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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. This is an interesting point. Perhaps the OP would be better just to let his daughter sign the contract. If he does not join as a signatory then the contract can then be voided at any time. However if he cosigns then he will be personally and financially liable for any breaches of the contract his daughter initiates.
  2. OP tread very very carefully here. There are not the same protections here for minors as there are in western countries. But even in western countries there are lots of risks. A good friend of mine from back in the my university days had a younger 16 year old sister that won a top modelling contract in Europe (not tin pot stuff either, super model $$$). She was featured on the cover of vogue magazine and was set to be the next big thing. Her contract had all of the requisite protection clauses because she was a teen. But by 18 she was addicted to cocaine, ballooned out 30 kgs, and her contract was terminated.
  3. I used to have the same feeling back in Oz. I had significant rates on a residential acreage that I owned, but I had not built a house on it and did not live there. The only thing I got for my money was a bit of light from a pole up the road a bit from my block.
  4. Utter nonsense. To be sued you must first be served notice of the proceedings. If you are living in Thailand how is the process server/bailiff going to find you. Jeezuz there is some piffle posted on these threads.
  5. Down she goes. Next stop 23. But just wait until the 6th, that is when the fun will start.
  6. @Paul CattonPlease keep posting your updates here. It is great to have some genuine feet on the ground data. I would also be very interested in what your annual council rates (and insurance) are on the property you are referring to so that there is also some perspective on your holding costs.
  7. I was reading a number of articles from Australia last night. There is a huge crisis at the moment with people being evicted because they can not meet increased requests for rent. And not no hopers either. Just regular Joes and Janes. There was one guy project engineer on 120K AUD per year and could not get a place to rent. Another pensioner who had rented the same house for 16 years served notice of eviction dated for Christmas eve. Housing in Australia and NZ is a catastrophe now because of retarded political decisions. This is because the boomers comprise the largest voting mandate. The only hope for the future is that the boomers start to die off and the younger voters start to outnumber them. But that is a decade or more into the future. Gen X Ys and Zs are absolutely screwed and will never own their own home unless they have rich parents. Something has to snap here. I keep thinking of the lie flat and let it rot movements in China and other parts of Asia. The smart kids have realised they will slave their lives away without any chance of their own home and family. So they are just doing nothing. Same thing will start to take hold in Oz and NZ. The young kids are not going to slave away paying tax for their whole lives knowing they will never have a house to call their own. Huge political policy mandate right there but stands no chance at the moment until the boomers die out (or are eaten by the disenfranchised youth).
  8. Collapse back on track today. Watch how the AUD craters on 6 December when the RBA fails to raise the cash rate. Lowe should be in jail.
  9. I am a bit rusty. Probably because I now live in a tiny fishing village and spend most days at sea fishing and diving by myself. Please explain to me the benefit of diversification when all asset classes are falling in value? And if you have time also let me know why you think the fed is going to pivot? My money is on cooling of CPI print early next year and then a resurgence later in the year or early 2024. Higher rates and for longer than anyone now expects. Flag my post and we will see if I am correct.
  10. Back in Oz I used to have an investment company. I was a very active trader. In my most focussed year my turnover was 16.2 million. My most notable loss was 35K200 in 10 minutes. Entirely my own fault. Stock picking is a fools errand and akin to hunting unicorns IMHO. In my experience skim trading is the most effective. But it requires actualy work and discipline to manage your trades. As I posted above I am currently skim trading a junk bond fund. I have a GTC buy order in. The price got away from me a bit over the last week. But I see the rally is now over and the price is now moving back to me. I also trade very actively on the SET. But I only trade Thai derivate warrants and never common stocks. Warrants enable you to make money when the market is going up or down. I made a tidy sum on ERW long dated put warrants when covid arrived.
  11. Wow this thread died on the vine early. I guess it just reflects how financiallly illiterate most people are.
  12. Yeah...real lucky. Paltry bank interest return on your 800K for a decade. But you will be happy to that know I am in the same boat.
  13. Have you checked the AUD THB exchange rate today?
  14. This is exactly why I bought a house worth only 270K THB. LOL...my fishing gear is worth more. The 800K non-o will not be around for long. It is a mathematical certainty in the face of inflation. And there won't be any grandfathering this time around when the changes are made.
  15. Against. Anyone who is not is a moron.
  16. "Ordinary life is pretty complex stuff" Harvey Pekar
  17. The Andaman Hub Hospital is nothing more than a clinic. It was cobbled together in the Government building that was previously used for community meetings, dance classes, aerobics and rabies shots. The "Hospital" has no resident specialist whatsoever and certainly not equipped to deal with trauma and surgery required for people hit by a truck travelling at high speed. Thank Christ you were not driving the ambulance carrying these poor unfortunates. Have you ever been to Thailand? Or are you still living with your mum so you can save up enough for your first visit?
  18. Ahhhhh....Russians and Chinese....quality tourists....
  19. Exactly. If you follow the blood lines of the people who are behind this lawsuit you will find that they are related in some way or another to the families that have the alcohol and tobacco monopolies.
  20. Are you smoking leaf or buds? As of today in the land of U-turns buds are now a controlled substance. If smoking buds you risk arrest and extortion for tea money. And don't expect any help from a lawyer. The term "controlled substance" has yet to be defined and so it will be interpreted however the RTP want.
  21. LOL. You see the outcome is EXACTLY as I predicted in another thread. This is not by accident. It is unfolding entirely as planned. Too many people with to much vested capital to walk away from their pot shops and other cannabis businesses. Now the new "grey" category has been introduced so it can be interpreted however the RTP want. Rivers of tea money to follow. It is always about money here in Thailand. Always.
  22. The bones were sold to the Frenchman by a Thai fisherman in Kamala.
  23. One of the strongest currencies in the world at the moment.
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