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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I disagree with you, and more than a few sites that disagree with with your numbers, reserves and time to get mines up & running. Do agree, plenty of lithium, but a bit slow mining it at this time. Even that site is dated, as didn't see the USA reserve listed, largest in the world, recently found. Surely other sites will agree or disagree with us. But we're way off topic. With that .. PEACE OUT
  2. If not for the tax revenues, I would think they'd ban both alcohol & tobacco products. Being the conspiracy nut ... I'm sure it's great profits all around for the sale of, along with lawyers defending idiots & healthcare profits to treat all the ailments from. Grew up with alcoholic & chain smoking parents ... shame for them, and can only imagine how much better for myself & siblings life would have been. They did set a fine example though, and none of us drink much or use tobacco products. My father was dead set against any of us owning a motorcycle while living in his house. As a few of his childhood friends died on them. I myself didn't buy one till 27, since almost killing myself first time I 'tried' to ride one when 19. Thankfully the owner made me wear a helmet, or I definitely wouldn't be here today.
  3. "annual respiratory illness season" ... ... doesn't sound any more scarier than the flu. Nice try though, as surely the ignorant folks will be masking up, thinking it's something new. It's getting embarrassing reading the news any more. By the time the zombie apocalypse hits, you really won't be able to them apart from the non-infected zombies.
  4. Could care less if people wear helmets. They don't respect their life, that's on them. Seeing so many farangs without is a bit surprising, as surely most come from countries where they were probably mandatory. I think their insurance should be voided if not wearing a helmet. If killed in an accident, the striking vehicle driver should not be charged with vehicle death, and should be listed as a suicide.
  5. Don't recall the post either, but lithium is very abundant, but anti EV'er continue to state otherwise. On that thread, the only time seawater is mention is by you. So I can neither confirm nor deny, I ever stated such Let my fingers do some more searching, and check if I'm mistaken. edit: that didn't show any results. You may have me confused with someone else.
  6. Says it all really, as neither strange, rare or unexpected. From the link: ... "An ambulance was called, taking Jamie to the local hospital where physicians there diagnosed a suspected case of Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis (VITT). Their quick thinking helped to save Jamie’s life." ... nuff said
  7. Agree with most of that, but I'm not going to keep repeat posting the same links, over & over, to counter an obvious troll post. If someone asks me for a link or source, especially if it's a common sense thought, then I'll probably simply ignore them, considering the source of the request. If I post or state something, that usually means I know it to be a fact, or researched it prior. I've even posted my personal experience, and been told I'm wrong ... go figure
  8. I'll discuss any topic with anyone. But not repetitive false narratives. Then you're simply trolling, and get ignored. Since I read & replied to this, I reckon you haven't made it to that level yet
  9. When I can trade in points or badges for 'free sh!t', I may actually take notice or care. Badge simply points out, I should probably be doing something else ... ... with that thought
  10. did you stick 800k baht in the back in October ? Money needs to be seasoned for 2 months, I think. If not, stick 800k in the bank, now, and if not long enough for IO, may extend you another 30 or 60 days, till it meets his or her desired time.
  11. 'emerging threats' ... 🤣 Myanmar, Laos, Nam, Cambo, Malaysia ? or the local populace 😎
  12. Anyone else envisioning a New Year's party at a nudist resort ?
  13. impressive ... Won't get you to CM or Phuket, but most of the country should be no problem. ~500 kms range +/-
  14. I don't need no stinking stock photos ... ... mine are better 📷
  15. Have to give that a try (click source forum), see if I'm missing a bit ... thanks
  16. If you enter AN through 'new content', then impossible to avoid the 'pub', which does have an interesting thread, now & then. I'm not going to try to enter each sub forum for content, as that's too annoying.
  17. Good luck finding 'budget' friendly accommodations in tourist areas. Granted I'm restricted at times, as need pet friendly & parking, but prices have gone way up for hotels. Unless well off the beaten tourist track which we are quite often. But visiting the daughter at Krung Thep has become more expensive, as limited options. Of course she has a condo that is NOT pet friendly. Wonder if she's trying to tell me something 😂 And no, I won't put her/dog, in a kennel. Even the ones that say you can pay extra for AC, but they don't use it, as she was shedding like crazy when we picked her up, so they didn't use the AC they charged for. Then have to de-flee/tick her. NO THANKS
  18. They'll love you. I had a open breaker (on grid) set aside for MG wall cable, and of course, he wanted to run his own line instead. Oh well.
  19. As much and a little as 'they' (plural usage) annoying vs entertaining, just like the TV/radio, ignore/change the channel. I'll post occasionally starting of with 'to the title' ... which usually means just that, as poster is probably on my ignore list. Or I peeked, rolled my eyes to the OP, but title might warrant a reply. What is annoying, is the repetitive ignorance/trolling of good info threads; solar & EV threads being prime example. Repetitive stupid comments = trolling, going way being ignorance, and they really should be told to stop it or put on vacation. Though most are ignored of late, and they seem to get bored if nobody replies to them. So slowly self correcting. The forum is a quick read now, with ignore list, and knowing the OP posting, and I seem to be able to go through 8 hrs of posting in 5 minutes, by simply opening the ones that interest me in another tab, and come back to them to reply after ignoring the other 8 hrs of postings 🤣
  20. Thought out thinking vs me, I just showed up, last minute decision, without research. Dive & recon trip, spur of the moment, as SEA wasn't on my radar. Too far and my only considerations at the time were the Americas, as Europe, too expensive and or cold/crap weather. Long week dive trip Phuket Oct 1999, came back Sept 2000 & stayed. Not really planned, but not vested much, so could leave at any time. My life here, being a complete reversal of what I thought it would be, or experienced in the USA. All for the better, except the weather. Instead of half the year hot & humid (Memphis, TN), it's the whole damn year now 😂
  21. to the title ... Stay away from PKK, as I apparently brought my mental illness with me. Been asked or told a few times: ... Are you F'g crazy ? ... You crazy bastard ! ... You ain't right in the head. ... You're F'g nuts.
  22. Obviously we're not suggesting to scrap the grid produced electric, as that's basically impossible ... ... at present. Seriously, any and all rooftops should have solar. Our system could easily supply 1 or even 3 more houses when the sun is out. Or more, if people are working and just the basics need to be on. Daytime grid production needs could be cut in half, since most aren't even home.
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