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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. USA, especially the SE gets just as hot & humid as TH, so not sure why you think the calculation wouldn't apply to TH. Copy from a different thread, same topic: "We have a 13k in the bedroom, 23m², and could easily get by with 9k BTU unit. House good build material, insulated block & roof/ceiling. Actually gets damn chilly. We have the 13k, and a 24k BTU unit, which they condition 105m² daily, and do it quite well. Bedroom & main room, usually leave bedroom door open, though neither room needs supplementing from the other. Mitsubishi Inverter fan myself."
  2. Everyone ? Have any of them actually had work done here ? Thailand is not inexpensive for dental work. I wouldn't bother unless you have really crap dentist in home country. And which country would that be ?
  3. Why would they go near Phetkasem rd, as plenty of road east of ... nice 'chill ride'
  4. If you do, get a stainless steel one. If off LAX, don't get one with the electric heating element as an extra, it's crap, thought the Moka pot part is fine.
  5. You want to make 'coffee' or 'espresso', as the latter will need a better machine. Richard's dialing in & extraction is exactly what you want for a good espresso. For that, you need a good a 'espresso' machine. After that extraction, you can make very good coffee.
  6. No...if I want a left leaning opinion of something, I'll simply ask on AN ... source of that opinion follow the science ... or so I'm told
  7. The speed bump/hump, possible pedestrian crossing may be at one of the spots along the road set aside for tourist, or at the restaurant along that road. Going 50 kph, pretty hard to miss, and may have even been posted lower approaching. Unless an unmarked hole, not sure how people can blame the road.
  8. If you can't find food vendors at Krung Thep, you're not looking very hard. YMMV ... but I never have a problem.
  9. Good luck finding pizza slices after 2am. Most pizza places don't even sell slices. Try 7-11 ... as stated, at that hour and degree of inebriation, who cares. Mentioned 'pala pizza', not exactly round the corner, but also not open at that hour
  10. 'I did not have sexual relations with that women' 'IF you like your doc, you can keep your doc' Obama didn't save anyone but the stockholders & brokerage firms from loosing more than 250k per deposit, as the FDIC, system already in place for such an event, bank failures, would have taken care of that, except the heavy losses to stockholders & brokerage firms for their stupid investing. That mess was allowed due to Clinton's relaxing of housing loans, to questionable borrowers, and those sold to 2nd market. Losers that they were, packaged into other funds to get rid of ... due to brokerage firms greed. You can only hide sh!t so long, before the smell is noticed. Biden ... I love him, 23 yrs & highest COLA on Soc Sec, but = outrageous inflation in the USA, so not good for those living there. "#1 priority is securing the southern border" ... holy crap, you're jokin' right. Record crossing since in office. And yet, some DEMs & AN members can't see pass the farce. And REPs are not better, they are all scum.
  11. Have to disagree again, as been driving a scooter here, more than USA, and still, nobody has hit me on that. Quite the false narrative IMHO, and I find most Thais, especially on the highway, to be quite competent drivers. That's me racking up 20-25k kms a year. Irresponsible scooter driving usual just results in self injury, a sad fact in itself, as obviously, most probably avoidable.
  12. Extreme defensive driving here/TH. I've never relied on others to keep me safe. 20+ yrs driving here, and not one person has ever hit my car while driving. Twice dinged when parked, very minor. People talk like driving in TH is a death wish. Only if on a scooter (78 ish %), and many avoidable, since not wearing a helmet.
  13. probably same reason Dems believed clinton, obama & biden ... a bunch of delusional idiots .... IMHO People believing politicians ... nuff said You can't fix stupid
  14. The newer inverters help with the hot/cold syndrome ???? and seem to maintain the temp better. At worse, keep it chilly and snuggle/cover up in a blanket. @DonniePeverley The cough might be from the pollution, since in Krung Thep.
  15. IF it shows as an inter'l transfer. I believe Wise keeps their exchange rate better by using local banks.
  16. More of a reply to Grouch's post, about BIB should do their job. Certainly didn't stop me from being an idiot in my youth. The deceased, 18 yr old, assuming been riding scooters a while, surely should have know better. His friend did ... nuff said R I P
  17. How do you miss this speed bump if doing the speed limit. Assuming the white is a bit fluorescent. Speed limit is ... at that low speed, you could easily jump off your MB, get some road rash, without life threatening injury, unless a really bad bounce and snapping your neck or something else. Next time in car, set cruise control @ 50kph, and realize how slow that really is. Somehow, it's never the driver's fault in this country. Plenty of enforcement in the USA, and I still drove like an idiot in my youth. Lost my license a few times due to speeding, though do admit, I was a lot more safety conscious when on a scooter. Not saying I didn't have an oops now & then, but with a helmet and minor.
  18. Or people could actually drive responsibly, and take responsibility for themselves.
  19. Live & let live, as long as they are not at my house. Snakes of the Big Mango got to eat ????
  20. Watched #3, Star Trek Beyond last night, and actually decent. 1 & 2 better, but still 3 was quite good. Didn't remember a damn thing about it, and now not even sure if I ever saw it before ???? Couple scenes were familiar, but could have easily saw them in a trailer, maybe read some bad reviews and gave it a pass back when. Glad I gave it a watch.
  21. Not just the Big Mango with trash about, as I hit the surfside pier locally pre sunrise a couple times, and whoa ... more than a few that I was not comfortable being around. Scurrying about with no fear, and the area is fairly trash free. More concerned about my dog than myself, as day time, noon-ish, I'll let her run free on the pier. Not happening with the rats about.
  22. Safe to say, #1 reason for almost all accidents, speeding/too fast for conditions ... IMHO Learned that myself, days past, thankfully never hurt anyone. Only got bounced around myself a few times, no serious injuries.
  23. Let me guess, no helmet. Scooter 20m away, that a hell of a slide, unless it rolled after he fell off. R I P
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