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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I wasn't referring to financial. The less tourist, the better for me. Playing tourist during covid was the best O&As we've had, at 'popular' tourist areas. CM province, Ao Nang, Phuket was excellent without tourist. The few that have returned now are too many for my liking ... ???? Food wise, there's not much I can't make at home, that Villa Market sells or offered at restaurant catering to expats/tourist, and usually better by myself or wife. I know cooking at home isn't everyone's forte'.
  2. Govt hosp way better than private, but can't match or even come close sometimes to local pharmacies.
  3. At 30 yrs old, guessing he didn't have a proper way to stay. Hence the overstay, as it really is way too easy to stay in TH.
  4. Not going to get AQI <50 year round. Nowhere in TH gets that. And the sewer 'blackwater' from the khlongs during high season, pollutes the Andaman. Too rough off season. Just look at the sat photos on Gmap. If you don't self drive, then forget easy, inexpensive transport.
  5. Yep ... PoPo arrested, fined and released him. Couldn't have been in that bad of shape. Only the relatives, pushing for 'justice' and probably compensation are stating otherwise. Who apparently didn't care enough about him to ensure his health, if at all true. Who's to say he didn't have a MB accident the following day, and the scam is on. Committing crimes have consequences. No Sympathy for criminals.
  6. I actually prefer COD. I used to hate making a special trip to 7-11 or Lotus to counter pay for an item. Actually avoided vendors that required it. Why would people want to pay in advance for something they haven't received. If your not home when delivered, you can do a bank transfer, or pick it up at the shipper's office later. I've even left money for the drivers. All easy enough.
  7. An air quality index average below 50; ... year round, NOT in TH Access to clean sea water and beaches (like the Andaman vs. the Gulf); ... Andaman is not clean either, in any developed area Access to restaurants, good hospitals, and markets? ... restaurants & markets, no prob ... good hospital, need to be in a small metro area, which mean polluted sea water. 2 out of 3 is the best you'll get, maybe. All 3 of those criteria in one place isn't found in TH. IMO
  8. Why would you expect Lipitor to be inexpensive here, or even ask about ? Prices will also be different at different pharmacies, especially if they cater to foreigners. Wife got charged a different price, cheaper, for the same thing, at the same pharmacy, by a different clerk. Almost half the price she was charged first time. Already been prescribed the generic at a fraction of the cost.
  9. Call it what you want, but it sounds like freedom of movement control to me: https://www.oxfordshirelive.co.uk/news/oxfordshire-news/oxfordshire-county-council-respond-viral-7900897
  10. "Martin was diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder exacerbated by depression and that his paranoia was specifically directed at anyone intruding into his home" - wiki
  11. I do believe you are correct. Blue versions are actually a mutation. They are also not native to TH. Keep healthy, and they may be around for 15 ish yrs.
  12. I'm also getting consistently better range than the WLTP & NEDC ratings, and at much higher speeds than their tests are done at.
  13. She's lucky, inappropriate parking now carries a fine up to 2000 baht.
  14. NO ... I think someone who doesn't want to live should be able to die on their own terms, as HE DID. If that's another criminal off the streets, then its a ... WIN WIN
  15. If he couldn't walk, how'd he leave the hospital ? They can't keep him against his will. I checked myself out end of October, after 1 night, as they wanted to keep me over the weekend till the doc was available to check on me, before discharging. No thanks, I'll come for the follow up Monday, and the doc didn't even come in the day of my appointment ???? Took the guy how long to die, and who's to say he didn't injure himself more, afterwards. Police made the right call.
  16. I'm betting you do also, with many of the products you own now.
  17. Patience is a Virtue. More than a few Tesla owners kicking themselves for not waiting ????
  18. Enjoy being O&A exploring, all of TH Enjoy being at home & exploring locally Enjoy my hobbies and home cookin', from scratch Enjoy nature, live near surf, <4kms away, hills 10kms away Taking in all in, everyday, with best friend & wife Not a night owl or bar person, and can't remember last time I was in one, 15 yrs maybe. Would rather sit at a coffee shop and enjoy a pastry & beverage with a view
  19. If happen to head to Kanchanburi for the waterfall, then the place we stayed at, overlooking a lake, had camping. Perched nicely with a view down to the lake. Food available. Don't know the price for camping, but the bungalows were a bit overpriced. https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/ภูชนินทร+รีสอร์ท/@14.3858294,99.1193354,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNo5Bj8OTBnZUJ0ChUMoDxhcbMnYszzzu4ndTgr!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNo5Bj8OTBnZUJ0ChUMoDxhcbMnYszzzu4ndTgr%3Dw203-h135-k-no!7i1078!8i720!4m8!1m2!10m1!1e3!3m4!1s0x30e476a121ce9221:0x535c55d227efe963!8m2!3d14.3858941!4d99.1193708
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