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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. The guy who just lead his party to an astounding election victory is no good at politics…. says SABloke ????????????
  2. All of the millions of Thais that want to see Prayuth pay for his crimes…,, this tough talk from Pita is exactly what they want to hear and it is exactly the sort of thing that will keep them fired up and proactive in this ridiculous post election lull.
  3. You think the lacky Senators will go down with the sinking ship?
  4. Cowards attitude. Leaders speak up and say things as they are, they don’t cower as sycophants. Pita is up for the fight. Good on him.
  5. The loftier the building, the deeper must the foundation be laid.
  6. The only disgusting thing is the double standard junta lovers apply to the whole situation.
  7. Don’t confuse yourself pal, the fairness being referred to is regarding pro establishment bias by pro establishment appointed judges. The world as it is, remains as it is - unbalanced, uneven and unjust.
  8. Geez mate, you need to work on your game a bit. Here’s some help. Childish Insults You Need Back In Your Life 1. " I know you are, but what am I?" 2. " If you like it so much, why don't you marry it?" ... 3. " That's minging." ... 4. " You look nice...NOT!" ... 5. " Takes one to know one." ... 6. " Teacher's pet." ... 7. " Why are you such a scaredy-cat?" ... 8. " She who says it is it."
  9. The “entrenched establishment” were never going to accept any level of “democratic power”. It was not that Thaksin “sought to grow too big, too powerful, too fast” but that he sought to grow at all. The fault was not Thaksin’s, it was/is the “entrenched establishment”.
  10. Flawed? Complex? There is nothing complicated in explaining Thaksin. Judged by “Western” standards he certainly should, at the very least, faces charges for his conduct whilst in office. However, judged by the standards in Thailand considered “the norm” he is actually, quite easily, one of the “cleaner” politicians Thailand has ever had. If one is simply consistent, applying the same standards to all actors the truth is self evident. This is not what the junta lovers do though, they instead hold Thaksin to the gold standard and Prayuth and his buddies to no standard and then try to pass their nonsense conclusions of as rational and reasonable when they are neither. Thaksin will return, there will be trials and retrials under “fairer” courts, he will be cleared and live out his days with his grand kids popping up every now and then for a bit of attention - in short, he is yesterdays news. It’s all Move Forward and Pita from here on in. Can’t wait to see how the junta lovers justify their anti-democracy without the old tried and true Thaksin excuse. Happy days.
  11. Let’s see how that holds up in a retrial under a neutral judge once Pita is PM and Move Forward is the government. ????????????
  12. acquitted; past participle: acquitted 1. free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty. "she was acquitted on all counts"
  13. It’s clearly a question. So it appears you should now report yourself for misreporting.
  14. Again, no charges against Thaksin. Your on quite a streak here….so far, 100% wrong. ????????????
  15. Kinda seems like old news there buddy. How did the case conclude? (hint: acquittal)
  16. What’s your point here? Seems to be a bunch of nonsense, at best a molehill that looks ridiculously insignificant when juxtaposed with the mountain that is Prawit’s multi million dollar watch collection and Prayuth’s 600 million baht land plot sale.
  17. What a load of nonsense. Thaksin has zero charges, zero convictions and zero sentences for either Tak Bai or the War On Drugs. Why do you think that is? His enemies have had unrestricted power for over a decade and they haven’t uttered a single word, let alone issued charges against Thaksin for anything in relation to both of these events. Your count of Thaksin crimes is back to zero, so yes, we’ll need some more.
  18. Long after he is dead you guys will still be hiding behind “but but Thaksin” nonsense instead of just owning your own beliefs.
  19. You are correct. Thaksin was convicted by the Thai courts which are renowned for their fairness and impartiality. If ever there was a judicial system that embodied the motto “justice is blind” then it is the exemplary Thai judicial system. I for one am amazed that politicians and law students from all over the world aren’t, en mass, making devout pilgrimages to Thailand to imbibe from the font of wisdom and purity that is the Thai legal system as it exists and operates under the magnificent and inspired honestly elected military regime that currently helms the nation and garners copious amounts of love and adoration from every single Thai.
  20. There was certainly a burgeoning democracy under Thaksin - that’s why there was coup after coup. Thaksin was democratically elected and when he started to exert the power that democracy bestowed upon him over the military establishment they snuffed out democracy. Now, democracy is back, the military is in retreat and Thaksin is jetting home. Alls well that ends well eh?
  21. Do you believe Thailand (and Thais) to be uncivilised? We must also remember that this is Thailand and the military has never been under civilian control. So yes, Tak Bai was a crime and the military should be held accountable - here’s the catch though, in order for there to be justice and the rule of law, there must first be democracy….which of course begs the question - why don’t you junta lovers support democracy? Do you not care about justice and rule of law?
  22. Not the case at all. MF says Thaksin must face a retrial under a neutral judge and accept the outcome. Why do you bother making up falsities?
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