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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. And you may still incur the 'foreigner surcharge' now allowed to have dual pricing for foreigner's hospital bills.
  2. Need an address (lease, owner's blue book & ID), simply wait till money 'seasoned' ... 3 months usually for first time, 2 months for extensions, unless changed since last time I read. Pop into Imm office you plan on using & ask, 2 or 3 months. How & where to wait is UP2U.
  3. At least he didn't say he owned that big A$$ boat out in the bay.
  4. Keeps flashing his bank account around (if it exists) and he may find it drained with him in a ditch somewhere. His future solved for him.
  5. Pretty much anywhere outside a metro area. Size matters of course. Although, if you have to ask, then you probably can't.
  6. Tawan Daeng, always a blast at Udon Thani (no P4P). There's one in Phit. https://www.facebook.com/TAWANDANG.PHS/
  7. PKK, A Muang, PKK ... nil for tourist that ask Hua Hin ... P4P ... haven't a clue. google - 'hua hin forum' may help with that Hilton used to have brewery/beer garden/after hours, that was excellent & fun at times. Long time ago though. Haven't bothered playing single in 16+ years.
  8. 28% of 1000 polled, 280 people of the 350ish million Yanks or 0.00008% ???? ... stop already 37% of those 28% (108 people) actually own guns. Watch out Wash DC ???? https://uchicagopolitics.opalstacked.com/uploads/homepage/Polarization-Poll.pdf the guardian ran that little tidbit last month. that's embarrassing they are down to rag level, with the mail & sun. with the hill regurgitating it yesterday. think I'll stick to the news that isn't allowed here.
  9. I prefer not to be that stoned. Did that as a youngin' with PCP I smoke .5 - 1 gr, and I'm quite happy with that buzz. How many grams used to make a 'dab'.... also prefer not to have a Richard Pryor experience ... butane & heat ... hmm For those scratching your head: https://adelanterecovery.com/blog/4-dangerous-side-effects-of-smoking-dabs/
  10. Buzz factor while still smoking: good ... before finishing 1 gr doobie better ... before finishing half 1 gr doobie best ... before finishing half of 1/2 gr doobie
  11. @Sparktrader You need to be a lot more specific in your queries. What are you looking for ? Is this a holiday or recon ? Traveling single ? P4P ? Having transport to/from, or renting while there ? Or public trans ? Phuket ... I'd go to Kamala Beach to start, but you'll eventually need transport, so I'd rent a MB or car if not comfy on scooter.
  12. Watched the trailer, and that female just didn't belong. Even researched the timeline, to see if even possible, and NO. All inclusive is fine, as they do walk among us ... ???? but not for a time piece, at least try to keep it real. Being in is fine (non historical), but don't play the oppression angle, as that's BS in the western world now, and been that way for 30 ish yrs, at least where I'm from. Actually never an issue in my peer group growing up. I obviously grew up in different environment.
  13. I was actually thinking he same thing, but 'gay' didn't enter my mind ... hmm More just thinking 'ain't right in the head'
  14. We do have a sponsor selling buds + ... nuff said That's not legal enough. Along with brick & mortar shops dotted around the country. FB & LINE business may not be registered business, so better not to post. Also not paid advertisers to AN ... again, reason not to post.
  15. https://localiseasia.com/thai-fruits-and-their-seasonality/
  16. As I stated, I looked at photos of the river and I certainly would NOT go down that, any time of the year. And I've been white water rafting. Maybe I should change my signature, Better research = Safer holiday Don't sit in the back of the raft, as comfy as it looks back there, you get launched out on the slightest bounce ... ????
  17. So UNbelievable. As Guangyuan, China is not near the Myanmar border, and if family doesn't have access to them, how do they even know they are in prison. If they did know they were in prison, for whatever reason, is the family in the area to be denied access ... highly unlikely. Nothing about the news-blip makes sense. BS
  18. Spare MB & phones ... far from dirt poor. You can be poor & uneducated, that's no excuse for stupid & irresponsible.
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