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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Hair shaming ... shame on you. Nothing wrong with us furry creatures. Shows good testosterone levels.
  2. Yea ... what he said. Edit since no RR near OP
  3. Cashless payment is just annoying. Fine if all is working, but not the case. Been behind a few paying via app, and sometimes it takes way too long. Whether the app or int. is slow, congested. I won't even bother with a vendor that is online payment only. Sadly Makro & 7-11 have too many customers using. Seriously, 7-11 ... whip out a 100 baht note and be on your way. Worse is, they know they are going to pay via app, but phone in pocket or purse until told amount. Now find the phone, open the slow A$$ app, and scan/transfer. Although they do the same with cash ... get ready and get the hell out way ... ???? F'g ANNOYING
  4. 2 million baht, and goes el' cheapo for the safe ... ???? The fact that it could be dragged out of office & crowbar'd open, screams stupid. Must have been on a MB, as it doesn't look too heavy to simply carry away ????
  5. Intermittent fasting ... not fasting. It's an everyday thing. Half of which is done overnight while I'm sleeping. Never do I feel hungry.
  6. Yea ... agree 100% Crossing the street, and not getting run over is easy enough, if using simple common sense. Having the 'law' on your side, 'stop at crosswalks', isn't going to help as you're rushed to the hospital. Of course 'victim blaming' is not allowed, as I found out, and spanked for ... rightfully so of course. But stepping off that curb, without looking ... ????
  7. Not a fan of rice at all. Taters & pasta ROCK. I'll do 'fusion' with pasta and Thai curries/sauces. Works a treat. Probably why I love Khao Soi, since using egg noodles instead of rice noodles. Eat lots of bread also, so the carb thing doesn't ring true with me. Intermittent fasting takes care of all those extras.
  8. With that, shows how I really miscalculated our use at new house vs rental. Was thinking we'd match the rental's usage, at 20-25 PEA units a day, or more with a 2nd AC. Better build & new inverter ACs really making the difference. Instead, we're using 10-15 PEA units / kW a day. With about 5kW of those, overnight. Will definitely increase, when the sun actually shows up all day. So maybe spot on, as a lot more AC use then. Now, how to configure inverter to use grid overnight. A work in progress. Yesterday, sent about 13kW back to the grid once inverter configured to do so.
  9. Found out when PEA meter is read, and was actually read a couple days after installed on 25th, so read on 28th, for 37 units @ ฿121. Since exporting to the grid, the inverter graph now shows total produced, instead of total simply being used. Spikes in previous graphs posted above, is the battery being recharged, then after 100%, simply shows what is produced & used, Yesterday producing about 27kW, while still overcast & light drizzle most of the day. Graph now showing, produced while supplying ESS, house & grid:
  10. I wouldn't attempt to cook without oil or butter. Adds way too much to the process of cooking (conduction of heat) and flavor. Moderation will keep you healthy, aside from the fact, your body needs fats. Many body functions and digestive / absorption processes rely on it. Fat is flavor, (not itself) as some say, as it a 'conduit' of flavor to your taste buds.
  11. Reference to replies ... why I assumed condo owned. Anything else, again assuming, then marriage would be irrelevant, IF: ... both names registered on assets ... both names on 'fake or non fake company' for non condo assets which would simply abide by company bylaws. Although if a Thai involved, neither might end up with anything. The usual limited info provided in OP to form any advice. If not an amicable split, then at least the lawyers will be very happy.
  12. Battle of PKK https://web.archive.org/web/20091027105023/http://geocities.com/thailandwwii/prachuap.html
  13. Almost impossible to do. Unless eating a lot of oil / deep fried food, I wouldn't worry to much about oil intake. Olive is supposed to be one of the better ones, so I use that most of the time. Unless using very high heat, then peanut oil. I think we use canola or sunflower for deep fry, which we do very little of. Maybe French fries couple times a month. Moderation moderation moderation
  14. Assuming a condo, then all things equal, I think it would be fair to do the 50/50 of total or equity after purchase, if one of, didn't buy in.
  15. "Stryker vehicles are produced by General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada (GDLS-C) for the United States Army in a plant in London, Ontario. Unit costUS$4.9 million (2012)" - wiki
  16. Well I did work for 4 different airlines, and main reason was for the flight bennys. If not, I probably would have never left the continental USA, or venture much further than the Delaware Valley area (Philly metro, PA, NJ, DE, MD. Which TBH, certainly wouldn't be a negative, since having most things one needs, except decent or excellent diving. Did hang around the Americas though, so not sure how worldly that is. Only venturing EU once, and that was enough, and TH, twice. Just didn't leave the 2nd time ????
  17. That's why there's a P4P market. Guessing Thai's pricing & experiences with, are much better than other countries. Western countries at least, where income disparity isn't so wide. My only experience, here or ever, was a week on holiday here. Bliss & cheap as chips. Every other holiday I've ever taken, I took companionship with me. P4P experience was very eye opening for me. And I thought I was already very 'worldly'. That was one soi I never ventured down ???? Knew it existed, just never bothered.
  18. RE, rentals, land (buy low, sell higher) If don't mind working a bit, the markets, but it is work/time put in, researching. That's what got me retired early. RE, rolled into the market, then liquidated. Moved to TH. Then RE here in Thailand, house & land (no rental), allowed living here rent free, with a house for the wife after I c r a p out, basically all free from RE investing here. Takes a bit of effort & research, so not while you're sleeping. Of course if not married, RE is a bit risky here / TH. Not a fan of the condo market myself, but should be a buyer's market. Personally unless extremely experienced, I'd stay clear of that TH market. So the markets and certain sector funds. If having no morals, then defense contract funds or stocks, same with oil, energy stocks/funds.
  19. The chickie factor not really a deciding factor for myself. Though many here, it seem to be the #1 reason, cheap P4P. Never had a problem in that department, and could actually have done without a few. 6 live ins, on #4 now, with more than a few 1 night/weekend/week long adventures. Any country with income disparity is going to be chickie friendly to the retired expat. Just have to decide between risky, everyday, live in, married or not ... or go with the P4P / pay to leave gals ????
  20. Here's fine example how silly BMI is for me. Bottom (present), 80 kgs Other 2, are my weight out of boot camp, talking prime condition. Went in at 75 kgs came out at 75 kgs, just rearranged a bit. Moved mid baby fat to upper body & arms mass. So in prime condition, I'd be borderline overweight. I have 18" neck, wear a 48 jacket, and been riding bicycles my whole life. In boot camp, I ran a < 6 min mile, with combat boots on. Let that sink in. Laying down (gravity), but damn I look good.
  21. Haven't a clue, and it would be inaccurate anyway, as I stated, I'm big boned. BMI = marketing, considering all the different body size & shapes, bone density, and muscle mass or lack of. Remember the 'old' insurance ht/wt charts, and I was always borderline obese. Right out of boot camp, in prime condition, and overweight ???? New charts barely squeeze me in to 'healthy'. Add those charts to polls & surveys - useless. I look & feel good. Docs and hosp. check up numbers all agree, apparently healthy and going to be around for a while longer.
  22. Thanks but not interested. My diet has apparently served me well. No health issues, and BP is normal on our yearly-ish health check ups. Along with all other #s & markers.
  23. If you don't need 'hands on', EC-Mall is a good seller, as I've bought some Sony & Meike gear from them. More expensive Sony gear, I got from Sony direct. https://www.ec-mall.com/brand/nikon
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