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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. depends where you buy your pizza at, but I'd struggle eating just 1 of these ...
  2. Rich basstard ... ???? ... I was shy of millionaire, and not even GBPs. Now I'm a multimillionaire (THB), and only need ฿15-30k a month to live quite comfy, instead paying 12k a month (RE Tax), just for the privileges of being in the USA. Key to happiness ... retire early, with enough or more than needed, for the material side of things. The rest is a state of mind. Find out what makes you happy. Remember sitting in a park one day, still a teen, and thought to myself, can't wait till I can do this everyday. Chill with a doobie & bev, and just be. Chickie and munchies (Hoagie) always an added plus. 50 ish year later, and been doing it for past 20ish years, and never gets boring, as long as I change the scenery now & then. Instead of the hippie VW van ... got e-scooter and on the other side of the world. Who would have thought. Journey was as much fun as the now. Best part, the journey hasn't ended. Always something else to see, or somewhere to be .... or not. I'm such a LPOS. Learned if I'm not happy just being with me ... then nothing will make me happy. OK, I do need my therapist / dog. Only one that understands me.
  3. 4 Armed robbers. A dog or 2 would simply end up dead. You would still get robbed.
  4. Peeked on G, and it seems extremely easy to do, make Hash. Who knew ? Though I'm still too lazy, and can't be bothered.
  5. After that news-blip the other day of body being found after rafting.... ... mind boggling. DO YOUR RESEARCH ... if inexperienced, TH, IMHO, isn't the place to fulfil those thrill seeking experiences.
  6. Can't argue, as they are beautiful beaches, Thai's, if not crowded. Never seen one @ Satun, looks nice enough in photos. Venice beach as #1 ... takes away any credibility of anything that follows. Been there, and wouldn't make my top 25 in USA, let alone top 100 worldwide.
  7. Also going to, as soon as wife tells me our new address in English ???? Done ... Gtranslate, so easy.
  8. Go during or cusp (end) of rainy season. Lovely province, along with most of the North, if in the north. Prefer the south myself.
  9. Just need my dog, everything else is replaceable. Not that I would be the one bugging out ... ????
  10. Under the skin, a bump is a bump, and almost impossible for anyone to chime in. Could be a simple infection, like last time, a cyst or something more ominous. Unless on top the skin, visible, hard for anyone to assess, not that I'd take any of 'our' ideas to heart. Don't think there's any dermatologist on the forum. Pea size is good though. Smaller is always better.
  11. Watching for the 1st time ... ???? Since ran out of current stuff. Just into first 4 Eps of S01, and guess it gets better as the seasons progress. Good start, packing a lot into each eps., but not 8.4 rating .... yet.
  12. That was last time, which may or may not be relevant to this lump. Not something you want to ignore, or need to be overly worried about. But SHOULD be looked at ... by proper dermatologist or doc. Quick & easy biopsy if suspicious.
  13. How insecure do you have to be, to 'fear' words on a device. Common sense (which I lack some times) dictates you don't put personal info, photos, address, maps, phone #s, even emails in the public eye. I've posted photos of self and area, so easy enough to find, if really wanting. Same as I've posted screenshots of maps, and since having pins, I didn't 'shop' out, how hard to find those points with a few keystrokes. Most don't or wouldn't do what I've done, and I don't do as much as I used to. But if replying to something, I'll post what I know, which may include a photo or screenshot, and or a shot of something for 'comic relief', which again, may include me or more info that should really be shared. I don't give a sh!t ... no worries. I use to use my real, legal name on forums and sites I started or posted to, as easiest to remember. Then realized I was way to google-able, and all over the place. Now decade or more later, and I don't show up on google at all. Still use my first name, and an occasional photo of myself. You do control all data and how it's shared on the internet, and if it scares you, don't participate. FB is a big door to your life, especially if you 'friend' everyone that asks, and give them access to your info on site. Me, it's friends only, and nothing available to anyone other than those 17 friends & most are family. Now your friends may share their friend list, and not just FB, but other accounts also, which unless checking a few extra security boxes, will allow their friends to see your postings & info. You can restrict it all, as I do, Since I only have FB to keep in contact with those friends & family anyway. I turn down many of my extended family & friends when requested. Ain't seen or talked to you in over 20 years ... really, let's be friends ... please. Use someone else to jack up your #s. Some people I see have 100s to 1000 friends ... and not for business purposes ... ???? You can't fix stupid
  14. That was probably for marriage visa/ext. I've never had them visit (to my knowledge) on the retire. visa / ext. No photos required in the past. Best to just pop into Imm office and ask what 'they' require. Reads like you have everything you need.
  15. ZS even up, or save over 200k baht buying the EP. Both better spec'd, so choice would be easy for most folks.
  16. TBH, it's hard for a parent to keep track of what uniform, daughter had 3, was to be worn what day, It's silly period, to tell students what clothes to wear. Uniforms are nothing but a scam & money grab. Even the teachers I know hated the silliness of them having to wear different uniforms on different days. That's the teachers themselves, not student uniforms. Many families don't have the funds or the LINE access out of town, and sending the kids to a better school is sometimes a stretch on their finances.
  17. Noticed some of that in Udon Thani, after the 'great flood' in BKK that one year. Seem lots of folks with money believed the BS, and thought BKK was going to be underwater every year, or washed away in the next tsunami ???? Many bought 'safe' houses, but never seemed to use, and they sat empty. A glut of building, so to sell isn't really profitable. Maybe now with some appreciation, as most were condos & townhouse, so no land appreciation. Oops
  18. You can see all those frowns under those masks ... hmm
  19. I'm an open book, and it really wouldn't take much, if paying attention, to knock on my door. Though I highly wouldn't recommend it, unless you had all your affairs in order. ???? Local forum elsewhere, I had a few flat out threats, or implied they like to meet. I gave them my address ... ???? No takers ... big surprise. I find it easy to ignore people in my 'maturing' age.
  20. Only place I know of is at Krung Thep. Just OK ... IF in the area, not sure I'd make special trip. Nice area to kill the day, park, lake & butterfly place. Although, if you've seen the Monarchs migrating, then it would be like seeing Niagara Falls, then one of the things they call waterfalls here. https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/Bangkok+Butterfly+Garden+and+Insectarium/@13.8092434,100.5554636,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipP9p2e3VEDx5vie-EAwy4hd5SWF6-G-bqhKtUSP!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipP9p2e3VEDx5vie-EAwy4hd5SWF6-G-bqhKtUSP%3Dw203-h270-k-no!7i3000!8i4000!4m16!1m9!2m8!1sbutterfly!3m6!1sbutterfly!2sOr+Tor+Kor+Market,+101+Kamphaeng+Phet+Rd,+Chatuchak,+Bangkok+10900!3s0x30e29c141ea782c3:0xef703d7f3769af76!4m2!1d100.5474699!2d13.7970933!3m5!1s0x30e29c5c43145937:0x2dd1858c3d84918e!8m2!3d13.8095512!4d100.5549011!15sCglidXR0ZXJmbHlaCyIJYnV0dGVyZmx5kgEGbXVzZXVt
  21. Glad I didn't follow that advice, or I would have spent 2.5 million baht over the years in rent, and that's being conservative, instead of make 2.5 million baht and living here rent free for 22 years. Although, if never invested in RE before, TH might not be the place to try your luck.
  22. Now we're talking. Haven't indulged since 1999, @ Bulldog, Amsterdam. Right before first trip to Thailand, as didn't want to go from hot (Memphis USA) to hot SEA. Damn it was good. Hop over to Sweden, visit niece, and the rest is history. My only EU trip, and never again. Great museums, expensive & boring food. Skiing on ice mountain & snow, and sitting on Patong Beach the next WEEK ???? What a BEAUTIFUL WORLD
  23. Agree and gov't hospital always, usually cheaper, considerably most times. Had hemorrhoids dealt with at Paolo Hosp (now BKK), and surgeon said he could have done at UT govt hosp much cheaper, but they didn't have a private room available, so I went with PH. I don't wards, or semi-private, especially in hot, mozzy season.
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