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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Being black, being a lesbian, playing b-ball is completely irrelevant. She is simply moving drugs across international borders ... dumba$$
  2. Can't argue that, definitely my favorite eat it once a week.
  3. Hope she does all 9 years ???? Don't know why she would want to come back to the oppressive USA that she hates anyway. She's probably very happy, and surely will have fun in a women's jail ???????? The big plus for her ... she won't have to hear that oppressive 'National Anthem' any more. Call me crazy, but she looks happier in cuffs vs her 'protest' image.
  4. Actually entered site on my phone early this morning, which I rarely do, possibly the first time. If I had to use my phone to access the site, with all the ad c r a p ... I wouldn't bother. That's just annoying.
  5. Two 9 panel strings, though actually wanted three 6 panel strings, using E veranda roof, but builder F'd me. Installer didn't think it would support the extra weight properly ... ????
  6. NY times ???? Might as well be in DM or Sun.
  7. Already there, though not deserted, probably too rural for most folks, and damn near self sustaining. Actually everything that one would need is just a few kms away. Just need to do a bit of farming. As after it hits the fan, money will be useless, and will need to barter ????
  8. Yes, and the cost of 5kW system w/no ESS is simply too inexpensive not to do. When first shopping, over a year ago, our installer was doing them for 135k. Having now, that would more than suffice our needs, and feed back to the meter to make up for what's used over night. We used about 4.3kW last night, w/AC running + 2 frigs (12 hrs), laptop & 65" TV (6 hrs). Shortly after I posted the vid, the sun popped through, still not good angle on S panels, and the battery topped up in couple hrs. Having solar now, really does expose the farce of MMGW, and how easy, if believing, it would be to solve. At one point, the panels were generated 5.67kW, and we were using 0.4kW, meaning at the moment, we were generating enough for 10 houses, all things being equal. But PEA won't buy the excess. Do the math, times the house that can generate, more than needed, to share to the grid, for those, complexes that don't have the m² to generate enough. There is no reason why all residential energy isn't from solar. We all know, or should know why it's not. And we only have an 8kW system, with 2X more roof available if wanting to utilize. Didn't use 'E' veranda roof (pee'd about that), didn't use storage room roof, or the huge carport.
  9. All in the past, as she's 23 now. We did travel quite a bit, just us, no adult female, so yea, easy for someone to wonder, especially since all farangs are alkys, sex maniacs & pedos ... ???? Pretty obvious we were father & daughter though, her using 'Daddy' and English was perfect. Probably more of concern at traffic check point than hotel, but guess our demeanor never gave off any appearance of impropriety
  10. Found on Google and Facebook search there.
  11. Those considering solar, you really need to install it. Even on a really bad day it's still produces enough electric to run the house. Here's a video of now, as this week's been terrible and following week is going to be terrible, overcast and rain and it's still producing enough electric.
  12. I legally changed my last name to my daughter's Thai name. Since not my blood daughter or adopted daughter, simply the village orphan, that would avoid any issues checking into a hotel with two different names. If questioned and parents MIA, that could get a bit complicated.
  13. Same ... as don't need anything to stay away or keep going. If I want a buzz, I prefer not to be wired, as I already am naturally. I've driven 20 hr straight, hopped in the surf, took a short nap, couple hours, then did the return trip, another 20 hrs. Philly-Miami, to make a delivery ????
  14. Components of: DEYE SUN-8K-SG01LP1-EU 8kw Single Phase Hybrid Solar inverter Priced (big range): Alibaba ฿55k (non manufacturer), not inc. shipping/duty ฿100k+ on AliExpress (not inc shipping/duty) ฿77k on LAZ, though photo close but not same No buyers SunTech Solar Panels: 18 @ 540w Price ? ... seen for ฿6500, installer charged ฿15k (฿7500 ea. 2X installed) over original contract, from 16 panels to 18 panels. 10kWh ESS / Battery back up, asked how much for a 2nd, if wanting to parallel in. Quoted: ฿95k DIY: Inverter: ฿77 +/+ ? Panels: 18 @ ฿6500 = ฿117k ESS: ฿95k TTL: ฿289k +/- for components Installed price: ฿345k - 4 man crew + mounts, tracks, cables, tools, knowledge AND ... warranty w/installer having 20 yrs installation experience (per website)
  15. Installed in less than 4 hrs ... 18 panels ... ????
  16. Not to mention the already negative impact the Taiwanese now have to endure: "On Monday, prior to Pelosi's visit, a ban was placed on more than 100 Taiwanese food brands, including tea, honey and seafood producers. According to Beijing, all of them had failed to renew their export registrations and would be allowed to sell their products only until the end of July." My source is not allowed to be linked, but simple G search will bring up plenty of news-blips with same info. China being Taiwan's main trading partner, for export & import, so the Taiwanese are getting screwed royally. THANK YOU USA ... making a world a better place. They'll even make it safer for you if you buy their war toys ... ... on sale now while supplies last Hold on ... another sale coming in ... cha - ching https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/02/politics/us-saudi-uae-proposed-arms-deal/index.html
  17. Was it the wife's idea, or her imaginary friend who she can claim 'plausible deniability' on. Time to reassess relationship ... ????
  18. First wife, car was in my name, as she didn't pass the test of time yet ... and failed miserably, so good call by me. Same with usufructs & POA, handy tools for security & investing here. Present wife, I trust, and usufruct is level of security if she suddenly passed before me. Though daughter's name will be on land also before the year is out, hopefully.
  19. China vs Taiwan ... never happen, as too economically dependent on each other. Same with WW3 ... unless, the elite figure out a way to shield themselves from their 'depopulation' plan via WW3. A work in progress. Since they really don't need that many of you to service them any more. You're becoming more of a drain on their budgets & resources than worth keeping you around for. Glad to see RU & CH have developed superior nuke delivery rocket systems & weaponry. As of now, they are at risk if a WW3 was to happen. If all the elite move to S. America, then you'll all need to start worrying about WW3. Who wants to live in Africa now, let along after the bombs drop. USA, EU, RU & CH will be wastelands. Of course the saving grace of all this, those 'real' Aliens, wouldn't allow us to destroy most of the planet while they are here. Keeping the PEACE
  20. Wish I had the land to do the same, I may have DIY also. Although cost of installing frame to support, may have simply offset the 'installation' charge of the system. On that, the solar guys arrived and being installed as I type. One negative, the builder didn't use enough interior support steel to support panels on the E roof (the veranda add-on), even though told solar would be installed on it. So panels on S & W roofs only. Glad I went with 10kW ESS, as should be more than enough for overnight & early AM. Larger system (8kW vs 5kW) than really needed for daily use, should help on any week of crappy weather. 18 panels will be coming in handy, suckin' up as much energy as possible ????
  21. They do make card readers specifically for phones. I have one that works well. Finding one that's compatible can be a challenge. I have a few e'l cheapo card readers, some work with phone & laptop, some don't ... ???? If only a few photos, I simply upload via Gdrive. Depending what using for, and quality I want, if not important, then I'll upload to FB msgr. Gdrive will upload in full original size/format. More than a few photos, then easier simply to use readers of phone cable.
  22. It's all in the past. He worked the system quite well, as anyone, inclusive, would do. Don't think Interpol will accept a red notice for a pending traffic violation ... ???? The family benefitted beyond belief, only because who's grandson he is. 30 mill, instead of 200k baht, as the standard highest compensation given in these situations. If would have fessed up in the beginning, and not been the 'grandson', probably wouldn't have gotten jail time anyway. It's only news because of who he is. Did the little rich kid screw up big time, of course. But if had been some village kid, in a rickety pick up truck, the insurance would have paid 200k, and he'd probably gotten a suspended sentence or 6 months at most.
  23. Empty ... I think not, and you need better news sources. China just spanked Taiwan with trade restrictions/duties on well over 100 items. They'd probably cripple them if stopped sending them raw materials for their chip manufacturing, but would have a negative effect on China itself. I wish China & Russia would cut all trade off with the west ... Watch their economies come to grinding halt with even higher inflation. Most of EU would freeze their butts off this coming winter.
  24. Got some of the best out & abouts ever in Thailand during 'high' season. A best ever, lovely CM province / Doi Inthanon trip. Along with Phuket, which without the 'situation', I would have never revisited, and frankly the best ever beach holidays there, overall. Did miss playing with the 'not so wee one' now, in the surf, as best part of life anywhere when she was younger. Wife & dog filled the void nicely. Destiny certainly hasn't changed, but TH is much better, for us, without 30+ million tourist. Did lose even more respect, if even possible, for human intelligence, govt & policy makers. Really didn't think that was possible and the bar could actually get any lower. Damn embarrassing really ... ????
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