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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Has any red light district been seen or been different. Alcohol, woman, drunks = stupidity and fights. Why they have bouncers to begin with. I see bouncers at the door of an establishment, I think a wee bit before entering.
  2. Must put me in very poor, thrifty, practical, family ca/scooter status. I bought practical vehicles to take me from point A to B. Some putting a smile on my face, that 750cc for instance, but far from status. Unless pulling away from those POS status Harleys at the traffic light, or passing by all those broken down Harleys, Triumphs or Nortons. Teens & early 20s, van, station wagon, pick up, far from status symbols. Only 1 new pick up (for work) in 27 yrs of vehicles in USA. All new here/TH, a couple 125cc scooters, a couple Vios, Mazda 2 & 2 MG ZSs ... again, far from status symbols. Just a boring family man ... with NO monthly payments.
  3. Som naa na Another quality tourist ... fine, deport & ban for life. Another silly headline. Should read "Brit tourist attacks bouncer - gets instant Karma"
  4. Another ship full of bananas sank ... ... them damn bananas ????
  5. Yea, they scare the hell out of you, when signing that stuff. They gave me a shot of something, feeling good, then says sign this ... honey, what's it say ... complications including death ???? I'm making a vid on my phone, saying bye to daughter, and I'm wheeled in for the procedure, awake the whole time, and took all of 11 minutes. About as routine as routine can be. Are you trying to give me a heart attack ... ????
  6. I'll take '4' over a twin anyday. 1st scooter was 1976 Honda 750/4 (not my photo). Standard look for scooters back then. Hondas, Triumphs, Nortons, slight differences.
  7. It is, and saves them from lawsuits. They have to inform you of every possible thing that could go wrong, even though very minimal chance it will.
  8. Mind boggling isn't it. We keep posting real info, and others keep posting BS. Surprised TBL posted that, as he's usually more rational. Expect the others to pull info out of the orifices. Would hope just showing their ignorance, but obviously their bias, since so much accurate info has been posted, and yet, they continue with their silliness.
  9. Agree, if they were going for a retro look, as not much retro (legendary) about it at all, except the Triumph name, not the badge, which has changed. From OP link, (who writes this crap): 'influenced by the legendary Triumph motorbikes of the past'
  10. I'd say they are fake. Standard industry, 10mg are blue, others 2/5mg are white/yellow. That they aren't all facing the same direction could be irrelevant. You could shoot them an email and ask, though I wouldn't bother and simply toss those that you have, or take 2 and see what happens: PPM
  11. Nothing average about that, too wide a range and different make/models ... just pop into some shops and ask. Range 5k-15k a month, so not exactly helpful.
  12. He's still alive, still has his leg, and it works as it should. I'd call that a proper & successful operation. Nothing 'batched' at all, and just the opinion of the writer of the article. Obviously gets more clicks than: 'Brit has successful leg surgery in TH' Just another ignorant Thai basher, maybe spurned by ex Thai partner ????
  13. Why would it be free. Live with your decisions & consequences. Want free healthcare, stay in the UK. If he wasn't a ranked fighter already, continuing with an already multiple busted up leg, isn't exactly the best career path .. IMHO
  14. MG ... Brit Dynamics - Made in CH Triumph ... Brit Design - Made in IN Nothing made in the UK anymore, though probably a good thing. Not sure if I would want the 1st generation of any new product. Give them a few years to work out the kinks. And doubt if the price will be close to the one in OP. Nice looking scooter though ???? From wiki ... "In July 2023 Triumph and Bajaj launched their first two motorcycles under partnership Speed 400 and Scrambler 400 which were a scaled down versions of their Speed twin 1200 and Scrambler 1200 respectively these smaller capacity models are powered by fuel-injected euro 5 engines producing almost 40hp and almost 38 nm torque supported by a 6 speed transmission with slip & assist clutch. After the launch the models managed to collect 10,000 bookings in India within 10 days of the launch after which the price were hiked, and production speed was ramped up by Bajaj"
  15. @Bloggi Yes, the small local clinics will/should have. No need to go to the main 'muang' gov't hospital. Our experience anyway. At worse, they may have to order, as not having on hand, since some need cold storage. I've even gotten tetanus shots for myself at local clinic, and once they had to order. Once 50 baht, once free.
  16. Is 500k - 900k kms considered rapidly, and that's only down to 70-80% capacity.
  17. Not the fan boy of USA, but the biggest polluter, that's a stretch, when you have IN & CH for competition.
  18. Oh please ... try simply saying THANK YOU, for saving my leg, possibly my life. So now he has a bit of a limp, OMG. Shouldn't really interfere with his Muay Thai. And of course, get others to pay to correct it. Cry me a river. My one leg is 4cm shorter than the other due to hip displacement, not an issue in anything I do. Just a bit of a hobble when walking. Actually mine is 'adjustable' and simply need to pull hip/leg back into position.
  19. ICEV parked and decided ... flame on ... 'Lincoln City Fire Inspector, Brad Hasenjaeger' ... "The exact cause of the fire was unknown, although Hasenjaeger speculated a mechanical malfunction in the car, which had been parked for around a half-hour prior to the incident. “It had only been driven 2 miles, it’s not like it had been driven hard and hot,” Hasenjaeger said. “Something in the electrical didn’t shut off and it kept churning, shorted and caused a fire.” https://www.dailynebraskan.com/news/breaking-news-academy-lincoln-parking-garage-fire-triggered-by-car/article_3603ddf6-6525-11ed-9bf3-83b620aec2db.html
  20. Use cash for 99.99% of purchases. Debit cardm only comes out to use ATM to access USA account (no fees). Really can't remember last time I used it for anything else.
  21. Way too much hassle for me ... ... how much ? ... here you go, thank you If I wanted more money, I'd start trading again, or ride around and peek at land to buy while riding around taken photos of birds & critters. Already posted about, I've used CC (other people's money) for investing in the past. I'm retired, and no need to generate more money than I can spend.
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