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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Careers in tech moving forward are extremely high risk as 80 to 90% of all coding and design work will be done by AI agents. That is why the giants like Twitter and Facebook are cutting thousands of jobs. It is now possible for just one senior engineer to run entire development projects using AI agents. It is going to be very difficult for new tech graduates to get a start, how can they possible compete with AI that already codes (for free) at a swift and advanced level. VC and seed capital firms are facing massive write downs at the moment on the start ups they have invested in. Just a year or so ago it might take a couple of million to staff a project to boot strap it. And this was reflected in the valuation of the company. However the same outcomes can now be achieved with a couple of hundred thousand with two and three people startups that use AI to do the heavy lifting. Law is now a buggy whip profession also. Over the next few years all paralegals will be replaced by AI. Lawyers will also eventually be replaced entirely. Journalism, copywriting, proofreading, graphic design, and teaching are just some of the many other professions that are dead end jobs as of today.
  2. Why is any threshold amount even relevant, unless you are actually intending to launder the money?
  3. I had the same problem with my previous passport...and my country has the most expensive passports in the world. Each page is nearly $20 so two missed pages is a $40 insult. I directed Thai IOs to stamp on those two blank first pages, they squirmed and said cannot but eventually capitualed. This was on land crossing into and back from Malaysia. Malaysian IO did not bat an eyelid at the requests, did exactly what I asked with a smile on their faces. Had lots of problems dealing with Thai IOs thereafter because the stamps were not in chronological order in my passport. Resulted in lots of long delays even after I explained the sequence of the stamps.
  4. My passport is the most expensive of any country in the world. The pages work out at nearly $20 dollars each. For more than a decade now I tell all Thai immigration officers not to staple documents into my passport. I also direct them exactly where to place any stamps to avoid wasting whole pages. Most will do as you ask but over the years I have had about 6 stand up fights getting them to do as I say with 3 just stamping or stapling to spite me. Remember you paid for the passport and it is your property not theirs. Buy yourself a nice passport cover/sleeve. Whenever you get a 90 day report, TM28 or other document/slip that is normally stapled, just fold it and put it in the sleeve with your passport. Because down the track you will have to make copies of these documents anyway and so you avoid having to remove staples and further damaging the pages in your passport.
  5. Do not use a Thai lawyer. How much money are you talking about and what country? If a significant amount you could have a trust set up in your home country with your wife noted as a beneficiary. That would be absolutely water tight.
  6. More than a decade ago I used to live near this lake. I know this exact spot. There was a walking trail in through the jungle to a spot where you can jump off a small cliff into the water. It was a real gem to find something like this in Phuket. The lake backs onto a mountain, is entirely surrounded by jungle, and has very clear water. I often used to take Thai girls that I dated there on the first date to have a picnic and a swim. It was lovely, serene, and like the modern world never existed. About a year after I discovered this spot, Thai youths started coming there to cook kratom. They built a couple of humpies out of scrap iron and wood. And then the tiny spot atop the cliff, and the surrounding jungle, was transformed into a giant trash heap. For those that do not know, when they make the kratom drink, they make a fire and boil the leaves, cool the resulting tincture with ice, and then add cough syrup for its Pseudoephedrine and Coke to sweeten the brew. A beautiful and secluded spot was transformed into a garbage tip of plastic bags, hundreds of coke and cough medicine bottles, mostly smashed, and pieces of innertube used to start the fires. Thai society is on its last legs.
  7. Just levy a new arrival tax on all Chinese men. The proceeds can then be used to compensate kidnap victims. TAT can promote the new tax during it's roadshows.
  8. Don't worry the Australian dollars will collapse due to the issues you have adumbrated in your post...it is a mathematical certainty. The manipulation of the Baht is a another issue. Let's see how the election pans out. If it is rigged again this time around I am bullish on flak jackets and smoke grenades and bearish on the baht.
  9. Ok BM2 I will be guided by your expertise in these mattters. On Monday next can you please take care to post a GBP THB graph that looks like this:
  10. Here is searh in shopee filtered with mobile, domestic seller, used, cod: https://shopee.co.th/Mobile-cat.11044951.11045117?filters=9%2C1&locations=ภายในประเทศ&page=0&sortBy=pop You could also filter by price and BRAND if you want to.
  11. You don't need to. You live in a rented flat in rural Australia.
  12. You obviously do not realise who the head of the BOT is.
  13. Yep. They are all destined to be broke and working grave yard shift as a laborer in a public hospital.
  14. @worgeordie is a real person. However I suspect you, @Fat is a type of crazy and @Mac Mickmanus are actually the same person. Not sure where you are located.
  15. Regardless of scales there is a vertical and instantaneous drop (EUR, AUD and GBP) that highlights intervention in the market. Not normal trading flows.
  16. This does not look completely normal to me....
  17. Ok. Report as promised. I purchased a new battery for my C3 on shopee. It was 258 baht deliverd by J & T. It included a free tool kit and also a free tube of B 7000 glue. I watched a couple of youtube videos on changing a C3 battery. They make it look much easier than it is...... Hardest part was getting the back cover off without damaging it. Then there were about a dozen tiny screws to remove backing plate at top end of phone. Battery fitted nicely and I fired it up after pluggin it in. Not problem. Screwed the backing plate back in place. And put on the back cover....and done. I had 9D glass screen protector on the phone. It was cracked around the edges. I had the phone in a waterproof pouch around my neck in my sea kayak. I hooked a 100 kg plus stingray and it dragged my around for 3 hours before my rod snapped. The rod butt was banging against my phone. I thought that perhaps the screen on the phone was cracked as well, but I happily discovered, after peeling the glass protector off that it was intact and perfect. I cleaned it off with some rubbing alcohol and last night ordered a new screen protector and robot case from shopee....total cost for both 84 baht delivered. Battery charged to full 100% last night. So for 342 baht I will have a refurbished phone with new 5000 mah battery, screen protector, and robot case.
  18. I was at a Thai friend's house yesterday. On the block next door that are building a retaining wall to back fill the block with dirt. Builder 81 year old with two laborers in their 50s. 81 year old was doing most of the work and lugging most of the cinder blocks himself.
  19. Use Google and have a look at the 5 day charts for AUD THB and GBP THB. Verticle and instanteous drop in the rates yesterday. BOT is intervening again to buy the baht it would seem.
  20. It would be a cheap shot if the poster was a real person and not a bot.
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