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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. One might be accused of being such, for simply asking such a question 🤣 Obviously it's GOD's or Trumps fault.
  2. And that criticism would be ? Never mind, I stopped looking after reading these 3 of your comments below. You sure about that; Knowledge, science & engineering ... that's funny. ... "When the battery explodes like a 500kg bomb "... 😂 ... "Battery tech is messy, dangerous , polluting , corrupt and very very limited lifespan,and range ,, its all a big scam like dieselgate ..." ... "Why would anyone buy ANY electric car , they are all hyped up expensive polluting rubbish and potential time bombs , short life span , cant be repaired , a small dent or accident is a write off if any damage to any part of battery pack, short range, very polluting to mine lithium , they are at best a short term solution," Last one 'Posted April 3' ... so you weren't referring to old tech.
  3. apparently the 'top speed limiters' are still faster than the speed limit. Basically useless. And I doubt most accidents are near top speeds anyway. That's why there are speed limit laws. Speeding & too fast for conditions, would think account for almost all accidents, direct or indirectly. Very few people drive the sped limit, 30-60-90. You'll never fix stupid. I only do 90 kph as top speed most of the time anyway in TH. Except on rare occasions if needing to pass at higher speed, or in one of those very few 120 kph sections of highway, and only do 100-110, then. Few roads are built for 120 kph here, let alone any faster.
  4. Unless having the accident the very first few times driving their EV, can't see how it's the EV's fault, if at ever. The operator of any vehicle, is the problem. From the link ... nuff said: "The high number of accidents has actually nothing to do with the technology, but everything to do with the driving behaviour of the drivers."
  5. I don't know about all that, but if my 20k kms last year were all local, I would have saved ฿54k instead of ฿47.8k baht, since O&A for some 30 days. If the 20k kms were local and had to charge with the grid, I still would have saved ฿40k +/-
  6. Any car could be going that fast, when striking the MB. 0-100 had nothing to do with it.
  7. So, if you eliminate the ignorant people, now enlightened, part of the 27 million on Medicaid, and most of the 40 million, on ACA. Most of those 27 million were probably already on Medicaid, through state/fed welfare system, then more added during Covid, due to loss of income, hitting that 27 mill #. Then how many actually were saved, benefited from ACA ? Not many IMHO 13 ish million of 334 million citizens, so all of <4% of the USA population So who benefited: ... insurance carriers ... private hospital ... big Pharma The tax payer ... not so much. Thanks Obama
  8. All are on my ignore list, so unless quoted (less now), then I don't see none of their drivel.
  9. Then you would fall into the open minded educated folks, instead of someone (troll) being shown a graph on the longevity, cycles of LFP batteries maybe 5X in the thread, then posting on the next page, telling us, for the 6th time, how our battery will need to be replaced in 3 to 5 yrs 🤣 Along with being told, they have an 8 yr warranty 🙄
  10. More laid back here, and much less activity. Pineapples take 2 years to yield fruit. Another 18 months to go Interested to see how the harvesting will be done ...
  11. You missed oil oil 😂 "Also cooking oil is absolutely critical, rice bran, olive or sunflower have relatively high flash points and help to keep your cholesterol levels low."
  12. Why ? Who doesn't like saving money, while driving better performing vehicles. We're just trying to enlighten the anti EV'ers, when they comment their BS on EV threads.
  13. As of 2023, 40 million are enrolled in ACA, which only represents about 12% of the population. Many of those, are enrolled in the Medicaid part of ACA, ( 27 million as of 2021 )which they probably qualified for, but simply didn't know it, until they were forced to have some type of coverage. Since not being able to pay for coverage, then they qualified for Medicaid, with many, already on Medicaid, as part of the HUD state & fed welfare system. Really didn't save the day for many, simply enlightened them. If they showed up at a public hospital prior to ACA, (which never could turn anyone away) they were simply enrolled in Medicaid, since qualifying for . Or services rendered, and put on a payment plan, whether able to pay or not. One of the very few positives of ACA. Other positives: ... can't be denied for pre-existing condition ... can't be cancelled (supposedly) That's about it. Everyone else had their insurance premiums raised, and covers less now, with much higher deductible for basic policy. Overall, healthcare is much more expensive for the other 88% of citizens.
  14. Not sure why there would be no power, but maybe if the Moto Stations weren't mini malls, entertainment centers & hotels, their might be enough juice left over for the chargers .... just a thought: source " Facilities Shops Until 2007, Moto sites had an own-brand shop to sell products to travellers. After a trial of WHSmith at select sites was deemed successful, the brand was rolled out to most Moto sites, with some exceptions (Leeming Bar, Tiverton and Todhills). Also trialled were M&S Foodhalls, which were introduced in 2004 and now feature at most Moto locations. Catering Burger King is at all but two Moto sites (Todhills & Lymm).[a] Costa Coffee operates at all Moto service areas. Greggs is at most Moto service stations. Moto also operates Greggs at four Extra motorway services as well. KFC is available at select larger Moto sites. Krispy Kreme operate stalls at most Moto locations. Pret a Manger is available at busier Moto service areas. West Cornwall Pasty Company now operates where all Upper Crusts used to be, except for Cherwell Valley, Wetherby and Reading Eastbound. Other facilities Barbershops One site, Lymm, features a barbershop. Previously, Toddington and Leigh Delamere sites also opened but have since closed. Betting arcades In 1995, Granada thought that betting arcades would be useful at motorway services: Ladbrokes was the first brand used. Most outlets were closed in 2019. Lucky Coin is Moto's own brand betting arcades. They appear at most sites. Full Hou$e is another Moto brand betting arcade, replacing some outlets of Lucky Coin. &Play is another own brand betting arcade, introduced in 2017. Hotels Most Moto locations have hotels: Travelodge operates at 56 Moto sites. Days Inn is at two Moto sites: Wetherby and Winchester. Winchester Days Inn was opened by Moto but is operated by Welcome Break."
  15. True meat sausages (not hot dogs), then the skin/casing comes off quite easily by simply slicing with a knife and peeling off. Then cook, as I do quite oven, depending what I'm preparing. If I'm making sausage, I never put them in casing, as simply too much hassle and make sausage patties. Wife always seems to use casings for hers. For hot dogs & similar types, it's the chilling during the emulsification process the makes them hard to remove from the casing, before or after cooking. If bothers you that much (the hot dog type), just buy bologna 😂 Do note, some sausages are supposed to be boiled before 'grilled' to render the fat down to a more soluble level. If not, eating can be a bit unpleasant.
  16. As with everything, choose the products you buy and where you plan on living with a bit of research. It's not rocket science. Better research = Happier life
  17. Anyone else envisioning a New Year's party at a nudist resort ?
  18. Was replying to this statement ... emphasis on any possibility of a 'better system'😂 .. "Maybe 2024 election will be the end of the current "2-party system", which has always had people fighting. Maybe a better system is on the horizon." ... Obviously there's been 3rd parties, unless one lives under rock, and didn't know of such things.
  19. 3rd party election results in my lifetime. Insignificant, would be an understatement: source
  20. Very insightful 🤣 "Over the next 24 hours, various regions of the country will experience different weather conditions."
  21. Being a felon is a job requirement for politicians.
  22. That will never happen, since the puppeteers control everything.
  23. Who cares, I don't live there, and didn't vote when I did. Not sure if 'democracy' ever existed. Mind boggling that non-Yanks are obsessed the Trump & USA politics. I'm a firm believer of this statement: "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it" - credited to Mark Twain or not.
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