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Posts posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 20 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


    Okay, so why does Palestine not fight back by attacking the people actually encroaching into their area? Why sneak into Israel's area to rape and kill a lot of defenseless innocent people, including women, children and babies? 


    How is that fighting back?


    How does one have sympathy for that? 


    Mismatched capabilities.


    A full frontal assault on an adversary overwhelmingly more powerful than you is suicide.

    Hamas's aim was to commit an attack that would enrage the Israeli's into a overly brutal response that would leave the rest of the Arab world no option but to get involved.


    So far, it's all going exactly to Hamas's plan.


    There is no sympathy, just cold hard facts.

  2. 1 minute ago, Wobblybob said:

    Two can play your deflective game, why do they constantly bomb Israel. Are you saying the Palestinians want peace if you do I have a London Bridge to sell you.

    Because of the expansionary settlements and oppressive occupation.

    Yes, the majority of Palestinians want a two state solution.


    By and large, Gazans do not share Hamas’s goal of eliminating the state of Israel. When presented with three possible solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (as well as an option to choose “other”), the majority of survey respondents (54 percent) favored the two-state solution outlined in the 1993 Oslo accords. In this scenario, the state of Palestine would sit alongside the state of Israel, their borders based on the de facto boundary that existed before the 1967 Six-Day War. The level of support for this resolution has not changed much since 2021; in that survey, 58 percent of respondents in Gaza selected the two-state solution.


    (Link is free for first time visitor's and behind a paywall for those who have already used their one free article)


    https://www.foreignaffairs.com/israel/what-palestinians-really-think-hamas#:~:text=On the eve of Hamas's,percent of the adult population.

    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, transam said:

    Don't ask a stupid question, you support the Hamas terrorist club. You dodge questions, you dodge videos, you are a tool.........


    You don't like Israel taking out your chums in response to them murdering the ordinary Israeli folk. 


    Not only are you a tool, you are a clown, a despicable clown pretending to care, but you don't care about anything, just your twisted agenda.


    You have even attracted Neeranam as your sidekick, which speaks volumes, the dynamic clown duo...😂

    I've given you a heart emoji for this intellectual literary masterpiece.


  4. 14 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Cry me a river.

    We're not all into faux emo crap.

    We're not all drama queens.

    That's up to you.


    I was, and am, appalled at the way Israelis were killed by Hamas.

    That was out of bounds.


    People getting killed in wars - that's bad, but not something outside the scope of experience for anyone watching news.


    You try (and fail) to make the case that there is no difference. I disagree.


    In effect, you're no different than Hamas inasmuch as its concerns exploiting death for propaganda purposes.

    As I'm also not buying into your faux 'care', 'empathy' and all the rest, not really interested or impressed by your moralizing and virtue signalling efforts.


    Let me doubt you have any connection, any acquaintance with people effected, hurt or killed or murdered.

    No one but a couple of trolling wannabe sidekicks even cares about the emo you spew, let alone buy into it.


    Palestinian babies!

    Are you appalled at the deaths of the Palestinian babies?

  5. 7 minutes ago, Morch said:


    There's a whole lot Israel does wrong in the West Bank. A lot of injustice. But whatever that is - giving Palestinians there full rights as Israeli citizens is not on. They are not citizens. You can claim they ought to have their own country, and I'd agree. Not the same thing.

    And here is the heart of the problem.


    There are but three possible solutions:


    1. One state solution 

    2. Two state solution, independent side by side states 

    3. Genocide


    What does Israel want?


    Number one is off the table because demographics would make the Jews a minority and as much as they love to claim they are the only democracy in the Middle East, they won't accept a democracy where Arabs have the numerical advantage. The world won't accept apartheid which is what the Israeli's really want so no acceptable outcome for Israel here


    Number two is off the table because the Israeli's won't give up the land they have already stolen so every offer is always going to be unacceptable to the Palestinians, additionally a defined border prevents further land theft. The idea of Jordan absorbing the West Bank and Egypt absorbing Gaza doesn't work as this option would still require a defined border with Israel and the Israeli's will not like that because, as mentioned, it ends their ability to keep stealing land.


    Number three appears to be the Israeli's preferred option. A slow moving genocide of an entire people. Make life as unbearable as possible in the hope that the Palestinians will give up and leave of their volition until their numbers dwindle to such a level that option one - a one state solution becomes viable.


    • Confused 1
    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, transam said:

    Mr. Mojo, the terrorist supporter, once again shows his affiliation to the children executioners....🤨

    Mr Mojo is opposed to all forms of terrorism.


    Out of curiosity which "children executioners" do you believe I am affiliated with - the Palestinian ones or the Israeli ones?

  7. 7 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Yeah, that your virtue signaling attempts are pathetic.

    This isn't an emo competition, you know.


    Not answering is answering.

    In fact, not answering says much, much more than answering.


    It is bewildering how one can arrive at a situation where one cannot simply condemn the indiscriminate murder of so many innocent babies and children.

    How can you be so appalled at the killing of Israeli babies and so dismissive at the killing of Palestinian babies.

    Is it religion?

    Is it skin colour?

    Nothing justifies it.

    Unfortunately, it is depressingly common from those on your side of the fence.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Morch said:


    When you're saying handful, are you trying to minimize the effect of these religious leaders?


    As a percentage of the 2 million Gazan's, how many people are we talking here?

    A majority?

    A tiny fraction a percent?


    6 minutes ago, Morch said:

    I actually have - on a parallel topic.


    Then why omit the info here?


    6 minutes ago, Morch said:

    I don't think the ones in Israel have quite the same level of influence.

    Maybe in the future, but not at present.


    Even the one posted several pages back that was calling for literal carpet bombing (in 2007) and saying that Israel has the right to kill Palestinian civilians to protect Jewish lives?

  9. 3 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Yeah, wondering if you believe virtue signaling interests anyone.


    I can't imagine having views / opinions / beliefs that I'd be too embarrassed to admit to in public.

    That's what avoiding the question indicates, that you are too embarrassed to speak your truth.

    Just for fun, one more time...,


    Dead kid every 10 minutes - any thoughts?

  10. 5 minutes ago, Morch said:

    Hamas religious scholars: 'Spill the blood of Israeli soldiers and settlers'



    Nice people to make peace with. Reasonable folk.


    When you say people, you are referring to who?

    All Palestinians or a handful of religious scholars?


    Are there similar religious scholars on the Israeli side with equally abhorrent views?

    If so, why have't you mentioned them?


    • Confused 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


    Yes, the percentage of Palestinians that actually carried out the atrocities was minute, but the percentage of Palestinians that support the atrocities is significant. 


    Israel has to give Palestinians equal right in regard to what? 




    Define significant and your source (lest we think it's just made up nonsense aligned with your personal prejudices).


    Recent poll of Gazan's:




    The findings, published here for the first time, reveal that rather than supporting Hamas, the vast majority of Gazans have been frustrated with the armed group’s ineffective governance as they endure extreme economic hardship. Most Gazans do not align themselves with Hamas’s ideology, either. Unlike Hamas, whose goal is to destroy the Israeli state, the majority of survey respondents favored a two-state solution with an independent Palestine and Israel existing side by side.


    Link is free for first time visitor's, paywall for those who have already had their one free article.


    https://www.foreignaffairs.com/israel/what-palestinians-really-think-hamas#:~:text=On the eve of Hamas's,percent of the adult population.

    • Like 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    His, and now your point, was that the side cheering the bombing of their enemy's rocket launch sites is morally equivalent to the side cheering the rape, murder and burning of innocent men, women and children, and calling for the eradication of the Jews. 


    You're right, I don't see that, and I think anyone that does see it that is either an idealogue or a buffoon or a (more likely) both. If I had to bet, I'd bet on him being an idealogue, and you just being a buffoon. You don't really seem educated enough to be an idealogue. 


    I see your problem, you have incorrectly defined the situation.


    You have used the worst possible examples to describe the side you disagree with and completely ignored the worst of the side that you agree with.


    Is it perhaps you that is the ideologue?


    ps - if you are going to criticise other peoples intelligence, it is best to do a spell check before submitting a post.

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    Whataboutery is the best you got! Can't we stick to the topic for once!

    Do terrorists rockets go over a defined borders, the most obvious solution is not to try and kill the Israelis but the intolerant left will shout anybody down that doesn't agree with their fickle brainwashed minds.


    Sorry, cannot understand what you are trying to say.

  14. 1 minute ago, Morch said:


    Hamas is supported by a sizeable chunk of Palestinian society.

    You're trying to paint it as something else.

    Many Gazans followed Hamas into Israel partaking in this orgy of death and destruction.

    Many celebrated this, in Gaza, the West Bank and elsewhere.


    Define many?

    Out of the 2 million, how many?


    1 minute ago, Morch said:

    And you're making excuses for Palestinians again.

    Palestinians apparently cannot resist Hamas, but can resist Israel.

    Go figure.


    Complete lack of empathy.


    1 minute ago, Morch said:

    As said earlier, your constant attempts to conflate between your own warped views and what's legal, or generally acceptable are of not interest.

    Your attempts at establishing moral equivalency are similarly lame.


    Ivy League college students in the US actively supporting Palestine after such atrocities - unimaginable just a few short years ago.

    The attempts to deny moral equivalency are crumbling around the globe.


    1 minute ago, Morch said:

    From someone who constantly denigrates Zionists as a group, and considering many (or even most) Israelis would fir the label - who are them 'good people' you refer to? And similarly, who are them 'good people' that only want peace on the Palestinian side?


    You're just waffling, as usual.


    I would suggest the majority of both populations just want to live in peace.

    Look at Northern Ireland.

    Peace is possible, it just takes the effort to overcome the minority of extremists on each side.


  15. 2 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    Let's put it this way, "If the Palestinian terrorists put their weapons down there will be peace, but if Israel put their weapons down there won't be an Israel" [Golda Meir]. And she is correct ya know!


    Perennial victims.


    The best thing Israel could do to ensure its existence is to clearly define a border between themselves and Palestine.

    Why don't they?

  16. 2 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    One side cheering the bombing of their enemies rocked launch site, and one side cheering the rape, murder and burning of innocent men, women and children, and calling for the eradication of the Jews. 


    Yeah, I see your point. 


    Not sure that you do.

  17. 17 minutes ago, Morch said:


    It is a war. Wars do not have to involve sides of equal strength.

    Your claims about 'expelling and permanently removing' are not facts.


    Do tell how the Sunni and the Shia have united. That should be interesting.

    Other than hot air, how are they united?


    The answer to all of the above.... time will tell.

    In the coming months the answers will be clear and undeniable to all.

    In the meantime, no need for us to waste our time hypothesising.

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