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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 6 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    Sigh...unfortunately not fast enough for you. How many dead children will it take for you to call on the Palestinians to take the moral high-ground and release the hostages and initiate a ceasefire?

    No, it is precisely the right rate, zero. If only the Palestinian rate was the same.


    If no Israelis have died in the last two weeks, why have the Israeli’s killed so many Palestinian kids in that same window of time? 

    Are their tactics justified when they are not under any meaningful attack at all?


    It absolutely reeks of being war crimes.


    Let’s hope the appropriate justice is served on all those who deserve - it on both sides.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Yellowtail said:

    Yes, we all agree that the death toll on Gaza is horrendous. It is time the Palestinians take the moral high-ground and release the hostages and initiate a ceasefire. 


    How many more Jews have to die before their bloodlust is satisfied?  

    Israeli's aren't really dying too much at the moment though, are they?


    The Israeli death toll reported by Israeli authorities has not increased since at least Oct. 16, hovering around 1,400 people killed, with more than 5,400 injured.



    • Sad 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Danny Australia said:


    The apparent hypocrisy is indeed striking. You've consistently ignored to condemn the butchering of 4,000 children in just three weeks by the sh... on the other side, yet this young girl's tragic death has managed to touch your sense of humanity.


    In contrast, I genuinely express my deep sadness over her passing.


    I'm currently searching the internet for more details, as it does seem highly improbable that Hamas would target her, or any other hostage given their potential value in future prisoner swap negotiations.


    I wouldn't be surprised if it later comes to light that she was a victim of an Israeli airstrike. However, if Hamas killed her intentionally while in their custody, I would condemn such crime without any reservation as my feelings and actions are not motivated by any ideology as some Zionists here.


    This is of great interest to me.

    How do people allow themselves to be so blindingly one sided.


    Both events, the death of a single innocent young lady at the hands of Hamas and the 4,000 deaths of innocent children at the hands of the Israeli's should sicken all people, yet, somehow, there are those who can overlook one or the other tragedy simply because the murderers are on their side.


    What hope has mankind given the ease at which so many of us can so readily accept atrocities being committed against those with whom we disagree.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    No, you weren't being "upfront and honest", far from it. You lied and and used it countless times, and after you got called out for lying you redefined it. 


    Just like you've redefined any number of things like "indiscriminate" and "civilians" and "children", you just haven't admitted it yet. 

    More comprehension struggles from the peanut brigade.

    I can't help you.

    Not sure anybody can.


    Any on topic comments you would like me to respond to?

  5. 32 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    Would you like to comment on the killing of this beautiful young girl kidnapped and Murdered by Hamas at a concert MoJo and Co. Explain to her parents why she was taken away from them and bundled into the back of a pickup truck to die at the hands of Hamas? Do you have any sympathy for her.


    Absolute tragedy.

    Reminds me of Rachel Corrie.

    Another innocent soul taken too soon

    Another victim of Zionist fanatics.


    I have sympathy for all of the dead and injured on both sides.

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  6. 26 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Yes, but you claimed that Israel was an Apartheid state and to prove that it was , you said there were 29 million results when you did a google webseach on "Israel Apartheid" 🙂

       Thats just gotta be a wind up 🙂


    You still don't understand what you are responding to.

    Stop trying to win all the time and you may just stop losing all the time.


    I am not going to explain it all again, it is obviously too far over your head.


    • Confused 1
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    • Haha 1
  7. 22 minutes ago, Morch said:


    I doubt you read much that's not in line with your point of view. Or at least no in-depth reading beyond searching for anything that could be used as a counter-argument. Considering your own warped, extreme views, it is hard to imagine you'd accept anyone not supporting your way of thinking and rhetoric as 'informed'. This was demonstrated on this topic often enough.


    You have no idea what I read or don't read.

    What you have is a bee in your bonnet for being comprehensively trounced for 205 consecutive pages.


  8. 25 minutes ago, Morch said:


    You're constantly babbling about your 'personal' definitions, which are neither accurate nor generally accepted.

    You constantly post materials, comments and 'facts' based on dubious sources, or not sourced at all. When these are (rightly) taken down, you ÷whine.

    Why are you using the plurals?

    There is only one term, carpet bombing, where I clearly stated that I was using the word subjectively.

    I was being upfront and honest - give it a go yourself.


  9. 35 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    There wouldn't be any deaths if the Palestinian terrorists handed over the hostages and their people handed over the vile murderous animals that committed these horrific crimes in Israel on the 7th October, oh stopping lobbing rockets over to Israel may help. So as you see these deaths are the sole responsibility of the Palestinian terrorists. 


    So how many "to get square?"

  10. 36 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    How would they know if the bombs they see exploding were dropped indiscriminately? 


    The only people that could possibly know would be the people dropping the bombs. 


    Is that not clear? 


    The civilian death toll is all that is needed to prove that the bombing is indiscriminate, unless you believe that the IDF meant to kill over 4,000 children.

    • Haha 1
  11. 34 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:



       I can play that game .

    Man landed on the moon two million years ago, because that's when man first noticed the moon 

    You obviously can't play that game.

    There were no men 2 million years ago Nick.

    Homo Sapiens have only existed for about 300,000 years.

    Facts are important, ignoring them only makes one look stupid.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 34 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


      Stop it, you have got to be winding me up .

    You just cannot be serious .

    Google search results mean something is true or not ?

    Ha ha , quite funny, I just hope that you aren't being serious 


    No, I am not winding you up.


    Google search results show the amount of activity of a particular topic or subject matter.

    The more people that are researching, discussing or debating an issue, the more search results there are.


    Nick, you have to be more aware of your own strengths and weaknesses and limitations.

    You constantly post without fully understanding what you are responding to.

    Always shooting from the hip straight into your own foot.

    Slow down.

    Stop thinking you know everything.

    You are clearly overestimating your literacy and comprehension skills and it is resulting in you posting nonsense.


    At the moment, IMHO, you are a know it all that knows nothing and if you don't change your attitude and increase your self awareness, that is all you will ever be and that is a terrible way to spend ones short time here on this mortal coil.

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 25 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Some years back (well, more than 'some') these was one of these Israel-Palestine topics on, with one of the sub-issues on the menu being Israel's change of ROE with regard to stone throwing. There were a lot of negative comments on that from posters.


    About a couple of weeks later, there was a string of stone throwing at cars near Ayhuthaya, with several accidents resulting in injuries (possibly a death, can't recall). There were many calls for capital punishment or treating it like attempted murder from the forum's patrons.


    Sugar pie, may your car never be hit with a half block while speeding. May the other half block not be lobbed at your precious head with the resulting consequences.


    Then again, hardly likely to be a risk factor for a keyboard warrior.


    Capital punishment would occur after a fair trial would it not?

    Very very different from shooting a kid on the spot.


    Tell me, if the kid happens to be Muslim or have a darker skin complexion, is it okay in your book to just pull the trigger without the trial?

  14. 28 minutes ago, transam said:

    Next you will be spouting that Iran, Hezbollah are the good guys.....:whistling:

    Now, 204 pages in, and you remain none the wiser.

    There are no good guys here.

    All of them are bad.

    Hamas are bad, the Israel and the IDF are bad, Iran are bad, Hezbollah are bad, the Saudis are bad, and on and on it goes.

    • Confused 1
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  15. 37 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    You've already proudly admitted you redefine actions to mean whatever you want them to mean, why should war crimes be any different? 


    Persistently misrepresenting other people only shows the weakness of your argument and the weakness of your ability to  debate.

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  16. 35 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Its tiring explaining the basics .

    No one is ignoring the evens that happened before 7 th October 

    Its like talking to children 


    Take a moment.


    Take a deep breath.

    Now consider it may be you that is not fully comprehending things here.


    It is tiring and it is like talking to children.

    Tighten up.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  17. 36 minutes ago, Danny Australia said:


    Ignoring everything that led to the events of October 7th is absurd and doesn't make sense.


    What happened prior to that date provides context for the events that unfolded.


    You can choose to disregard the context if you wish, but doing so will not give you a clear view of the entire picture. As the head of the UN stated, the events on the 7th of October did not occur in a vacuum.


    "Absurd and doesn't make sense".

    Get used to it.

  18. 35 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:



      Laugh out loud , just LOL 

    The truth is now dependant on how many results come up on a google search 🙂

    I just did a google search for "I am very clever"

    I got 437 000 000 results 

    Me and Einstein have similarities . 

       You are seriously saying that the amount of results a google search brings up means its true 

    I am done with this idiocy and I cannot believe I am talking about this 


    It's the relativity of the results that matter.


    War Crimes = 96,500,000

    Genocide = 63,600,000

    Apartheid = 29,100,000


    Carpet bombing = 6,700,000


    Clearly there is a great deal of discussion regarding the first three terms and much much less discussing carpet bombing.


    My position that Israel is carpet bombing Gaza is an outlier and not as commonly debated or discussed due to the fewer number of people holding that view is the point I was making.


    I am not surprised you were / are unable to grasp the concept.

    • Confused 1
  19. 33 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:



      Laugh out loud , just LOL 

    The truth is now dependant on how many results come up on a google search 🙂

    I just did a google search for "I am very clever"

    I got 437 000 000 results 

    Me and Einstein have similarities . 

       You are seriously saying that the amount of results a google search brings up means its true 

    I am done with this idiocy and I cannot believe I am talking about this 


    Einstein and I.

  20. 32 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


      Does that make any sense ?

    Could you simplify that a bit to make it more understandable ?

    It is easy to understand.

    Israel and its backers have managed to restrict the discussion of the war to the boundaries of their choosing. This means topics such as Israel abhorrent behaviour prior to October 7th, the root cause of the attacks, are being suppressed via the threat of cancellation to anyone not toeing the correct imposed line. Even the UN General Secretary is not immune to this pressure, as witnessed by his recent walking back of his comments assigning blame to Israel (no vacuum).

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  21. 31 minutes ago, transam said:

    Your bunch of murderers ignored International laws, did you forget...? :whistling:

    My bunch of murderers?


    For me, the murderers are Hamas and the IDF

    For you, the murderers are Hamas alone


    So I guess you are correct, my bunch (both Hamas and the IDF) ignored and continue to ignore international laws.

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