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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. We do have a sponsor selling buds + ... nuff said That's not legal enough. Along with brick & mortar shops dotted around the country. FB & LINE business may not be registered business, so better not to post. Also not paid advertisers to AN ... again, reason not to post.
  2. https://localiseasia.com/thai-fruits-and-their-seasonality/
  3. As I stated, I looked at photos of the river and I certainly would NOT go down that, any time of the year. And I've been white water rafting. Maybe I should change my signature, Better research = Safer holiday Don't sit in the back of the raft, as comfy as it looks back there, you get launched out on the slightest bounce ... ????
  4. So UNbelievable. As Guangyuan, China is not near the Myanmar border, and if family doesn't have access to them, how do they even know they are in prison. If they did know they were in prison, for whatever reason, is the family in the area to be denied access ... highly unlikely. Nothing about the news-blip makes sense. BS
  5. Spare MB & phones ... far from dirt poor. You can be poor & uneducated, that's no excuse for stupid & irresponsible.
  6. NO ... parents should do more. Parents raise & protect their children, it is nobody else's responsibility. Those that don't, more likely to attend funerals of, or visit them in prison. It's worldwide. In USA, seems parents want to be their kids' friend. They have plenty of those, they need guidance & discipline. Don't know W T F happened the last 5 decades, but society has gone to sh!t. It all falls on the parents ... nobody else.
  7. Same as MJCM, 3 issued, 2 different provinces, on day asked for. Why is someone doing it for you ?
  8. Maybe busy trying to sort out a few issues: https://lemberglaw.com/2022-hyundai-ioniq-5-problems-complaints-lemon/
  9. Installer is going with these. Price ??? maybe 7k baht range, as charging 15k to add 2 panels from original quote of 16, to now 18 panels: https://www.suntech-power.com/wp-content/uploads/download/product-specification/EN_Ultra_V_STP550S_C72_Vmh.pdf
  10. Not kidding myself as I'm: 1. Saving money 2. less air pollution 3. have independence & self control of my living environment Pretty much the only things I care about. More money in the pocket is always a plus, and less air pollution, who doesn't like that. Not seeing any negative, all pluses in my world. Global warming, don't care. But I'm not the ones complaining about countries not doing enough, when they themselves aren't doing anything. I avoid being a hypocrite .... when possible. Yes, EVs are a bit more eco friendly than ICE, and solar better than most grid power from fossil. Not much argument about that. Just saving 1 oil spill on land or sea is worth it alone.
  11. I don't have a problem with it, just don't expect me to use it.
  12. Forget 'Thai roads', forget the law, enforcement, lack of, test, blah blah blah ... ... what responsible parent lets 14 yr old drive a motorbike, possibly without a helmet ? Surely they'll blame everyone and everything ... except themselves. R I P
  13. Pop into a Boots or Watson's, should have the aluminum retractable at least.
  14. Does it really matter what Thailand or any country / govt has done. Why wait for them? What have YOU done ? Still travelling international ? Still driving fossil fueled vehicles ? Still haven't gone solar at home ? So you've done nothing ... hmm
  15. The longest & shortest days here aren't that far apart ... 1.5 hrs +/-
  16. Multiple locations: https://www.k-speed.net/th https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/K-SPEED/@13.6508103,100.4158995,17z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x30e2bd2032d8bfb5:0x6706d716dd949c19!2sK-SPEED!8m2!3d13.6508068!4d100.4180807!3m4!1s0x30e2bd2032d8bfb5:0x6706d716dd949c19!8m2!3d13.6508068!4d100.4180807 Bike shop @ 1:30 into vid:
  17. 6 hrs N of BKK, seems interesting, for a night and morning wake up: https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/ริมชล+รีสอร์ท+เขื่อนภูมิพล+จ.ตาก/@17.2165061,99.0462344,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMHdkzZQoidTmqfJUmfHnlA7bopcJL9k1uITcxl!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMHdkzZQoidTmqfJUmfHnlA7bopcJL9k1uITcxl%3Dw203-h114-k-no!7i4608!8i2592!4m19!1m13!4m12!1m6!1m2!1s0x30dc2e5aaa623173:0xe93024bca5391f1f!2zNjI4VytKRjUg4Lij4Li04Lih4LiK4LilIOC4o-C4teC4quC4reC4o-C5jOC4lyDguYDguILguLfguYjguK3guJnguKDguLnguKHguLTguJ7guKUg4LiILuC4leC4suC4gSDguJbguJnguJkg4Lij4Li04Lih4LmB4Lih4LmI4LiZ4LmJ4Liz4Lib4Li04LiHIOC4quC4suC4oiAxIFNhbSBOZ2FvLCBTYW0gTmdhbyBEaXN0cmljdCwgVGFrIDYzMTMw!2m2!1d99.0462344!2d17.2165061!1m3!2m2!1d99.122914!2d17.208412!3e0!3m4!1s0x30dc2e5aaa623173:0xe93024bca5391f1f!8m2!3d17.2165061!4d99.0462344 Few others in the area if not happy on arrival. 15 mins off the highway, next to river, w/food in the area. DISCLAIMER: Have not stayed there, but someplace I'd consider. On the return to Krung Thep, 6 ish hrs puts you at Nakhon Sawan, so should be plenty of places to choose from. City or riverside.
  18. The brand carries a high price here, as I've peeked, and got a bit of sticker shock. Though admit to ignorance of, but roof racks & such I looked at seemed way overpriced here. Same with Thule brand. Probably explains why I only see them on high end vehicles ... ???? Here's an authorized dealer, may want to ask pricing to get a ball park idea: https://www.carryboynon.com/14329715/cb-727
  19. Tourist seem to be back to normal and not using any common sense. Just looked at photos of the river/rapids/rocks in said river. Only for the most experienced. You can't fix stupid. And how does a properly fitted & worn safety helmet and life vest, come off.
  20. On this subject, anyone have any experience making tea with leaves ? Amount used, as I'm seeing recipe online, simply stated leaf / leaves with boiling water poured over and allowed to steep for 20-30 minutes, then ready. Seems easy enough .... experiences ???
  21. Already downloaded, then give it watch. It's OK, though nothing new about it, just a bit different. Didn't see the earlier versions, so can't compare, and wouldn't anyway. People that do are usually disappointed. The usual assassin, screws an op, then protects an innocent. Simply played by different actors you may or may not like. It's a movie, not a documentary. Good for killing time, as they all are.
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