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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. What percentage of Thai people exercise regularly and properly....and I don't count walking around in front of your house flapping your arms as proper exercise. Soft drink is what does it for the kids. Once they are fat....no going back because zero exercise. I have already posted on another thread. I found an old password for Thaifriendly the other day. I have been logging in to my account. I used it about 15 years ago when I was dating. I was frankly horrified at how fat the girls are now. Even the ones who state upfront that they are freelancers.
  2. This is because the basket of goods upon which the Thai government calculates the CPI figure consists of rice paddy snails, a couple of frogs, a rice rat, a handful of wild mushrooms and a plastic drink bottle full of beetles. That is what many rural Thai families are now living on day to day so it is only fair that it is used as the yardstick to calculate inflation.
  3. I told you all and you laughed at me. Anutin will be the next PM. It has already been decided by the person in charge.
  4. Price of Gas will go up as well: https://www.afr.com/companies/energy/gas-tensions-rife-as-producers-stall-on-supply-promises-20230504-p5d5qq
  5. Time is the issue with all investment classes. I bought more gold in January of this year and I have already made 10% on that investment. But whether it is the right time to buy more right now I am not so sure. If the Thai ingot price gets to 33500 in the next week or so, I actually might sell.
  6. There is not a snowball's hope in hell of inflation abating in Australia until the RBA lifts the cash rate to at least the CPI print. That is still running at 7% after a year of raising rates. And that figure is already fudged and obfuscated. I the gubberment now realises that the cash rate will have to be raised, perhaps into double figures in late 2024 early 2025, that is why they are replacing Lowe with a panel of multiple individuals. This is to try and avoid him being called the man who crashed Australian residential property in the MSM and lynched when the hordes of angry foreclosed property owners hit the streets.
  7. 200K won't buy a lot. 6 ingots and change. I pay spot going in and spot less 100 baht going out. I use a small shop in the biggest town near to my village. Beware some (most) gold shops will lie to you if in a tourist area. One scam is that they claim that the 1 baht ingots are priced as jewellery not gold bars. When I purchase I always take a video and request written and signed receipt from the shop. 96.5 baht is Thai gold. You can buy and sell it fine here but it is very difficult to sell outside of Thailand. If you think you want to export the bars out to another country in the future you should buy 99.9. It is difficult to buy unless you head to Bangkok.
  8. Best of luck with your results. Can you please post what city in India you are in and at what hospital/clinic are doing the scans. If you can post a link their website or contact details that would be great.
  9. I have lived in Thailand a very long time during which I have won at least 100 baht every single week without fail. PM me for my strategy.
  10. Exactly as I predicted. Fed raised the cash rate again last night and the AUD collapse is now back on track.
  11. You should have both bathrooms on the one side of the building next to each other. One as ensuite and the other with door to the hall to be used by other people/bedroom If you do that then plumbing will be a lot easier and MORE accessible in case of the need for repairs. Your current design is a disaster. Are you going to have two seperate sets of septic tanks and grey water tanks? One set on each side of the building? And what about the external pipe work on the outside of the bathroom walls. Both the front and back of the property will be marred by visible plumbing. Of course you could conceal your pvc pipes under the rendering...but we all know how that works out in Thailand in the long run.
  12. Not the link to the PDF. The link to download the plans that is provided on the checkraka website.
  13. You are still deflecting and not answering the question. I don't care how Chinese ports would be mined. I want to tell me once they are mined why the Chinese would not retaliate.
  14. I dont need to research. It is a mathematical certainty Thailand will not have enough labor in the next decade. Pinch is already being felt in Hospitality industry here did you miss those articles as well? And how will China import and export car parts, and cars, when the conflict in the South China Sea kicks off?
  15. Thailand also has an inverted population pyramid. It is not as critical as China (because of the one child policy) but it is still a serious problem for the future of Thailand. Did you miss all the recent articles posted here about Thailand's ageing population. Smart business are relocating out of Thailand and China and moving to Vietnam and Myanmar. Not for political reasons but for long term access to labor. Have a look at the population pyramid for Myanmar: https://www.populationpyramid.net/myanmar/2019/
  16. There is only one person who decides who the next PM will be.
  17. I don't want the plans for house #23. I want a link to download other plans from the housing development website.
  18. LOL TIT. I clicked the download link on the page you provided and it says 500-Internal Server Error. Does anyone have a working link to download these free plans from the Bangkok Housing Development office?
  19. He is going to look a bit silly when Anutin is PM.
  20. I think freedom of choice is far more important. I trust myself far more than any government I have encounted.
  21. So Chinese ports could be mined without retaliation?
  22. The participants in the Poll are going to be sorely dissapointed when Anutin is appointed Prime Minister. All of these articles are just white noise. Everyone is forgetting who is really in charge of the election outcome.
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