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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Israeli mistreatment of Palestinians, ongoing settler land theft and an Israeli government supporting and propping up Hamas to divide the Palestinians and therefore prevent a two state solution.
  2. ? The root causes of the current situation are not relevant? Kind of convenient position to take for those who desperately want to avoid any discussion of the 75 years of Israeli crimes preceding October 7th. Nice try.
  3. Try again. If you’re still stumped, I’ll explain it to you.
  4. How many Muslims in the world? How many Rohingya in the world? How much oil in Myanmar? Antisemitism is not the answer to everything you disagree with.
  5. Could it be the awfulness of Israeli treatment of Palestinians that impels rational and empathetic people to support Palestinians? Israel plays the victim card over and over to justify their criminal acts. There is far more Islamophobia in the world than there is antisemitism. The Israeli government is no better than Hamas.
  6. Fantastic that you so conclusively know what the Palestinians need to do to end the conflict. Have you similar clarity on what the Israeli’s need to do to end the conflict?
  7. The other side were getting killed prior to the October 7 terrorist attack though weren’t they. 247 Palestinians were killed by Israel in the first 9 months of 2023. The war clearly did not start on October 7th.
  8. Repeat it will, again and again, until Israel changes course.
  9. Don't let them come between us Bob, we have such a lovely thing going. 😘
  10. It is clearly not the same. Hamas wins on barbarity, Israel wins on bodycount. Both sides commit atrocities against innocents. Both sides should be condemned by all.
  11. And the people who condemn both Hamas and Israel equally?
  12. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/why-hamas-and-israel-are-both-alleged-to-have-broken-international-rules-of-war#:~:text=LONDON (AP) — Hamas and,fog of war is difficult.
  13. Cool. And the people who condemn both Hamas and Israel equally?
  14. Where / who are the Hamas apologists? Nothing I’ve read posted here has even comes close enough to be misconstrued as supportive of Hamas. Let’s do try to be honest please.
  15. Aren’t you the guy that was declaring that Israel hasn’t committed war crimes because a single lawyer said so? Surely the UN carries more weight than the young lady lawyer who is the head of the UK Lawyers for Israel group…, don’t you think?
  16. No, but as the UN Secretary General has stated “Hamas’s attacks didn’t happen in a vacuum” Are you giving support to Israel’s indiscriminate killing of over 2000 children?
  17. If only the US and British didn’t instigate a coup against the democratically elected leader of Iran in 1953 - perhaps none of the Iranian problems would exist. If only Netanyahu hadn’t spent the last 15 years supporting Hamas in order to stall the peace process - perhaps none of the Gaza problems would exist. What could the common theme possibly be for pretty much all the problems in the Middle East?
  18. Prime minister for most of the last 15 years, Netanyahu has been an enabler of Hamas, building up the organisation, letting it rule Gaza unhindered – save for brief, periodic military operations against it – and allowing funds from its Gulf patrons to keep it flush. Netanyahu liked the idea of the Palestinians as a house divided – Fatah in the West Bank, Hamas in Gaza – because it allowed him to insist that there was no Palestinian partner he could do business with. That meant no peace process, no prospect of a Palestinian state, and no demand for Israeli territorial concessions. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/20/benjamin-netanyahu-hamas-israel-prime-minister https://responsiblestatecraft.org/benjamin-netanyahu-israel/
  19. Why do you think you can cast aspersion and make derogatory statements about someone and then not offer any supporting evidence to back up what you are claiming to be true. The onus is on you to support your statements with evidence. What is it that you think you are achieving by constantly misrepresenting other people and incessantly name calling? It is all of zero value. Grow up.
  20. Mate, you posted outright lies about my history on page 132 of this thread. Just 10 hours ago you were lying about my posting and when given the opportunity to prove that your post was factual you avoided responding on topic and instead spat out some ad hominem garbage. The thing with lying is that once you have been outed, no one will trust you again. You can only cry wolf so many times before there are consequences. You lied today about my posting history already so I take it as a given that you are lying about Thorgal's posting history now....., unless of course you can provide supporting evidence. Can you?
  21. Why do you post such nonsense. Nothing at all posted by Thorgal indicates that he is anything other than opposed to Hamas's terrorism. Why do you need to lie and resort to ad hominem nonsense? Are you incapable of making a sound argument based on logic, reason and facts? It certainly appears to be beyond your means. "War criminals and baby killers" is a term that could easily be describing Hamas or the IDF so you'll have to be a bit more precise with your words or you'll just confuse people.
  22. Depends what you meant. Did the Palestinian's have it coming to them in terms of retaliation for the October terrorist attacks? Yes, absolutely yes. Do the Palestinians deserve or are in anyway responsible for the atrocious conditions and treatment they receive from their Israeli overlords? No - absolutely no.
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