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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. You're correct, I was wrong. Apparently speed tickets have a 1 yr statue of limitations. Google is your friend. Refers to Redbull grandson case. Not sure if allowed to link it. "The speeding charge was later dropped when the one-year statute of limitations expired"
  2. https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/Chai+Autosound+-+ชัยออโต้ซาวด์+ภูเก็ต+(เครื่องเสียง+ประดับยนต์+ฟิล์มกรองแสง)/@7.921087,98.3708685,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipM_05pyH823qiilB3RsTRuisFYAyz3JqoHYsxS9!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipM_05pyH823qiilB3RsTRuisFYAyz3JqoHYsxS9%3Dw447-h298-k-no!7i5184!8i3456!4m20!1m14!4m13!1m4!2m2!1d99.7866109!2d11.8186059!4e1!1m6!1m2!1s0x305031bbbdd4efcd:0xfbf63bef88365ea4!2zQ2hhaSBBdXRvc291bmQgLSDguIrguLHguKLguK3guK3guYLguJXguYnguIvguLLguKfguJTguYwg4Lig4Li54LmA4LiB4LmH4LiVICjguYDguITguKPguLfguYjguK3guIfguYDguKrguLXguKLguIcg4Lib4Lij4Liw4LiU4Lix4Lia4Lii4LiZ4LiV4LmMIOC4n-C4tOC4peC5jOC4oeC4geC4o-C4reC4h-C5geC4quC4hykgNTUvODgg4LihLjUsIOC4luC4meC4meC5gOC4ieC4peC4tOC4oeC4nuC4o-C4sOC5gOC4geC4teC4ouC4o-C4leC4tOC4leC4s-C4muC4peC4o-C4seC4qeC4juC4siDguK3guLPguYDguKDguK3guYDguKHguLfguK3guIcg4Lig4Li54LmA4LiB4LmH4LiVLCA4MzAwMCDguKPguLHguKnguI7guLIg4LmA4Lih4Li34Lit4LiHIFBodWtldCA4MzAwMA!2m2!1d98.3708769!2d7.9210834!3e0!3m4!1s0x305031bbbdd4efcd:0xfbf63bef88365ea4!8m2!3d7.9210834!4d98.3708769
  3. TBH, I really don't notice much difference between the press, moka or machine, with a little tweaking, I can make them taste about the same. Unless you drink espresso, which is why a said our machine is a coffee machine, as 15 bar, and espresso you want around 9 bar. I'm not a fan of expresso. Drink cappuccino & Americano (strong), so far from a coffee connoisseur. Moka pot you need to take off the flame as soon as you hear it, or it will be bitter very fast. If needing lots of crema, you'll need a machine, and pressurized portafilter will provide more, than naked portafilter. At least from our machine. Most come with pressurized anyway.
  4. Not really. Buy ground if not grinding in a burr grinder. 250gr bags till you find the one you like. We prefer arabica beans. Cafe Roma, inexpensive & OK, which we order online, 3-5kg of beans at a time. We go through about 75gr a day.
  5. Cheapest & easiest would be French Press or Moka Pot, and recommend Stainless Steel for both. As I've broken a couple glass French Presses, and prefer not to cook anything in aluminum, Moka. We have these, but not sure from what vendor: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/moka-pot-300ml450ml-moka-pot-i1817324613.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.27.66d456590yuuim https://www.lazada.co.th/products/mayday-french-press-350ml800ml-304-304-stainless-steel-coffee-maker-i592004451.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.25.6af6c765sFFqkU We also have a this coffee machine, which gets used most of the time. Emphasis on coffee, not 'espresso' machine: https://www.lazada.co.th/etzel-sn-203-etzel-espresso-machine-model-sn-203-i170962672-s213153733.html?spm=a2o4m.evaluation_my_review.0.0.662c6108OPByvz For grinder, went with this, but it needed some tweaking, which involved giving it 1 grind setting, but works good .... now. Grinder should be a burr grinder: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/26-household-single-mills-coffee-grinder-i2694468289.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.107.292413a4EOGStK Actually seen the same grinder, rebadged, sell for 3800 at specialty shops.
  6. Liar & cheat ... maybe Loser ... billionaire with wife 20+ yrs younger ... If that's a loser, sign me up ????
  7. I don't hang out with the Thai version of the haters & complainers either. Just shake my head or chuckle at them. Something bothers you, change it, or avoid it. Problem solved. You always have a choice. Choose wisely. Crying about it, never helps.
  8. Laugh everyday at some of the queries & answers... ... inclusive
  9. The the thread is a bit of a mute subject. So simply asking how to stay more than 1 month ????
  10. The 'experts' that point out the obvious, and try to sound so intelligent. Prefer the 'global warming/rising ocean' experts myself. But ask them what they are doing to slow or prevent said ecological disaster of a whole 1C or 30cm over the next 100 yrs, maybe. Nothing .... still driving fossil fuel vehicles, using energy from, and taking international holidays ... ???? I guess 'hypocrite' isn't in their vocabulary. Thinkin many would welcome it being a bit warmer. Rising oceans, hmm...stop building oceanfront. Coming in 2nd place ... EV haters telling how horrible it is to own, and yet ... don't own. And 3rd place ... those that blame guns for killing people ... and yet ...
  11. So much hate in the world ... every day is beautiful. Are you alive, many aren't, and you're still complaining. Can he fly to 2 drones at the same time, sort of ...
  12. Do not write anything in the 'visa#' section, and they won't use your retirement visa. I actually did the opposite, had the marriage visa, but didn't write it in, and didn't notice the 30 day stamp when arriving. Did a 90 day, and the IO officer told my I overstayed 60 days ... Waited for my WT? reaction, then chuckled and made the correction. Guessing a common mistake.
  13. @jack71 Don't worry about it, they are null & void after 2 yrs.
  14. At those speeds, just knocking around town, you're not going to do much damage, IF, an oops. Just know & realize, it may be coming out of your pocket, IF, having an oops. Just accept ... "With big smiles comes big responsibility" - Uncle Ben
  15. Everything is legally allowed ... unless cited for it. Everything is safe to do ... unless having an accident.
  16. Pay attention to specs, as some are 1000w or 1500w, and battery 12Ah Besides LAZ & Shopee, I think I would chance Alibaba, as I think some are getting by customs ??? Specs ⚡️Motor 2000 w ⚡️Battery Lithium 60V 20ah https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1738949673103215/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A37eb9e1f-a1e3-4b33-ae77-ff8eaf4f4960 Not sure if this one is still in business. Use to be a vendor in HH & BKK, but no longer see their listings: https://www.facebook.com/Samui-Eco-Choppers-319796601976009/
  17. Shudder to think what our < 2 mill house (w/solar) < 5 kms from the surf would cost in USA. Or our 2 bdrm townhouse rental (6k) walking distance < 1.5 kms to the surf would cost. Solar system here 350k THB / $10k USD ... @ USA ... 1 m TBH / $35k USD (Philly metro price)
  18. Yea, I know ... Mango & Papaya comparison .... but ... 700k is Indian price (688k) that would be before import tax, if not produce at Chonburi factory.
  19. I no longer believe there are true democracies, and nationalism & racism exist and is promoted in every country. IMHO
  20. They're some silly A$$ prices. Seems to go with every product, and anything about the 'economy' level, isn't much of an upgrade for the added cost. Even the 'economy' on that list is way overpriced. Economy is 15-20% THC, and the rest is 18-30%, maybe, all of 50% at best better, but 10X the price (elsewhere) and 3X the price on that list. Not getting a whole lot more for your money. Just look at me & bragging rights. Fine if it makes you feel better. Sort of like buying anything. You can spend 1 mill baht or less for an engine & 4 wheels or 10 million baht. They both get you from point A to B.
  21. I never enjoyed working at any job, but that's what I was paid to do. So made the best out of it. We're all prostitutes, just a different industry. Paid companion's job is to do just that, keep the company of their employer. If it's in the bedroom, at the mall or the bar or the beach ... so be it.
  22. People constantly complain as a distraction from their reality, that when they look in the mirror, they realize, they simply don't like that person, and the choices they made. Refusing to take responsibility for their unhappiness, and need to blame everything, everyone else, for their situation.
  23. Don't know about the best 'store', just make sure it's and authorized store or reseller. I'm a Xiaomi / POCO fan, and surely there's a Xiaomi store or reseller in CM. If not, and wanting, they have only & links to resellers, official & flagship stores on Shopee & LAX. Where I bought most of ours over the years.
  24. oil ... OK. Never big on hash oil, but was a 'hash only' smoker for a long time.
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