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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Amazing Thailand. The only people who did not get a spot at the trough were the ones who won the election. What a dumpster fire this country has become.
  2. Her face looks....cartoonish..... like an emoji. Little dark skin spinner for this ol' boy.
  3. Thanks for you input. I will have a read up on PAE.
  4. Next election will be landslide for MFP. PT has lost much of their mandate by selling out. It is probably the best outcome that MFP is in opposition...lets see what happens when the tenure of the junta senators is up.
  5. Dying is rarely easy.
  6. <deleted> hilarious. They can't even build and maintain a functional immigration website here and they are dreaming of AI..... Will all of the Thai businesses that are still using Windows XP be part of this new immersive technology.
  7. LOL. Nothing wrong with him. He is just 74 year old. No doubt the prison medical ward now resembles the presidential suite at the Hilton.
  8. Jeesuz wept. Imagine the upkeep some poor bugger is going to have to pay on that...
  9. I have a prostate the size of a butternut pumpkin. Fortunately my PSA reading is .7 and well within range. I am still relatively young but have trouble peeing and take 12 mg of doxazosine daily. I am not fat, exercise obsessively, do not drink, do not smoke. I eat a squeaky clean diet, no refined sugar, no bread, no hi GI foods, lots of tomatoes, pumpkin seeds and organic cruciferous veges I grow myself. I am planning to undergo Holep if things worsen... I have been researching this procedure and note there is a very high risk of retrograde ejaculation. The prospect of "coughing dust" does not entrall me, however my greater concern is that RE would basically mean I was infertile. I have no kids, but have not ruled out entirely having one on the horizon. I would be grateful to hear anyones actually experiences regarding their prostate surgery, Holep, turp or otherwise, and specifically any issues you had regarding retrograde ejaculation. I would also welcome any personal experiences using finisteride but I do not want that to be the core theme of this thread. Have at it lads.
  10. Youth is wasted on the young.
  11. UK has inverted population pyramid with rapidly aging population. The government just needs bums on seats to pay taxes to support the welfare system. They do not care what religion the new bums are or the damage that is inflicted upon the fabric of a society.
  12. They are setting NO BAR. There is no way to accurately record the religion of visitors to Thailand. Country of origin yes but not religion.
  13. Of course, that is my point exactly. There is no way to gather statisically accurate data regarding the religion of visitors to Thailand. But the TAT likes to use anecdotal evidence because then it avoids accountability. Oh...and that reminds me.....@Goat I am still waiting for your link to the statistically accurate data on the religion of each visitor to Thailand.
  14. Piffle... You can settle this debate promptly by posting a link showing statistical analysis of tourist arrival numbers based on religion, AND NOT COUNTRY OF ORIGIN.
  15. China is in serious trouble. It has an unsolvable problem due to its inverted population pyramid. It will collapse in due course. It is a mathmatical certainty. Could also just be a sea change phenomena affecting BKK prices. Prices in my beachside village are skyrocketing. And in the neighbouring towns. Prices in rural Australia bubbled during covid when people where allowed to work online and moved out of the city. Could be a little of this effecting BKK. I spoke with some wealthy KL tourists today. They said the same thing is happening in KL. Now with most work online people want to move out of the city if they can. Hopefully, in time, BKK will again be reclaimed by monkeys and tigers.....provided, of course, it is still above sea level....
  16. Accident insurance (AXA) for unforseen events. For surgeries go to New Dehli or Calcutta and for chronic and terminal illness go back to your county of origin. Sheryl will provide the only advice worth listening to when she posts on this thread.
  17. Pffft...fart in a teacup. You can traffic herion and still get a space at the trough. Although this might be part of a plan to get him off the table so that little miss Shinawatra is next cab of the rank.
  18. Good lad. He knows who his base are.
  19. The term "Muslim Travelers" is nebulous at best. It cannot be used as control for statistical analysis of tourism trends. And anyone stating they intend to lure "Muslims" is deluded at best. They might as well say they intend to lure more visitors with white skin, or more visitors with yellow skin. What should happen is the TAT identifies what source countries it expects increased inflows from. That would then be able to be monitored accurately with arrival statistics. But the TAT have embraced "Muslim Travelers" because it is gray all incompassing term and thus lowers their accountability. In simple terms motivation for travel has two sets of underlying factors. The first is the Pull factors...sex...sun...girls...food...business and so on. The second is Push factors...need a break, stressed, treat the wife and kids, sick of being surround by Muslims.....etc. The OP article has no utility whatsoever. Zero. What should be reported by the TAT is what countries they expect an increase of visitation from and their analysis of the push and pull factors accounting for this increase.
  20. More TAT BS. Only increase in Muslim tourism with be Mohamed and his mates showing up to be good muslim boys in Patong and Pattaya. Patong is now completely Islamified now anyway...has been for a decade or more. There are a few UAE families now showing up in the 5 Star Villas in my area. The Thai staff that I know who work there hate them. Treat staff like dogs, and never tip. Apparently the women are worse than the men to deal with.
  21. I love seafood. But I catch all of my own to ensure freshness. One thing I will never eat in Thailand is the shellfish because they are a filter feeder. Nothing healthy about eating fecal coliforms.
  22. Dumpster option has already been discussed if you read the thread hitherto.
  23. Why are you arguing with a make believe member posting with a fake account? I do not see that as logical.
  24. The second step (b) you refer to is actually enforcement of their perceived contract terms. This may be deemed unlawful (not enforceable) if your counsel can prove that annual fees are not part of your contract with the Committee. How can they seek to enforce a term that is not clearly stated in writing. Oh we are going to dig every one up because they did not pay an arbitary amount we decide each year....Committees are often used in dodgy practices like this to sheild individuals for personal civil liability and the moral spotlight (that is why there are so many Committes in Thailand). As a first point of call your lawyer should also request a copy of the Committees incorporation or charter. That document can then be analysed to see if it provides them with legal footing to charge maintenance fees.
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