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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Obviously rare, but apparently reported already ... ... whether from covid, vaccine, or meds ???
  2. Actually had 3 more, 2 in ground and 1 on roof for gravity flow, in case of power outage. Thought mine were over kill, though handy when filling the pool. Do you save rainwater for the dry season ? Water was a problem at that house, new house and I want need any extra tank. 3 ttl maybe. Now just the 1 planned, as minimal yard. Other house sat on 2 rai.
  3. You actually feel the need to drive faster than 120 kph ?
  4. You might want to link something from a more credible rag than Time. Also not an op-ed from a TicTok doc - "TikTok handle @AskDrMom" And my posting of YT vid of ex CEO of Pfizer, lifetime virologist gets criticized.
  5. Might want to leave the village once in a while. It's the one that has 'Highway Police' written on it. All 4 sides of the vehicle.
  6. "...As one of the doctors quoted in this forum said" And here I thought all forum members were board certified, along with all their instant, peer reviewed, from the other forum docs, while dishing out medical advice. No ... I'm not volunteering to infect myself with a disease, just to get it over with ... ???? Thinking like that is a bit mind boggling in itself.
  7. People being financially responsible for themselves has become news ... ... that's sad.
  8. Toilet indeed. Must visit, once a year, only because can't do visa ext at local office.
  9. I have a few hobbies, although sipping a few & women top the list for enjoyment level, usually. I excel at being a LPOS, and doing absolutely nothing. Works while stationary, or rolling around on 2 or 4 wheels. Unless you have interest in same hobby, talking about it would bore you and most, so exchange thoughts about those hobbies elsewhere. No great desire to talk about women, when single, as I'd rather play in the game, than armchair conversation. Looking at a few snaps might be interesting, until it's not. Same with vid: https://www.flickr.com/photos/56481061@N02/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gChDEVJz40 You'd be surprised what people are into, they just don't feel the need to share. Others, you're probably glad they don't share ... ????
  10. Technically, you'll need a work permit, for any & all, but nobody is going to care with what you have in mind. You can also ask for a 'waiver' in writing, but I personally wouldn't bother.
  11. So on a daily average, 300 ÷ 7 = 42 per day vs the usual 50-60 a day the rest of the year, depending on pre-covid year. Making it safer to drive during the holidays than any other time of year. Usually the same with Songkran holiday. ????????????
  12. Yes & no ... what if I don't want to live in FL, as I lived in PA, high RE tax, sales tax, income tax, mandatory auto & health insurance. What I'd spend on taxes & ins, per month, is the cost of living here. And healthcare is a joke, as 2 monthly premiums is more than I spend a year here, complete yearly check up & meds. FL has homestead / RE allowance, a plus, but them yearly storms kept my out, as a retirement place.
  13. I use mine quite often, where ever I'd is asked for ID / PP. Used just yesterday for bank withdrawal. Always for hotel check in, as avoided TM30 filings in the past, not necessary now, I think.
  14. I simply opened an account at BkkBank, local branch, (Prachuap Khiri Khan province), and sent my account # to Manila SS, and they did the rest. No drama, no forms.
  15. KhunLA


    Problem was at last house, p/u times / days were inconsistent. Simply got tired of picking up the trash every 2 or 3 weeks. Unless you stand guard, the dogs get to it within the hour. Can't be bothered, so just burn it myself. At least I know it's not getting dump in the sea.
  16. I'm from Philly metro, smalls-ville compared to NYC & KT, then 5 yrs Memphis area (GermanTown) before coming here. Hated BKK first couple visits, quite like it now. Do 3 months at each, while exploring the areas. Wouldn't buy in till you see a bit more, but if Mrs is leaning toward HH, then she's going to be around wee bit longer than yourself, so would be more practical to buy there. Unless, no time soon, after your passing, she plans to head up to BKK herself, to be close to family, then not sure if I would buy in at all.
  17. Fuel, when EV are the majority, the petrol will be a niche market and more expensive. Taxes, poor/rich, learned not to debate that. I think if you earn it, you keep it, and the only fair tax, is a flat, across the board tax for all. No credit, no allowance, or deductibles for anyone, any reason. Make 50k baht a year, pay 10% or whatever rate is. Make 50M baht a year, pay 10%
  18. KhunLA


    When having our houses, we burn our trash, what little there is. As we don't buy much processed food. What doesn't go in the compose, including some paper stuff, the rest gets burned. Recyclables give to those wanting. Doesn't leave much for trash pick up. Reason - if putting all out for p/u, soi dogs make a mess of it. I figure the municipality is only going to have transported and dump or burned elsewhere, or worst, some end up in the seas. Only give the recyclables away, so they can earn a bit of money. Thailand recycles very little of what is collects.
  19. Never understood the take a 'boat from an island, to an island' unless for privacy, which, since bring a boatload with you, defeats that purpose. 375 there, isn't very private. NO swimming .... what's the point.????
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