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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Sam Roi Yot, though 2 days would be more than enough. PKK, mentioned, Ao Manao being the swiimmer's beach, just OK for swimming, but lovely bay. On RTAF Wing 5 base, where hotel is available, and killing a couple days there would be nice, especially if surf is cooperating. If not swimming, then PKK surfside is nice, plenty of food, nice weekend market. Thur GH was a favorite of ours before moving here. Or somewhere else along the 6 kms of surf. Assuming you have transport, as little is available out of HH.
  2. Gun enthusiast, although, does that count if I can't own one here. Not sure how guns would even come up in a conversation here. I find if I don't talk politics (boring, never comes up here) & religion (nobody does here), I can have a conversation with anyone. But Amazon coffee ... your on your own ... ???? There's a local-ish forum, UdonMap, and I know there's a few that used to live down there, years ago. Might try joining that and see who is local & like minded.
  3. Got to die of something, if past most of our life expectancy when born, me, 1954, think it was 76, then that's going to be 'old age' for me, as if not that old, I probably wouldn't of die from what ever aliment does me in. Cancers get most when older. Pancreas is the only one that spooks me, as usually find out too late. Only know 3 expats, personally, sort of that passed. 1 near 80, maybe older, bad ticker last 20 yrs, smoked & drank 1 over 80, got cancer, and let it go, think tired of being here 1 only 55, didn't feel good, laid down for a rest & didn't get up ???? Another one is still kickin', in his 80s. Any others are a bit younger & healthy. So only 1 shocker. My parents, 69 & 74, although I got 1 cousin on my mother's side, going strong at 83, mentally & physically. That's reassuring. Every one else, family (aunts/uncles), died of cancers, younger than my parents, and all chain smokers & alkys, which I'm neither. I'm happy with 76, if in decent health. Seems short time now, 8 ish more years, so if make to 80s, even better. Since most Yanks retire around 65 ish yrs old, and I've been for 22+ yrs, that makes my 87 already ... ???? My new math:
  4. Guessing heart failure. What is actually going to cause that, haven't a clue. Blocked artery, tried & failed, 6 ish weeks ago, and with all the other organs in good shape, AFAIK, might be a while before I krap out. Doubt if it will a random vehicle accident, or act of violence. If not heart failure, hopefully in my sleep, then probably some future ailment, yet undiagnosed, that I'll prefer not to live with, and I'll just off myself ... peacefully 'in my sleep'. Which was always my plan anyway. Since I don't bounce like I used to, I refrain from doing stupid sh!t, that I enjoyed doing in days past. Well, not really that long ago, but slowed way down. Gotten all my thrill thingies check off.
  5. Noise & petrol fumes, especially diesel ... NO ... the windows stay up, and I consider myself living fairly rural. Only when Sniffy & myself are out on the hunt for birds to snap, from the car, as acts as the best blind. In the ZS, don't notice, but when on the morning E-motorcycle run to the park with the dog ... yea, and quite irritating. One reason I never bought a diesel, as would not do that to anyone. They really should be banned completely.
  6. Sunrise Taco / Terminal 21 always did a nice burger. Don't mind paying ฿300, when I know the owner of ST devotes a lot of his profits & time to his charity helping those who need it most, the residents of the Khlong Toei slums. I would call any place recommended in the past, before heading out to them. Many, most didn't survive or downsized/moved to different locations due to the past couple years of the 'situation.
  7. Real life reliability & degradation of battery. Tesla owner & 9:48 of the vid 2.2% ... 4 yrs / 100k miles (not kms) Here's another from our 'favorite' YT'er 2 yr period / 25k kms, and none really noticed. @ 9:30 of the vid So, can we now stop with the BS ... ????
  8. Every time a newbie comes, and after 6 months, gets bored because of an unplanned retirement. Holiday is over .... now what ?????
  9. Hmm ... wife supported (no mention of her), or supported his stay be criminal activity ? Bye Bye Well done Imm PoPo ???? Keep up the good work.
  10. Make sure your components have a warranty from the manufacturer, not the installer. My installer gave a 2 yr warranty on the 'installation'. The components come with their own manufacturer's warranty, and have all been around for some time. After 2 yrs, the installer may charge me to swap out the components, but at this point, hard part was done, and swapping out the components would be kind of easy. Unplug, unscrew & replace. Placing the railing for and the panels, along with wiring is something I didn't want to do, or had experience or tools to do. Swapping them out wouldn't be much of a hassle, sure the wife could handle with a helper for anything heavy ... ????
  11. We also got amazingly discounted rates, and during peak high season, at tourist destination. Now can't touch them for 4X as much, if not more. Curious, so checked one we stayed at on Phuket, now ฿2300/no brekkie. We paid ฿600 w/brekkie.
  12. I'd be insulted/offended, if you seasoned or add condiments to the food I serve you ... before you even tasted it ???? Verbally ... sticks & stones, simply consider the source.
  13. would think closed, as it is a national holiday
  14. ... friends Volvo ... did it not come with a warranty ? 1 yr old shouldn't cost anything to fix. MG gives 4 or 5 yrs on the car & 8 yrs on the battery pack if an EV. At the end of 8 yrs, the pack should still be at 80% at least, I believe, and reviews of EVs, MGs & Tesla, the depletion is much less. Some less than 5%, rather amazing actually. Take care of your battery, and it will take care of you. Some food for thought, for keep or act now. Keep Vios for 5 ish more years or longer, and it will be worth ... ... might as well keep as a 2nd car / spare ... JIC ... considering what anyone would offer for a 10+ yrs or more car. I did that with my Mazda 2, just gave it to our daughter, as worth much more her using, than giving it away at what they were offering. Then of course the need to buy a new one, and for easy math, we'll say ฿771k ... see where I'm going, MG EP price now, and almost cost of top end Vios. What you will miss, if not upgrading to EV before incentives expire... ... ฿200+k value for Vios now, toward new car ... ฿227k less out of pocket to buy in (govt incentive) ... ฿150k depreciation driving new vehicle off the lot ... ฿577k or more, depending on sale of Vios, and depreciation of new car from day one, if no gov't incentive to counter it. Whether ICE or EV. Don't think anyone can argue the operating cost of EV is cheaper, even if paying full PEA rate at home to charge. Less with T.O.U. meter. Just food for thought, as you know your needs, budget, age. In USA, I did the same, in 25 yrs, only bought 1 new vehicle, needing a dependable new truck for work. All others were 2nd hand, and kept to I killed them. Cheap buy in, and got my $$$ worth. Plus I hate selling anything. Strangely here, I'm on my 5th new car, in 20 yrs ???? More because I simply have more funds in retirement. 2 Vios & 1 Mazda 2 ... and served me well. Stepped up to MG ZS ICE, 2 yrs ago, same price as high end Vios or Mazda, but quite the upgrade in comfort, especially over the road; ride & road noise. Liked the ZS so much after 2 yrs, and since having solar + govt incentives, would have been stupid not to upgrade to the EV version. Wife today noted ... 'we haven't pulled in to get petrol in so long' ... as on the way to Global house, we passed our local PTT petrol station ???? ฿1500 almost weekly more in the my pocket ... or her pocketbook ????
  15. hmm ... They told the wife, CC/debit card only to pay. Have to check that again. I like that one since at PTT stations, where we usually ended up anyway with the ICE, for the few that had E85 anyway.
  16. Went through all the CS Icons posted earlier, and made some notations, just for myself really ... but, why not. ... IF 'X' out & CC ... means I'm not interested as needing CC ... Limited ... availability, and if having map, I added it, possibly not current ... If 'X' out, no notation, might be hardware supplier ... couple others, self explanatory, hopefully. ... Circled, ones we plan on using Also PEA Volta, already sent the card I was referring to, in above post, so can use member card (topped up) or App (topped up) to pay.
  17. He / she who hesitates ... With all my 2nd thoughts, so glad we ordered ours back in May, and received October, a month earlier than expected. They can't seem to make them fast enough for the demand. That's a bit telling about where the market for EVs is heading. Should also help with the 2nd hand market pricing in a few years.
  18. The govt incentives aren't going to last forever either. And ฿240,000 was quite the incentive. Even better, the car appreciated when driven off the lot, by ฿11k, instead of the usual depreciation of 20-25% for first year. Purchase price ฿949k, Insured value ฿960k ???? MG EP's incentive is ฿227k along with no depreciation when driven away from dealer ????
  19. Yes, that's why I adjusted my original cost analysis from MG's, to ฿5 as I think they used ฿4, which come 2023, may even be ฿6 per kW, depending on use. Petrol seems to be stuck in the ฿35 +/- range per liter range, for now. They almost eliminated the price difference between E85 vs 91, that we used for the MG ZS ICE. Early 2021 and it was 25% cheaper. Now I think it is less than 10% cheaper. We charged the car yesterday, with some AC use in the house, and used 30+ kW. Why I'm such a fan of Solar. Even our 'expensive' installed system, will probably have a ROI in less than 10 yrs. Much shorter if PEA keeps raising the prices. Solar is definitely the way to go, if possible, and especially if having an EV. Although having a T.O.U. meter vs install cost, may work for some folks, especially if both in the mature (older) age brackets, with no dependents. 30kW X 30 days is 900kW/units a month, and todays rate, equals a ฿5000 monthly PEA bill. Our system's ROI is 7.5 yrs at that rate, barring the increase next year. https://eservice.pea.co.th/EstimateBill/
  20. Hey ... watch it pal. Yank here, and I do use the term. BUT, can almost understand how some, touchy folks, though also educated folks, history wise, especially if below the Mason Dixon line would be offended. Yes, some are still fighting that war from 150+ yrs ago. Yank to them = Yankee / Union soldier vs them fine Southern Confederate Soldiers. Or Yank may mean them 'carpetbaggers' who took advantage of the Civil War's ending.
  21. Anyone considering an EV, do listen to those that have them, as we seem to love them. Those that don't have them, and warn or complain about them, are talking from sheer ignorance. Some of the silly BS, anti-Ev'ers have spewed: ... They'll blow up if hitting a speed bump hard, yes, someone actually posted that. ... No CS infrastructure ... they can't get wet ... they catch fire and or blow up in an accident ... end of battery warranty, you have to replace the battery pack ... they depreciate to nothing in short time ... cost 20+k baht to replace/service the battery ... nobody available to service them ... they'll be obsolete when the next new 'energy' driven cars are made ... they are so expensive to buy ... double your journey time on long trips to charge ... you have to Q up and wait for hours to charge ... most of the CS are broken and not maintained ... the grid will collapse because of them ... they'll be banned, as taking too much from the grid ... EV batteries are no good in TH, due to high temperatures ... the list is endless ... pure silliness. Avoid the silliness, by doing what I do, add them to your ignore list. Half my ignore list (5 pages now), are anti-EV'ers & anti-Solar folks. I have solar, best investment ever. Have 3 EVs: car, motorcycle, DIY ebike, and love them all.
  22. For the OP, took the liberty to see just how far Phayao is from other areas, from Gmaps: Chiang Rai 102 kms Chiang Mai 206 kms, with CSs closer, if needed. Nan 137 kms Lampang 188 kms Phrae 175
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