Muruna oil. You have neurologic problem and cortison is very strong drug which may create you problems in your bones because cortisone dissolves calcium in the body. Υοu surely will have problems in your bones and maybe the doctor for this reason cancel it. It is excellent very strong drug but it creates more problems for long time use. If you are over on thirties avoid cortisone and for this reason the doctor change his/her prescription.
  13. It may be just for Bank΄s clarification for your own security and exchange commission furthermore who will pay the commission between sender and receiver or half to half commission. Dont worry its Bank΄s internal affairs and I am sure you have had from menu option to choose it. I almost every semester send euro remittance in other E.U country to buy vitamins and the Bank send me at my phone double security code in order to activate the bank order.No problem !
  14. Pay attention in your oximeter indicator because when you measured and oximeter indicator shows you 85% oxyzen it doenst mean that your have 15% dioxide in your blood. In order to measure dioxide there is another specific measure for it and it shows you the exact amount in your artery dioxide. You surely suffer from cardiac problem (maybe atrial fibrillation) so it is recommented to go to get doctor advice for new brand of oxygen sypply device. I am not doctor or any other medic profession but unfortunately I know very well cardiac -lungs inhale problem . I have had my mother who suffers many years and I read many medics booklets online asking doctor - nutriologists to give my mother liposomal vitamins (glutahione -taurine - and magnesium taurate -C - liposomal turmeric) to clean up her lungs. She recovered very quickly and during first months she wears oxygen mask 10 hours per day and after few months we forget it she recovered and she is in perfect condition (oxygen 97% -blood pressure 7 -12.5- pulce 70-80). We transfer oxygen divice bipap to the closets many years but I have had her in strict "military" nutricion daily program with anagenitic medic vitamins in diffrent forms and muruna oil lemon taste. So in colaboration with doctor asking questions all things will be solved .......dont forget your doctor you will regret it. Ηeart -liver -lungs is together in one place of our body and you can estimate their dimension if you close your fingers like a punch this will be the dimensions of your heart -lungs -liver.
  15. Althought its hard enouth to figure out your inquiry the only thing someone can focus is that English is l.a.n.g.u.a.g.e and American -Australian -New Zealand etc (speaking English countries) are used d.i.a.l.e.c.t based in English form. This means that many Americans use English language but there are huge differencies in what form they use it in many States. Language vs Dialect: What You Need to Know
  16. Do not seek medical advice from strangers and ignorant but pay a visit to a doctor or pharmacist clerk to check out first your electronic meter if it works properly and second to measure your body glucose level using another electronic meter. (it may need electronic adjustment or batteries replacement) Something may work excellent for "me" it may be fatal for "you". Electronic engineers and programmers are specialists for our computer and the doctor is specialist for our health status and it doesnt have to do if you or anyone have middle or serious health problem so do not stick in adjectives but in nouns problem.... Friendly do not ask to solve "online" any medical issue for your safety your will regret it. I am unvaccinated and I haven΄t taken any prescription drugs since 25-30 years ago furthermore I hate dirty hospitals but all of these things is for my own and not for others . In other words I am "doctor" only for myself because I know my strengths and not for others except to give some advice in weekly nutricion program and anagenitic medics with vitamins. I know to write you liposomals vitamin to reduce immediately your increased glucuse level but this way its not right because your will temporarly solve the symptom and not the.....problem which it will exist. Again I friendly repeat do not ask to solve "online" any medical issue for your safety your will regret it.
  17. You can't drink and drive and when you drink then don't drive. Αlthough I don΄t drink alchool but only Campari Lemon soda ! A Greek proverb says that: The madman saw the drunken man and was afraid...........you are a willful criminal when you know you are going to drink and you take car΄s key to drive. I had bad experiences at Greek Santorini island where I worked for many years when I was drunk with my girlfriends from Germany or Sweden and England I drove my sport expensive car BMW from capital Fira to Oia. I was driving on a road next to 1km cliffs and the next morning when I woke up with my girlfriends on my bed I couldnt remember who.....brings me to the houses where my girlfriends lived. I gave a promise to myself and stopped drinking and have kept that promise to myself ever since.
  18. I have already written you at 322 post of the current thematologio to stay in Greece half months and the rest months of the year in Thailand in order to avoid UK frozen pension "policy". This is from todays news from CEO magazine Rank Country Score 1 Thailand 72.15 2 Greece 67.22 3 Indonesia 65.15 4 Portugal 64.32 Source: https://ceoworld.biz/2024/04/15/worlds-best-countries-to-visit-in-your-lifetime-2024/#google_vignette I know many Britains pensioners at their early of 50s who came to live in Greece permanently during my last visit in Kalamata town which is 300 km from Athens (it takes 2,30 hours by car to go from Athens). They have bought village house 5-7 km from the sea and the house is 120 sq/m .They bought old traditional style vilage houses at the price of €50.000 and the cost of renovation was around €25.000 to €30.000 including swimming pool and big garden. The land of houses is 500 sq/m and they live a pure quality life at Greek village so....they do not want to hear again for Britain. Unfortunately I am little jealeus because I have lived in Kalamata for 7 years and I had worked at Kalamata International airport furthermore I know very well surounding villages and I can΄t go because I have my job and my house in Athens. I am frequent traveler in Thailand since 2010 except the last 2 years because of "corona" so I am unvaccinated and I do not trust medical funding mafia in Thailand and at my home country Greece because many cemeteries are full of vaccinated people due to of "sudden deaths" at their early of 50s or 60s and thanks God I am healthy no prescription drugs or hospital visits since 30 years ago. So if Thailand cant help you to avoid your frozen U.K pension "policy" you are well come in Greece as thousands of your compatriots did since many decates ago. I wish you every success in either of your choice for permanent stay and be relaxed -chill out and do not disturb yourself!
  19. Unfreezing the State Pension The State Pension is increased to the current rate for any expat returning to the UK from a country where the payment is frozen. Countries where the UK State Pension is uprated Below is a list of countries that the UK government pay an increased state pension yearly: Austria Barbados Belgium Bermuda Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Chile Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Guernsey Gibraltar) Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Kosovo Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Mauritius Montenegro Netherlands North Macedonia Norway Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey USA These countries are European Economic Area and Switzerland and countries that have a social security agreement with the UK that allows for cost of living increases. The USA agreement covers American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands Source: https://www.iexpats.com/claim-uk-state-pension-expat-retired-overseas/#h-frozen-expat-state-pension-payments So you do not live in European criminal financial gangsters area and for this reason U.K frozen your uprate pension. I have worked in many countries of European criminal financial gangsters area and in Thailand - Malaysia and I advice you to live half months of the year in Bulgaria -Romania or Greece and the rest of months in Thailand. In the coming few years Bulgaria will be number one country in industrial production in Europe but the first country will hit the roof in development and investments will be Romania and third country in services development will be Greece. 1.👉 Romania boom number one in development and investments 👈 2.👉 Bulgaria boom in industrial production 👈 3.👉 Greece boom in services development and hydrocarbon extraction. 👈
  20. International Consortium of British Pensioners This paper’s primary purpose is to provide CHOGM delegates an overview of the plight of Britain’s Second Class Pensioners who having decided to live overseas during their retirement, find that their Basic State Pensions are “frozen” by the British government based solely upon where they have decided to live. Over 12,500,000 people receive the basic British State pension. ALL of them contributed similarly to that pension through their compulsory National Insurance Contributions (NICs). The amount of pension they initially received, when reaching pension age, was directly proportional to the number of years for which they paid those Contributions. Of those 12+ million pensioners, more than 1 million now live outside the UK – Overseas! Over half of that 1+ million receive the same annual uprating as the pensioners still living in the UK, just as though they never left Britain. They live in places like the EEA, USA, the Philippines, Israel, Bosnia, Turkey etc and the Commonwealth’s Cyprus, Jamaica, Barbados, and Mauritius. The other 550,000+, over 95% of whom live in Commonwealth countries like Australia,Canada, South Africa, Trinidad, India, Nigeria etc, do not receive any increases – EVER! Their pensions are permanently frozen at the level at which they first received them in their present country of residence, solely because of where they have chosen to live in retirement. Source: https://www.narpo.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/International-Consortium-of-British-Pensioners-overview-of-pension-freeze-issue-for-British-Pensionsers-living-abroad.pdf
  21. Inflation - Deflation and Shrink -flation concequencies. Oil prices are not a cause of inflation but a consequence. Prices increase as more units of the currency used to denominate the commodity shift to relatively scarce assets. Therefore, oil prices do not cause inflation, they are one of the signals of currency debasement. Furthermore, if oil prices caused inflation, we would go from inflation to deflation quickly, not from elevated inflation to slower price increases The only real cause of inflation is government spending. While banks can generate money -credit- through lending, they rely on projects and investments to support these loans. Banks cannot create money to bail themselves out. No financial entity would go bankrupt then. In fact, banks’ largest asset imbalance comes from lending at rates below the cost of risk and having government loans and bonds as “no-risk” investments, two things that are imposed by regulation, law, and central bank planning. Meanwhile, the state does issue more currency to disguise its fiscal imbalances and bail itself out, using regulation, legislation, and coercion to impose the use of its own form of money. And we are heading now central Banks are wrong about rate cuts at the same time you have high inflation although governments when they refer to hight -middle -low inflation actually mean c.o.r.e inflation!
  22. Russia is in Europe territory and as westerners have the same rude behaviour agianst civilians from other continents. American civilians are rude and make discriminations against Asian civilians. Medical staf concentrate the anger and bad mood created from corona period "guidance" .....
  23. Thailand Authorities is only responsible for implementing almost mandatory health insurance for medical mafia and westerners are afraid to "burn money" for useless things to prove that they are healthy. Any foreigner who is to be hospitalized for serious injuries in Thailand must be involved the home embassy for repatriation. Thai medical mafia have cause huge damage in Thais reputation and I am talking about of my own I affraid medical mafia because thanks God I am healthy many years and of cource unvaccinated furthermore I have not take any medical drugs for the last 25 years as well as hopsital "accomodation" for any reason and I hate hospitals. We experinence the dictactorship of white shirts with mandatory taking injections. As everyone we want to live a quite life away from any "guidance" for mandatory drugs and we do not want to play our life russian roulette following the "guidance" of medical mafia cartel. All these things created a "sick environment" for every activity and I do not ommit finacial depression and dismissals of workers.
  24. First when we are in a foreign country we respect the rules and Authorities because we are visitors which in China is not to insult communist manifesto Party a "mixed" of socialism with chinese "characteristics". Second in Thailand is to respect the King of Thailand who is also religious leader and Royal Family as well as Authorities. Third in internet applications there are limits with some applications but you can "skip" the limits when you use VPN free provider as I do in order to download with torrent applications for my pc and to see porno movies because in Europe is a mixed of religious Evaggelical "Christians" with Protenstant -Catholic -Jahovah witnesss and it doesnt include Muslims Sehta civilians .....
  25. Amsterdam opts for 30 kilometers per hour in the city A city with safer traffic The effects of a lower speed on traffic safety: Collisions have less impact; Motorists have a wider field of view; There is more time to react; The braking distance is reduced considerably. Source: https://bikecity.amsterdam.nl/en/amsterdam-opts-for-30-kilometers-per-hour-in-the-city/ In highways we can decrease speed limit from 130km to 80km in order to reduse car emissions and safety.
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