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Everything posted by Soondae

  1. I respectably disagree, it depends on the approving IO if the reasoning is extension prior to next 90 day cycle. I actually asked the IO that approved my 90 day in person and she told me that the reason online renewal was denied was most likely due to the extension renewal date.
  2. Same happened to me when I was 45 days to extension renewal. It was on account of my extension being due prior to the next 90 day period. IO actually approves your online 90 day report with a person from your province IO office. It is entirely up to them if they approve or not.... Funny thing is I went next day to an IO KIOSK in Hua Hin, they approved my 90 day for me (full 90 days due next) and pointed out to me that my extension was coming up. Yes a waste of time for both them and me.
  3. I sent the 100 baht money order I got from the bank along with my physical package to the embassy, didn't know they had an thaipostonline.
  4. Yes, all the mail I receive such as replacement CC and a few books have been routed via Switzerland, Germany, etc.
  5. also read many posts showing concern about the new TM30 enrollment so went to a IO in Hua Hin November to ask if I could get enrolled in the new TM30 system there. The IO accepted my Condo bluebook and replied that it was a good idea to enroll in the new system for TM47 online. She removed my prior TM47 paper that was expired as I had left country and re-entered, stamped a new paper with my next TM47 reporting date (based on my entry date) and updated my TM30 with a new date stamp in my passport (paper TM30). I just submitted my TM47 online, have my fingers crossed.
  6. See an ENT specialist for possible BPPV (Benign Positional Vertigo) caused by crystals in your ear canal, I've been suffering for a year now. Also I use a Hashi Salts rinse for my nasal issues, really helps keep the nasal passage clean of the pollutants and allergies. You can purchase the Hashi salts a practically any pharmacy.
  7. Follow the checklist; it was simple other than having to go to bank for the 100 baht money order to pay for return postage. Whole process took me three weeks.... painless.
  8. $15 is for a domestic wire usually, and $45 is the accepted norm for Swift (international) transfers. Most credit unions these days will not process international wires only domestic. I know people whose pay the $15 domestic wire to BBL NY ACH and what they didn't realize until I pointed it out was that they were getting raped by the BBL ACH to Baht exchange rate. I always do my Swift transfers to SCB as they give the current exchange rate for my dollars transfer to baht and as Yellowtail mentioned, they call you to verify the exchange and rates before progressing. What bank offers a $15 to $25 swift transfer fee?
  9. Correct, last time I tried to do a 90 day report online with my extension due in the period of the new 90 day period I was denied. However I went to IO and did the 90 day report in person with no issue. I had 45 days left on my extension. Didn't make much sense to me why I was denied online but no issue in person????
  10. Yellowtail is absolutely correct, Wise transfers over $20K have fees higher than the standard $45 for a swift transfer. Also if you choose to do a swift transfer be sure to have the bank send the amount in dollars and not convert prior to send. You will lose out if the US Bank does the exchange.
  11. No that is not true, once the extension of stay is transferred to new passport you need only use / carry the new passport for travel. I just returned from a trip abroad with no issue whatsoever (multi entry extension).
  12. I did the transfer first as I had many months left until my next extension was due. It was painless here at Prachuap Khiri Khan (Hua Hin) immigration. Another reason to do it first would be when you have to visit your banks, phone and internet provider to update passport with them. I even stopped by my local DLT and asked if I needed to update my driver's license, they replied don't bother now and wait until it was time to renew the license. However I have seen posts on this forum of people recommend to just do both extension and transfers at same time.
  13. Yes of course get your new passport NOW! I went through this very same process last year. My Passport was to expire near same time as my extension. You can apply for replacement passport 1 year in advance via BKK US Embassy, and they make it very easy as all can be accomplished online and mail the application with payment receipt, photos, etc to Embassy. I had my new one in 3 weeks delivered, never had to go to the embassy. They have a great little checklist to follow, so long as you check off all the items it is very painless. After receipt of new PP you can take it IO for Permission to stay and relevant extensions to be transferred from the old PP or just wait for new extension renewal.
  14. If you go by an IMM office bring a copy of your lease and PP and they should enter it for you. Iwas not charged a late fee in Hua Hin at their Kiosk office as I showed up 30 days after my arrival on my Non-O permit but I had a paper TM30 in my passport from the old system.
  15. Just last week I visited the Hua Hin (Prachuap Khiri Khan #3) kiosk office at Bluport Mall. I just returned from Overseas on my Non-O multiple entry permit and was concerned that I was not in the new system for TM30 which went online October 1 while I was overseas. I usually do my 90 day reports online and so I asked the question if I needed to be in the new system in order to perform 90 day reports online. The answer from the IO was yes and she offered to enter me in the new TM30 system. I handed over my Condo blue book, she entered me in the system, stamped my old paper TM30 in my passport with the day's date as updated and put a new slip in my passport for 90 day due date. All very efficient and only took a few minutes.
  16. Yes I ran into that issue with Hulu Live TV, it wasn't on account of my DNS IP changing using Express VPN's media streamer service, but was on account I was on the move alot that year so I dumped them for Fubo TV which I really like but it is more expensive.
  17. I subscribe to two different services on account my need for DNS in use on my Apple TV box. For my IOS devices (iPad and iPhone) the Express VPN APP is great. I use it while walking in the mornings to listen to my San Francisco radio talk shows that I wouldn't be allowed to listen to without the VPN. Express VPN also offers a Media Streamer DNS which works well but isn't configurable for use with other than USA services such as Hulu, Sling and Fubo TV. For a better DNS which is fully configurable for different country services I recommend "Getflix" an Australian company. They have numerous channels that you can configure for various country streaming services much more flexible than Express's DNS service. Also much less expensive, they offer VPN as part of the package as well though I haven't had as much success with their VPN APP on IOS devices.
  18. "you'd rarely need to visit the original plate province's DLT, things like transfer of ownership can be done at any province's DLT " Actually that statement isn't entirely correct. I purchased a vehicle in Cha Am (Phetchaburi province) when I went to the Cha Am DLT to transfer vehicle to my name, I was told I had to go to the main Phetchaburi DLT for the ownership transfer on account the main province office was the only office allowed to transfer titles from province to province (the vehicle I purchased was originally registered in Bangkok).
  19. I was required to use the form at Hua Hin Prachuap KK office, also copy of old PP and all pages with Thai IMM stamps. They also charged me 500 baht for the service.
  20. Usually when a new passport is issued the old one is cancelled with a hole punched through it making it invalid (that's what they do in USA). It's easy to have the stamps from previous passport transferred to new passport at immigration one simple form, 500 baht and 30 minutes. I just did it last November.
  21. An hour ago I made a transfer from American credit union to my Kashikorn account, took about 8 seconds for money to show transfer $ to Baht in my K account. No issues I performed the transfer from my iPhone using FaceID for authentication.
  22. Friend of mine has this one, he loves it. I'm considering it when I need to replace my current machine.
  23. I also had this model, really liked it as you could use Nespresso or Dolce Gusto capsules as well as it came with a quality cartridge for your favorite ground. Unfortunately it died at the 2 year mark. I replaced it with a Krups Dolce machine that is easy but not flexible as the Oggi.
  24. As stated in earlier post, must go to the main Prachuap Khiri Khan Immigration office #3 there is a small office by the parking lot, 500 baht takes about 20 minutes. Almost never any queue, you need your proof of residence (I.e. letter from condo or rental agent) copy of passport, two photos and copies of extension stamps. On the form they will provide you select if for driving license or to open bank account. The COR is good for 30 days.I have used the same COR to both open bank account and renew DL last month. The COR doesn't state what purpose is for so can be used multiple times within the 30 day window.
  25. Of the three banks I opened accounts at, only Kashikorn would accept the Chanote. However, this info works for individuals whom don't own but rent as well.... think a little outside the discussion.
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