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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Wonder how I would have faired if I waded into the fray wearing my "Z" t-shirt.
  2. Thats Latrina Aranea. They are attracted by the sickly sweet scent of trough lolleys. And take extra care here in Thailand. Sometimes that will sneak up behind you when you are at the urinal and start massaging your shoulders.
  3. True that....and you also have little to no chance of dying in an airline crash unlike rolling the dice on Thepkrassatri Road. The most lethal road on the planet.
  4. Police checking the house to see what can be taken.
  5. Is it even physically possible to slit your own throat and then voluntarilty lie still until you bleed to death?
  6. Yep. Absolutely undeniable now. Things are definitely back to normal.
  7. Yep. Things definitely back to normal now. The ancient and inadequate upstream sewerage treament plants at Karon and at Kalim cannot handle the huge uptick in Russian excrement. The untreated overflow runs down the klong and out into the sea resulting in toxic fecal coliform counts. Swim at your own risk. @Old Crocwill be along shortly to tell me I trash talking his beloved Phuket.
  8. He will never recover financially from the initial mistake. Letting himself be taken to Bangkok hospital. Surgery could have been done at Vachira, or Mission, by the same doctors and at 25% of the cost.
  9. The dual Samsung LED monitors I am currently staring at are 15 years old and (touch wood) still working as well as day one. The twin tub I referred to in the post above is still going strong also about the same vintage. Just last week I replaced the drive belt on the main tub. It was 32 baht on shopee. The steel frame around the plastic tub is all be rusted away. But it is still pluggin on.
  10. Samsung actually have service centres. There is one in Phuket. Years ago I had problems with a twin tub. I just took it to the service centre along with a copy of warranty. They fixed it free of charge...and the problem was actually one of my girlfriends little socks..had come out of the spin dryer and foul underneath in the spinning parts. Handed the machine back over to us, all cleaned, and with new lint filters, and the GFs sock in a zip lock bag. Just find out where the closest service centre is and then take it there along with your sales receipt and warranty docs.
  11. The disabled, pensioners, and low income families are now living in card board boxes and tents because rents in Australia have increased at least 25% and in many areas nearly 50%. Waiting time for public housing is greater than 10 years in every Australian state and territory. And this Fwit politician is marching in a parade. I wonder if he will join the parade when the homeless start protesting in the streets in the next few months.
  12. The article is pure lies. He just tried to take it for a ride without paying first. Given he was drunk could of been an honest mistake actually. But jet ski mafia and their paid police jumped on it as an opportunity for some easy extortion. The guy obviously was so in fear for his safety that he swam out to sea away from the jet ski thugs on the beach. They fished him out of the sea and then beat him so he had to be carried away on an ambulance gurney. Once he has recovered the paid police with commence the extortion negotiations. Amazing how many members on this thread have condemned the Farang. Amazing they would take sides with the jet ski mafia and their paid police. Might have just been and issue of simple miscommunication. Perhaps the guy asked if he could have a quick test drive before hiring......
  13. Massive problems emerging in the Australian residential property market. As I predicted: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-27/sydney-rental-crisis-hits-hard-state-election/102019950
  14. Russia is suffering for the same disease that is going to topple China. Not enough young people resulting in a top heavy age demography pyramid. In the event of a protracted conflict with the loss of millions of young Russian soldiers, even a victory would be no help, Russia would collapse anyway because of the aged and top heavy population. This is also the most serious problem on China's near term horizon: https://www.indexmundi.com/russia/age_structure.html
  15. So much mis information was provided in the wake of your first post. Here are some bare facts: 1. Your working life must now be 35 years not 25 years to receive full pension. 2. You must reside in Australia when applying for the OAP 3. You must remain in Australia for 2 years before portability is granted 4. The amount you receive if living outside Australia is the base fortnightly rate excluding any rental assistance or other add on benefits
  16. Has any one raised the issue of why the offending tourist is being carried off in an ambulance gurney? Did the jet ski mafia give him a beating as an entree to the financial negotiations.
  17. Pfffft. You have no idea of the amount of money these guys try to extort (just for alledged scratches). Not a snow ball's hope in hell 20K will buy his way out of this.
  18. Less than a month ago when the AUD/USD pair was trading at circa 72c, I initiated a large postion in NYSE:SGOV purchasing with AUD through my IBKR account. SGOV is currently yielding close to 5% with distributions paid montly. When the Fed next meets that yield will go up. Because my position is unhedged, in addition to my montly distributions, to date I have also made a gain of >5.5% on the collapse of the Aussie dollar. If the AUD rallies against the USD in the near term, I intend to use more of my aussie dollars to buy more SGOV. As the FED holds rates higher for longer I will gradually ladder some of my SGOV into NYSE:SHV. I currently hold a good portion of my AUD in ASX:BIL. It is currently yielding circa 3.6% with distributions paid monthly. That will increase when the RBA meet on the first Tuesday of next month. ASX:BIL responds to rate movements more rapidly than ASX:AAA because the later holds bank deposits while the former rolls over money market instruments on a day to day basis. In a rapidly rising rate environment BIL has the slight edge on AAA. The converse will apply when rates start to fall.
  19. Nice infographic. Thanks for posting. It demonstates clearly that when China moves on Taiwan Australia will lose access to >60% of its export markets overnight.
  20. Homelessness in Australia is a very significant problem already. It will increase exponentially over the next few years as interest rates are held higher for longer. When China provides military support to Russia, the USA will impose additional strict economic sanctions on the PRC. When that happens Australia's economy will be caught in the crossfire. The Aussie dollar will collapse to circa 50c and the basketcase that is Australian Residential property is doomed.
  21. Get ready for lots more theft on Phuket as the Russian's meagre savings are depleted.
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