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Everything posted by Paris333

  1. Since you are under prescription heart drugs from your doctor it is recommented to buy all of them o.f.f.i.c.i.a.l from your country at any quantity for your estimate period. Trust noone in foreign places and above all dont "replace" them with other synonym brands in foreign country because it may be fatal for your safety. Prescription drugs in any country are sold in different dosage quantities (mg or μg) and active substance of the medicinal product and you may be involved in troubles. Always have with you your doctor's prescription from your country and show it if Authorities ask you for it at the airport. You have priority as a patient with heart disease not to wait in quenes at any immigration office as well as to carry your prescription heart drugs notifying anyone may ask you for "checks" that you suffer from cardiac desease. I don't want to scare you, but write your name and your medication as well as your blood type in a piece of paper in Thai language for any case and for your safety. The collateral "details" may be useful to you.
  2. Very usufull article for unacceptable Thai hospital policy that descriminate foreigners......... The treatment costs are now set at different levels for various groups: 1.Thai nationals 2.Foreigners from neighbouring countries 3.Working foreigners holding non-immigrant visas 4.Tourists and retirees. (??????????) Source: https://www.pacificprime.co.th/blog/dual-pricing-at-thai-public-hospitals-and-the-implications-on-foreigners/ Thai liberal "quality" medical junda or mafia "cartel"? Congratulation bravo "ladies" and few "jentlemen" it reminds me colombian "cartel" and nigerian "mafia" .....practices!
  3. Open admission rates 'National Parks' across the country adjust to new regulations, starting June 7, 2022. Source: http://news.dnp.go.th/news/17112
  4. Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport to install new Automatic Channel for passport screening system and equipment Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) has scheduled the installation of a new Automatic Channel for passport screening system and equipment to replace the existing model. Some of the conventional passport control counters with immigration officers on duty will also be changed to automatic channels in order to increase the flexibility and speed of BKK’s passport checking service. The first phase of the installation operations will take place at the international departure passport control area Zone 2 on the west side of the 4th floor of the Passenger Terminal Building, resulting in the closure of some areas from May 15 to June 4. BKK apologizes for any inconvenience caused during this time and requests passengers departing on international flights to arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before the their scheduled departure time. For more information, please call the AOT Contact Center at 1722, available 24 hours a day. (PRD) Source: https://www.pattayamail.com/thailandnews/bangkok-suvarnabhumi-airport-to-install-new-automatic-channel-for-passport-screening-system-and-equipment-460546
  5. First pay a visit to your Bank and issue secondary Bank card from your main deposit account in order to secure your wealth in case you lost or scam your payment card. If you want money in your secondary Bank card you can tranfer them online from your Bank account. Do not use your main deposit account card in groceries stories for your safety. Germany - Austria cash payments at 71% and 79% respectively (it is in German language) Cash is considered a safe store of value, especially in times of crisis, and the demand for coins and banknotes usually increases dramatically. This was initially the case at the beginning of the coronavirus crisis in the spring of 2020, but in the end electronic forms of payment were the clear winners. Finally, during the lockdown, transactions moved online, where they could not be done with cash. In addition, cash has fallen into disrepute as a spreader of viruses during the pandemic - wrongly, by the way, as studies by the European Central Bank (ECB) have shown. The result is particularly clear in Germany, where last year 71% percent of respondents said that coins and notes were the most frequently used payment method, which is five percentage points more than in 2021. The trend is clearer in Austria, where rates rose to 79% percent. Source:(it is in German language) https://www.bearingpoint.com/de-de/ueber-uns/pressemitteilungen-und-medienberichte/pressemitteilungen/umfrage-bargeld-wird-in-deutschland-und-oesterreich-wieder-haeufiger-genutzt/
  6. Sativa cannabis is native to warmer, tropical climates and grows naturally in Thailand, Vietnam, Colombia, Mexico and even parts of Africa. In order to cope with long, hot and humid summers, Sativa plants adapt and grow taller, have longer branches and produce looser buds and narrower leaves Indica plants, on the other hand, come from cooler, drier, and more mountainous regions like Nepal, India, and other nearby regions where summers are cooler and shorter. To cope with these conditions, Cannabis indica developed shorter flowering times and denser foliage and buds. Thanks to their shorter stature and shorter flowering phase, Indica plants are ideal for growing indoors Source: (on the right corner of the screen change the language) https://www.royalqueenseeds.gr/blog-poia-einai-i-diafora-metaxy-tis-kannavis-sativa-kai-tis-kannavis-indica-n49
  7. We enjoy our freedom and knowledge reading the right site of social media and we have already experienced that in corona period . Those who did not do injectable gene therapy are not against Jews nor against elderly Mr.Schwab accuse them of being ... Semitic with all the prepositions for/against/against/over .........MERCY. WE DO NOT SPEAK RUSSIAN BUT American English Do you beleive that this doctors post is fake news at the time where they refer : Laboratory study showed that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which is present in all vaccines, inactivates p53, promotes the development and spread of cancers, and makes them resistant to chemotherapy Source: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.04.12.589252v1.full and here : Source: https://www.oncotarget.com/article/28582/text/ If you think that all of them are "fakes" then you should inquiry yourself why all doctors have their women -daughters -boys unvaccinated and their "suggestions" are only for you and me although I am unvaccinated and no any prescription drugs since 20 plus years ago? If you read .....Instangram -Twitter and Tiktok .......then you are responsible to "play" with Russian -Ukranians girls.......who wish to find online their "sugar daddies" seeking money. I am sorry stay away from me such assumptions! Certainly many sites usually based in Brazil -Argentina - Africa continent are scammed for on line purchases and Interpol publish every week many reports as well as smartphone suspicious messages which they ask you to give personal details with your Bank account........Do not answer and delete them otherwise you will be in trouble. Finally internet sites offer us many usufull informations to expand our knowledge in many fields of study for instance online education free programs etc. Last year I accidentally met in facebook a pilot whom I exchanged some informations about of pilot training programs and our ideas fit right so we exchange our phone numbers viber and afterwards in the coming months we continue to communicate and he finally gave me some usufull informations to find cheapest tickets as well as to call him for cheap intercontinental flights......usually in Asia..... In another contact in facebook I found a nutriciologist woman from Saudi Arabia (very nice remarkable person) who give me advice and monthly nutricion program for any case (to lose weight or to gain muscles) and told me to avoid "whites" in food as salt -sugar -milk -icecreams etc. All of these mean the same thing that our choices are our life whether is our daily life or our "on line" life!
  8. Legally you are not responsible for motorcycle accident since your bag accidentally drop from your hands. Motorists should drive fast on street where many cars or motorcycles stop with alarm. Instead of your bag if you hold a child and motorist hit it .....then will be reasponsible the child? Since your motorcycle taxi stops on street then other drivers ought to drive carefully and.....slowly when the pass by pedistrian. Don't make positive accident report to the police because the motorcycle driver will seek you money for his injury (insurance measures).You didnt hit him with your bag but the bag dropped from your hand and he didnt see the bag on street and he fell off on street.
  9. Demand for real estate in tourist cities outpaces Bangkok Tourist-favored destinations such as Phuket, Pattaya, and Hua Hin are witnessing a surge in demand, overshadowing the capital city of Bangkok. Investments in these coastal cities have reached a substantial 56.6 billion baht, signaling a robust upward trend that is reshaping the market landscape. “In recent months, we have seen a paradigm shift with the volume of new condominium sales and overall development value in Phuket and Pattaya exceeding that of Bangkok for the first time in a decade,” said Mr. Thaweewong. This trend is largely driven by major developers from Bangkok👈 and prominent local entities 👈initiating numerous high-stakes projects, which are attracting a significant amount of foreign investment, particularly from Russian buyers.👈 Source: May 13, 2024👈 https://www.huahintoday.com/hua-hin-news/demand-for-real-estate-in-tourist-cities-outpaces-bangkok/ Its already an overpriced area ........think it over again to buy and give priority to your financial security!
  10. Visa-free travel for Thais to Europe still faces an uphill battle Srettha Thavisin and Emmanuel Macron, the premiers of Thailand and France, have made no secret of💗 👉their desire to extend “freedom” into the visa world too.👈💗 Although detail is lacking 💗👉 the general idea is to allow EU citizens into Thailand visa-free and payment-free for 90 days as opposed to the current 30 days. 👈 💗This is sort-off the current agreement between Russia and Thailand, howbeit with some ambiguity about whether the three months’ stay permits business activity as well as beach holidays.💗💗💗 The Thai prime minister does not seem over-concerned about recent cases of visa abuse and fraud, putting his faith in new technology and AI to identify and deport unwelcome guests. Source: https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/visa-free-travel-for-thais-to-europe-still-faces-an-uphill-battle-460380
  11. What about of European Passport holders to Thailand Mrs Queen V.D.L (currupted Ursula von der Leyen President of E.U Commission). On 9 June 2024 European apartheid run for general elections in European Parliament ....... Congratulations "gentlemen" and "ladies"!!! 65-year-old Ursula von der Leyen is dangerous woman and remove her from the Community Affairs of the European Union Source: https://www.politico.eu/article/ursula-von-der-leyen-second-term-european-commission-president/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=alert&utm_campaign=Ursula von der Leyen announces bid for 2nd term The current MEPs number is 750 members since the EU's Lisbon Treaty in 2009, the heads of the EU Commission are elected by the European Parliament in a multi-stage process with direct election by a simple majority in plenary. MPs are voting on a proposal by the 27 heads of state and government that includes a wider "staff package" coordinated between party families and states. In the second half of 2024, not only the 27 EU Commissioners (including von der Leyen) will have to be replaced, but also the EU Foreign Policy Representative Presidents of the Parliament and the European Council and, incidentally, a new Secretary General of NATO Dangerous woman remove her from EU Community Affairs European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has been sued for negotiating secret contracts with pharmaceutical giant Pfizer to supply Covid vaccines without a mandate. These vaccines are rotting now, but the payment is still due - by the end of 2026. Source: https://www.cicero.de/innenpolitik/ursula-von-der-leyen-und-der-pfizer-deal-grosster-korruptionsskandal-in-der-geschichte
  12. Sricsir Thanks for answering my inquries but the only thing I can figure it out is that if you impose sactions to China -Russia then indirectly impose tarrifs in your civilians. For example I want to buy a good made in China in Europe apartheid then when the parcel arrive in custom office at the airport the Tax office add 24% VAT + the price difference between the country of production and internal market price of European apartheid. When you impose sactions against Russia L.N.G then indirectly you increase all the prices of your sales products in your internal market furthermore you should be at least stupid when you impose sactions in Russian L.N.G natural gas and at the same time you import from U.S.A / Luissiana and Baltimore oil and L.N.G natural gas in double price. European apartheid do not have domestic production of L.N.G and oil resources and they import L.N.G from Qatar -Norway and 50% from Russia -U.S.A market. The only country in European apartheid that have huge hydrocarbon deposits is Greece where both U.S.A and Russia don't let Greece to procced in hydrocarbon mining for obvious reasons because both U.S.A -Russia sell L.N.G natural gas in higher prices ....... European apartheid of Queen V.D.L (corrupted Ursula von der Leyen President of E.U Commission).
  13. In Thailand you live alone and I don't understand why do you want to buy an apartment? Rents are cheap and in my opinion you should rather rent than buying an apartment or studio furthermore do not spend your money on overpriced Chinese apartment projects. You refered Pattaya region and even though I have been traveling in Thai since 2010, I have only been one time in Pattaya and I stayed......three hours..... Save your money in your deposit account or in gold /gold sovereign coins to secure your wealth and do not "search" for "investments" in times all the world tight their belt to save money. Since you are foreigner in Thailand, I don't see the reason why you are looking for to buy property when indeed Thailand is dangerous country to buy real estate: 1. The real estate is overpriced and usually belongs to Chinese - Russia- Ukranians or Australians -Germans -Britain "golden boys" who got cuffs from almost zero commercial real estate sales in......America....they want to "make up" for the loss in Uncle Sam investments. 2.Yearly Thailand Real Estate Tax is ......very-very -very l.o.w......... Αre you sure that low real estate tax will exist to be so low? My suggestion is to find to rent in a quiet neighborhood in Pattaya, as I did during my first years of living in Bangkok, and afterwards I "moved" and stayed of my girlfriends houses that I occasionally acquaintance in Bangkok, and I don't mean "professionals".... .but average middle class women. Keep low profile in Thailand for your safety and avoid to talk about money and investments.Trust and invest to yourself financial security.
  14. European economy is a sick economy since all factories have "migrated" to China. After corona period, the European economy is based on fake growth and investment figures. All countries have increased their State Debts and in order to reduce it, they increase the prices of products in their internal market with fake figures that increases the GDP and again with fake data reduce the Debt in accordance with the Maastricht Treaty of the European Union. (debt 60% of GDP) Did you see any development in our internal market except import increase cargo tonnes of cocaines from Colombia cartel? Only brothels which they take billions corona subsidies during corona holocaust and thousand tonnes imports cocaine from Colombia drug cartel and heroin cargo in Albania and I omit illegal immigrants from Ukrain -Bangladesh -Pakistan -Indian and half Africa Continent furthermore European Parliamentarians are accused of corruption and involved in financial scandals which involve European Prosecution Office. Ursula von der Leyen the President of Europe Commission is involved in fraude and corruption scandals. On June 9 Europe have General Elections for new term Parliament!
  15. Its another thing I am legally consent in social behaviour and another thing I consent I have my own responsibility for any criminal activity. I am sure that if the girl has closed her 18s legally is responsible for marriage as well as to have her own driver licence and she doesnt need parents consent. Generally age of consent and legality as human being its a dispute point in many societies for example in Europe you dont need your parents consent to have sex with any adult if you are over 16 but if your age is less than 16 years old then you are untouchable according to the Law even if you proceed for criminal activity. Example if you are on your 14s or 15s or 16s and you make an armed Bank roberry then police Authorities legally do not have any right to touch you because you are minor and Police Athorities call juvenile prosecutor orders and psychologist. I know many minors in Greece/Athens on their 14s-16s who always participate in demonstrations with contract (money) and from the "leader" of demonstartors have orders to burn cars or shops infront of Police Authorities without any arrest. Minors are double side knives in our society "golden boys" for any "job" criminal activity and unfortunately Police officers do not have any right to touch them because first it needs juvenile prosecutor to be notified and Police officers turn their eyes in an another direction leaving criminal activities to continue.
  16. Immigration Bureau of Thailand Suspends Use of TM6 Form for Foreigners The Immigration Bureau of Thailand has temporary suspended foreigners completing TM6 immigration forms when entering Thailand by land or water from April 15 to October 15. Thailand’s lawmakers accepted the suspension on April 9 in response to Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul’s recommendation, ministry spokeswoman Traisuree Taisaranakul said during a press briefing on Friday. Source: https://www.chiangraitimes.com/news/immigration-bureau-of-thailand-suspends-use-of-tm6-form-for-foreigners/
  17. Cambodia have lower average age than Viet-nam it is 27 years and they have the higher airport Tower in their new airport. But the most important distinction point for Thailand is that they offer free visa to civilians from......India and Taiwan.....and not for European civilians. Congratulation "gentleman" from Thai Tourism. Source: Visa waiver extended for tourists from India and Taiwan for another six months https://www.pattayamail.com/thailandnews/visa-waiver-extended-for-tourists-from-india-and-taiwan-for-another-six-months-460027 All tourist destinations take advantage of the winter months in continents such as Europe and America and the summer warm month in Asia. Today I read that total 61 people died in Thailand for the year 2024,from the expremely heat wave while last year 23 people died from the heat.(most in central and northeast region) We do not forget tourism cooperation between Thailand "land of smiles" and "siling coast of Africa" Gambia...... Source: Thailand and The Gambia enhance cooperation on agriculture and tourism https://www.pattayamail.com/thailandnews/thailand-and-the-gambia-enhance-cooperation-on-agriculture-and-tourism-459971
  18. Viet-nam is next Asian country for vacations and business since they have signed in Trade Agreements with European Union. Source: https://policy.trade.ec.europa.eu/eu-trade-relationships-country-and-region/countries-and-regions/vietnam_en#:~:text=The European Union and Vietnam,Council on 30 March 2020. I have bought many parcels from Viet-nam ......made in China mobile......Generally is China trade hub like Hungary -Polland or Romania States in European States in order to avoid custom taxes for China products. If European Union wants to impose sactions to China then they ought to tranfer all European factories from China Federals to European Union internal market. European States have millions illegals migrants to receive adequate training to become skilled workers in many aspects of our internal economy because European clowns are focused to too "green" economy with high taxes which skyrocket inflation creating aspects of a sick economy. Thailand is a high profile matured tourist market and if they want to improve their capacity they ought to abolish all restricted polices for vacationers and it doesnt have to do if you are pensioner with permanent legal residence status or average tourst in temporarly status. 1.You cant open legal Bank account in Thailand if you are foreigner "non golden boys" visa status 2.You have to pay double prices everywhere (except Malls) 3.As European citizen you have to have to pay and be reported almost every month to Immigration Thai Authorities like a criminal at the same time where Thailand accept free visas status from Russians -Ukrains -Tajikistan and other subsaharian underdeveloped African States. All of these mesaures doesnt mean that Kingdom of Thailand will become paradise of illegals usual criminal "tourists" because unfortunately as we have already experienced many criminals travel with no Authorities control from developed Nations like U.S.A -Britain -Australian and some from Eurpean States to Thailand. 4.Last but not at least Thailand in collaboration with individual States Embassies in Bangkok should treat European citizens free of charge or with lower available tarrifs medical treament for Europeans citizens in hospital emergency departments. (we already pay Tbaht300 .....general insurance.......) For longer period medical treatments European patients in collaboration with their home Embassies ought to be tranfered at their home country in order to avoid involved in local medical mafia which defame Thailand reputation. Sincerely from a European citizen .....since 2010 Paris333
  19. I had been an existing customer in Malay region since......2013 or 2014 and I had forgotten and employeees found my tourist account.(passport and they gave me some documents I am the only one owner of my account) So I take Banks registered letter with a typical user name and password. When I returned back I access my account online and I change user name/password and thats it. I am referring during 2017 year because for new accounts 2018 onwards I have no idea furthermore Malay is under European jurisdiction cooperation (ECB board) and I do not send all of my money.(I remembered they had low Banks fees). They have also my mobile phone international number and e-mail so if at anytime I will be notified that my account will be online deactivated I will drop over to withdraw all of my money in cash with official Bank receipt and I will directly invest them in gold Bonds in order to be disappeared from Bank΄s system as many of my friends did. In one hand I have no something to hide from Authorities because I have my legal work and in other hand I hate and I dont like to have my money in European States to feed illegal migrants from Ukrain - African - Bangladeshians -Pakistanis -Indians etc furthermore from Arabian region disperate migrants who found their "american dream" at the expense of idiots Europeans.
  20. Thailand has become number 1 in ASEAN, the country producing the most automobiles. We see progress from Thailand ranks number 1 as the country producing the most cars in Southeast Asia in 2023, and the results of the ranking of the 250 best hospitals in the world for the year 2024 (250 World's Best Hospitals 2024) provide hospitals. Bumrungrad of Thailand Ranked 130th (higher than last year's ranking of 182nd) A spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office revealed the results of a survey of automobile production in Southeast Asian countries organized by the ASEAN Automobile Industry Confederation. It was found that Thailand was ranked number one in car manufacturers in 2023. The number of Thai car productions was 1,841,663 units, with the strong point that the government supports investment. and support an environment suitable for strong investment in the automotive industry and develop the potential and capabilities of Thai skilled workers to be strong and accepted in the eyes of the international community. including transportation factors As a result, Thailand has a production base for leading automobile companies from around the world. Source: https://www.chiangmainews.co.th/social/3275761/
  21. Barcelona is parched — and angry at quenched tourists Yet while a damp April has some brought some relief to the drought-stricken Spanish region — which has been living under rain-starved skies for over three years — the crescendoing tourist season did not. After all, spring is when visitors start spilling into Barcelona’s streets each morning from cruise ships, hotels and Airbnbs — and consuming considerably more of the city’s water than the average resident, threatening to push Barcelona’s water supply to the breaking point. Source: https://www.politico.eu/article/spain-barcelona-tourists-catalonia-anger-rain-water-drought/ If such things happen in Thailand about of water shortage because of thousands tourist presentation (drinking water) what the complains will be? And we are talking about of European region which run European Parliament Election between 6-9 June.....Congratulation to European parliamentarians "tricky" clowns....!!!
  22. Congratulation to Thai Authorities for their promptly response. Thailand FBI will surrender him to American F.B.I.......Does he accuse for "something" in Thai region or in American region he was a bad guy and in Thailand become "good guy"? 🧐 Airlines have no direct access to Security Authorities for wanted criminals when the whole planet is on alert for wanted terrorists......Otherwise how is it possible for a serious criminal to travel from U.S.A to Asia region and passed all check airport points? The usual common "story" pay us your arrival visa and you are a great guy at our territory! Thanks for visiting us.....!!!
  23. oldcpu member Thanks for aswering all my questions I appreciate it but I dont figure it out Banks unwillingness to open tourist Bank account at the time where tourists can tranfer electronically all of their deposit legally. Anyway as I wrote you I open my Bank account in Malay region and in Laos tranfering my money with Revolut transaction in order to make purchases not only in Thai region but also in Malay region. (legal cash receipts) If Authorities announce you "no" in something that means something is wrong criminal at the time you are a legal entity. person.
  24. You are not serious in your claims because my friend gave CBD oil 25% ratio to his 90 year old mother and she is in perfect condition. She previously suffered : 1.Attrial fibrilation (very -very -very serius heart problem in heart valves 1/4) doctors gave her 3-6 months life and she has been in perfect condition since.......8 years ago. 2.High blood pressure 17 and ...23-24 blood pressure 3.She had already udergone three serious surgeries medical implants with titanium screws for her waist and in order to take doctors cardiologist permission the cardiologist told her "ultra high danger operation"......you are going for trouble......and she is o.k.a.y. I havent try CBD oil because I do not need it thanks God I am healthy since many years ago no any prescription drug and of course u.n.v.a.c.c.i.n.a.t.e.d no corona because new studies found: A laboratory study has shown that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which is also present in all vaccines, deactivates p53, promotes the progression and spread of cancers, and makes them resistant to chemotherapy: Source: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.04.12.589252v1.full Source: https://www.oncotarget.com/article/28582/text/ If CBD oil affect you because you are going in.....toilet like magnesium oxide vitamin this is not point for any dispute. The secret is to pay attention in CBD oil quality and not CBD oil lower price because lower price means lower quality.....(the price of CBD oil in Greek region at ratio between 25% -30% varied approximately €20 for 50 ml bottle).
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