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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. 1967 green Line. If you want to free Palestine of Hamas better start by telling Netanyahu to stop supporting Hamas. There is very little real antisemitism in the world. What there is, is an overplayed victim card constantly tabled by Israeli occupiers. The world is waking up. Within a generation the US will have a president who will make Obama look like a Haredi Jew. This will be an existential crisis for Israel. Uh oh.
  2. The Israeli's had it coming is a reasonable conclusion to come to. Jewishness has nothing to do with it. If you cage an animal and continually mistreat it don't be surprised when it bites you at every available opportunity. If you cage a human and continually mistreat them don't be surprised when they strike back at you at every available opportunity. (And let's not forget, humans are capable of horrors far beyond those that any animal would ever do)
  3. Me and you Bob, we'll conquer the world together.
  4. You think terrorists are "merely" bad? Terrorism is a crime against humanity. If you're unsure about this, I hear Israel has a 40 minute video that can clarify the issue for you. I would suggest the major difference is that Israel's crimes are committed by a functioning state whilst Hamas is but a rag tag outfit of terrorists.
  5. Why must everybody that is critical of Israel begin with condemning Hamas's terrorist acts but everybody critical of Palestine doesn't have to first condemn Israeli crimes against humanity?
  6. Nope. Primitive too. Isn't it interesting how some religious folk use their holy texts as justification for raping and pillaging whilst others in the same cult profess that the same holy text forbids raping and pillaging. If there were no religion, there would be peace in the Middle East world.
  7. Israeli treatment of Palestinians and theft of their land has nothing to do with the war?
  8. Me and you Bob, we'll keep this place clean. 👍
  9. Israeli occupation forces demolished 950 Palestinian homes and confiscated more than 113,000 dunams (113 square kilometres) of land in 2022 in an effort to expand illegal Jewish-only settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, a Palestinian research centre said. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20221229-report-israel-demolished-950-palestinian-homes-in-2022/
  10. If speaking the truth demonises Israel, Israel should change its ways.
  11. The first response to Brickleberry and it is juvenile nonsense. You could have commented on the wisdom of locating non-muslims in the heart of the muslim world or perhaps explained why it is only Israeli's who have a historical claim to land occupied by others or maybe expressed an opinion on the differences between the Ukraine and Gaza situations......., but no - straight to antisemitism. 🤡🤡🤡
  12. Pretty much every type there is. It might be quicker to ask what war crimes Israel hasn't committed.
  13. My obvious issue is how small group here has turned this thread into a juvenile sideshow. This response of your is a case in point: You posted lies. Either deliberately or mistakenly posted lies. I responded and asked you to verify your claims and......you simply ignore the fact that you have been dishonest in your quest to get a worthless emoji of your internet buddies and posted off topic ad hominem nonsense. You have done this type of thing repeatedly to the other posters here time after time after time until most of those contributing knowledgeable and informative commentary have abandoned this thread. All that remains is you and a couple of your buddies awarding each other worthless emojis for incorrectly labelling people antisemitic pro terrorists Nazi worshippers. When the New York Times gets it wrong, they retract and print a correction with an apology. Try taking leaf out of their book.
  14. Not too many criminals have trust in judicial systems.
  15. Why would I complain. If anything, I would like her to be given more air time. I would like to see her debate another lawyer in the field that has opposing views. Censorship does not lead to enilghtenment.
  16. No need to wonder, I would. What would I do if my family was locked in what many describe as the world's largest outdoor prison with no hope and no future? I couldn't say. I certainly hope that I would do whatever was within my power to do.
  17. Netanyahu certainly supports Hamas over Fatah.
  18. Thumbs Up. I'm not sure enlightened wisdom will find too many takers here though.
  19. What makes you think the leaders of Hamas are in Gaza? Osama Bin Laden wasn't on any of the hijacked airliners. Which leaders are you talking about, Hamas or the Israeli's? The case could be made both ways, could it not?
  20. Stop stealing Palestinian land and imprisoning Palestinians in concentration camps and there won't be any munitions stored near schools and hospitals. It's turtles all the way down.
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