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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I think it's 8% on EVs, well, according the this info-snapshot, though 2 cars, 1 Thai, 1 not, got a pass ... hmm
  2. Or teach them how to swim and or float. If knowing that, almost impossible to drown in calm water. Just looked at the photo. They may have jumped in, and got stuck in the mud underwater. R I P
  3. When we bought out Mazda2, it was about 515k baht, and we got 100k rebate of excise tax (Thanks Ms Toxin), so price without, just over 400k + 25% excise tax, hence 500+k price paid. Buddy got only 60k rebate, for Nissan March when they first came out, and think the price was 350ishk baht back then. I think 60k was the minimum and 100k was the max rebate you could get.
  4. I disagree with with both. I think as alternatives come about, fuel prices will just go up & up. As they do (now) when less people drive, they increase them. So less ICEs, and prices will rise. Taxes ... don't think you can get any fairer than 7% VAT ... across the board. Especially for retired. They have the sliding income tax, but your really have to become quite comfy to get any real tax on your income. More income you have, more toys you buy, more tax you pay. Kind of fair. Import tax, protectionism for Thai business, though unfortunately, not really developing much manufacturing of what is imported, so may be counter productive.
  5. Yes, mine will go where ever I go, which causes its own problem, because I still don't know where I prefer. Actually nowhere full time, though building house in PKK province, I enjoy the Andaman Sea beaches, as will actually swim in them, but also enjoy Krung Thep area. N & NE don't do anything for me, as offer nothing I can't find down here. Plenty of hilltop view, here, and even more below in the South, our preferred out & about destination if not visiting the kid in BKK. Love living where I am, love leaving on out & abouts, and love returning ... I'm so confused ????
  6. That applies to country your born in, and lived majority of your life. So do I fall into the USA/Americas, or Asian part of the chart. Or split the difference of 1/3, since here for just over 33% of my life. Or, since most things that bring down the average life expectancy age, happen in the first 2/3 of life, am I way ahead of the curve already. Hmm ... I'll have another Bailey's as I ponder this mystery ????
  7. Easy for a yank that paid attention in history, geography class. Both (A+H) becoming states the same year.
  8. That's the first rational thinking doc that made a news-blip without all the fear monging. ???? So I'll continue to social distance till this virus mutates itself down to flu level, which is just about where it's at now. Without the need to inject untested (long term) shots in my body 4 or 5 times. No worries of adverse effect now or in the future. That's a win win for me
  9. Again, all number being reported are suspect. NY wants the reporting of covid case at hospitals to be more 'specific'. Quick survey, and 20-50% of the cases reported were not admitted for covid, but tested positive while just happened to be at the hospital for something else, and no symptoms. But yet, are added to the covid 'hospitalization' numbers. That's just silly.
  10. In which case, he would have made the right decision ... ????
  11. https://www.google.com/search?q=use+of+hiv+med+to+fight+covid&oq=use+of+hiv+med+to+fight+covid&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i22i29i30.11550j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  12. You do know what you asked, and you did read my reply. You may want to reread both. Hint; virus / anti-viral medicine
  13. Or ... sex with people his own age ... that's scary in itself ????
  14. I was so anti kid in my later years, that I got a vasectomy at 40 yrs old. Raising one was way too cool, and to much fun for both of us. Can think of only 1 other thing that actually gave my life meaning, purpose and worth existing ... ???? Main issue for OP is, he already did that, and really no need to repeat. Doubt if I would, if younger, raise another kid, since already doing, as that's a 20 yr commitment. Most folks, get to do it again with grandchildren, and part time, a major plus. I'm actually looking forward to that, but not sure I'll live long enough, as daughter in no hurry.
  15. But if the top end of the poor, those that do buy a new vehicle in the family, then going EV could be quite the money saver in the long run. Motors will run forever, and 8 yrs from now, battery cost will be much improved. I think Thailand has one of the fairest tax codes, one main reason I'm here. They could lower the excise tax on entry level cars, as 100k is a bit silly, and adds and extra 25% to the sticker price. Enough to keep many from buying. At least eliminate the excise tax on small engine p/u's.
  16. ฿2M ... nah ... I can think of better things to spend that extra ฿1M on. 2m for an unimpressive 4 wheels, I don't think so. 2X the USA price. If they build it here, would it still be 1m. Along with no gov't incentives to buy, $20k USD brings it down to nicer entry level ICE.
  17. That vulnerable / high risk person, should avoid people & crowds. Enough already. If you're scared to live outdoors, stay indoors. Nobody wore masks with the seasonal flu, and can be deadly to people at risk. Mask provides little to no protection if you're not wearing goggles.
  18. Whoa ... yea that's a wee bit more. Trying to figure out the source, as one vendor lists as 'Huangren Harley', but can't get any info for it.
  19. The app ... yikes, that sucks. Worse than the computer site. I hate apps, refuse to use when I don't have to.
  20. Why's that ? Treatments I've read about, include the same anti-virals HIV folks take, so with that .... I think so !
  21. Strangely 'review history' is working today, and it wasn't yesterday, as I tried looking for something I ordered. Then if order pages aren't working, I'll search my reviews. Good reason to review.
  22. Yea, that does that now & then. Sometimes you can search all, sometimes not. It will come back.
  23. Or ... ฿8060 ... different specs though ... LAZ: http://tiny.cc/5h5nuz
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