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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I thought that was 2020, when Dems were crying the election was stolen, or was that 2016, when they again were crying the election was stolen. Oh wait, it was only 2020, because it's Trumps fault, as is everything, in the eyes of some folks. Damn the Anti-Christ OK, Got it 🀣
  2. The defense contractors motto: "Once weapons were manufactured to fight wars, now wars are manufactured to sell weapons”
  3. I was wondering when the anti Yank would appear, and that didn't take long.
  4. I won't revisit a vendor that has 'noise pollution', no matter how good it is. So many people raised without manners these days, with no respect of others. Only defense for some, is they may be a bit older, with hearing issues they don't realize, and don't think it's loud. I fall in that area sometimes at the house, not realizing it, until wife reminds me - "Loud enough ?". Whether having a bad hearing day, or I'm drowning out the tinnitus or is that making it worse 😳
  5. Highly recommend viewing, V for Vendetta
  6. Agree. Also priced in countries where labor cost much more than TH. Chances appear to be pretty slim, when it comes to the need to replace, the whole battery pack vs just a module of 2. Too lazy to source TH sold EVs. Choose wisely when buying. "In the charts below, we show the number of owner-reported battery replacements in the Recurrent community of around 15,000 drivers": source
  7. There is, but most don't want it, as they'd have to start paying their fair share of their income, same as everyone. Rather than taking from those that 'EARNED' more. That part seems to miss the socialist. Keeping what you earn. Here's the equivilent of your tax plan: 2 people work at bakery, get paid half of what they produce: ... #1 bakes 20 pies, earns 10 ... #2 baked 4 pies. earns 2 ... #1 has to give #2 four pies ... now they both have 6 pies to take home Because you want everyone to have the same, whether making the effort or not. You get rich by earning, not waiting for someone to give you theirs. One reason I stopped earning, as paying 40+ percent of your income to taxes, just ain't right. I no longer contribute, so they can't take any more .... guess what part of the population gets hurt by that. hint: not me Keep over taxing the rich, and you WILL run out of other people's money.
  8. That would raise my stress level ... bless her heart. Likes All Bran ... πŸ˜‚ Just got 3 boxes yesterday, trying again for the fiber, and a different digestive issue πŸ™„ Taste just like I remember-cardboard. I add lots of raisins & blueberries for some flavor. Gave some for the wife to taste, facial expression not in approval. Asked "what, you don't like eating carboard?' She cracked up laughing in agreement. Hope she feels better after the scripts run out.
  9. @Lacessit Maybe after talking with her, the doc thought she may be a bit stressed, and possibly causing excess acid in stomach & intestinal discomfort. Which case, they may alleviate that, along with being pain relief & anti inflammatory. Flupentixol Gabapentin Relief of symptoms would indicate, possible correct diagnosis and prescribing of meds. Doc prescribes meds that apparently work, so I'd call that a success, not quackery. IF stress was the doc's thinking, try to figure out what is causing that, may be more productive in preventing repeat symptoms. Though I would have asked what the green ones were, so not to conflict with any meds already being taken. If none taken already, then doc thought it wasn't noteworthy.
  10. Also consider, many of the top 1-5% earners (in USA) are already paying 25-37% income tax, where the bottom 50% of the people are paying 0-15% income tax. Why those who earning the most, 1-5% er or even top 20% earners, would welcome a fair, across the board, 15% income tax. EVERYONE PAYS THE SAME % = FAIR TAX Just because we chose to earn more for US & Family, doesn't mean the lay abouts get to steal it. Want more - Earn more
  11. Posted more than a few times, but worth a repeat, some folks think 2500 cycles is very conservative: Not if only the rest of the car can keep up with the motor & battery longevity 🀣
  12. Here's a few, and probably more out there. Some sites, just list them as Lithium Ion, which is confusing at times, and unless specified 'LFP' many assume it's not. MG ZS 2022 was listed that way, but is actually using LFP chemistry. Actually had a hard time verifying it was LFP, as UK & Au sites/news specified it was, bu not Thai sites. Verified it by reading user manual. (MG ZS EV Long Range (not available in TH), does NOT use LFP) "It's already being used by the MG ZS EV and BYD Atto 3 crossover SUVs, base variants of the Tesla Model 3 sedan, Model Y SUV, and GWM Ora small hatchback. Unlike NMC and NCA, LFP batteries don't contain nickel, cobalt and magnesium, resulting in cheaper manufacturing costs.Feb 19, 2023" edit: noted in reply below ... Ora Good Cat (not 500 version) source "SAIC Motor opens 1st EV battery plant in Thailand" source NETA V ... maybe next year's model will offer LFP batteries source
  13. to the title ... that would depend why you use baht buses, and if you actually chose to.
  14. You're living, so you are living from the dead, whether plant or animal. Just because you're not doing the killing, or hear their anguish while dying doesn't mean they didn't suffer. AND YES ... plants make sounds when in distress, you simply can't hear that frequency. Killing for sport is murder ... eating is simply nature. Feel free to stop anytime you want ... please 😎
  15. Solar System ROI - about 5 years Actually numbers produced vs PEA + EV saving for the past year. Coincides with owning the EV since 30 Oct 2022 Assume driving 20k kms a year 'locally' and charging w/Solar. Should be self explanatory:
  16. More mental than financial. One AN member refers to me as rich quite often, which I counter ... NOT. Just comfy, as 'rich' to me is a whole other level of financial 'freedom', for lack of a better word. Comfy is having just more than enough, and if having a wee bit more than that, really not sure what I'd spend it on, without being frivolous. Probably give most to my daughter, who really doesn't need it, but would appreciate it. Now, rich, that's Powerball winning thoughts, and ability to do anything, anytime, without thought. I'd probably be nomadic, fly around, worldwide, and see all the things I could imagine, spending silly money, to make it as easy and trouble free as possible. Private plane, live out of best hotel, chopper to sites where possible. Private tours of museums. Silly A$$ frivolous stuff, and with some of the Powerball winning #s, still give millions away, to good causes. Now, I'm too lazy and or thrifty to hop on a plane to go to the Louvre in Paris, for a long weekend, or week, as simply dread sitting on a plane that long, even in 1st Class, or the thought of what else I'd do with what a week in Paris or anywhere would cost. That or hop over to Alaska, check out aurora borealis, but in the end, I'd think, that was waste of money, as I could have bought ??? Probably the first 2 things I'd do if hitting the Powerball. I like a good museum or nature. Not much I think I'd actually appreciate, if having to spend 'so much' money to do or see. Too thrifty or CC I guess. I get more enjoyment having lunch or dinner with the daughter or taking the dog for a walk surfside. With that thought .... out of here.
  17. Sad people are still that ignorant of so many things in the 21st Century, with so much info available. His reply is just one ignorant statement after another.
  18. As stated, 'NO option to decline', and why ask signed in members, when in our profile, we already declined to have any email, and other BS. I rarely access the site on phone because of the pop ups, that constant repetitive vid, and see myself soon not bothering with the site on the laptop. Ask once with option to decline. Along with on every new tab opened.
  19. Slow start, but picks up toward the end. Also a fan of 'JC' ... enjoyed 'Person of Interest' Worth a watch if haven't seen the series, and will keep you busy (103 eps)
  20. Our system would cost 3X what it cost us here, back in Philly, PA, USA/Tri-state area. Aside from all the regulations, inspections & permits. That's before Biden's administration added more taxes on imports of everything & anything relating to it. Land of the Free, Home of the Brave ... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Go ask Nanny first ... 😎
  21. Has everything to do with the topic... ...it's a silly poll. Good thing ... Maybe next time someone's pushing something they say is safe and effective and you need or must take it ... they'll think next time.
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