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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Back when they legalised prostition in Australia divorce rates dropped significantly.
  2. I think I might build a death island website. He looks old for 48, did they get his age wrong in the report?
  3. Oh....I didn't know that Premchai was out on parole already.
  4. The reason why I enquired if there were young girls is because they would be seeking the shade more than young lads (because of the black skin issue)...and so would probably be more comfortable at a fishing park not out in the scrub. But if you are so offended by my attempt to help you I will leave you to fend for yourself. Welcome to my ignore list.
  5. OP...where are you located? If we know that we can give better advice. And are the kids you want to take fishing just young boys...or are there girls as well.
  6. I have to disagree entirely here regarding fishing parks. They are set up for lazy Thai men. Not young boys. Young lads would much rather be out in the scrub, covered in mud. And to the OP's main point...is he trying to teach them to be real fishermen, hunting for wildfish...or just another lazy, whiskey drinking Somchai shooting fish in a barrel at a park?
  7. Not correct. Most fresh water rivers and lakes will have tilapia, snakehead, carp, catfish, file fish, eels, arapia, bpla khao, bpla sia, blap boh, tarpon, barramundi, et al. ALL OF WHICH will feed on regular garden worms. In my experience the kids enjoy digging the worms just as much as the fishing.
  8. Where do you live? Would be much more fun to chase wild fish with your kids. The kids will enjoy the trek as much as the fishing. Did you do any bass fishing back in Australia. Most of the lures that work on Australian bass will also take freshwater fish in Thailand. Snake head are a lot of fun and will smash top water bass lures such as hula poppers, creepy crawlies etc. PM me if you want more info or photos. I have over 500 lures here at my home. Find a stand of Mai Pai. Cut some long poles, dig some garden worms, and then fish with the Kelly poles using a small bobber float and the worms. Kids will love that. And you can catch tilapia, clownfish, catfish, snakehead...etc. I have big dollar fishing rigs and two sea fishing/diving boats. But in my opinion the most fun I have is sitting in the scrub next to a river or lake, pole fishing.
  9. Deportation is the least favoured option. Having the overstayer remain here and provide periodic tea money payments is what will happen. Only the truly broke will be deported. Same applies for working without a permit. Blind eye will be turned while tea money keeps flowing.
  10. Oh it will happen alright. If there is one thing you can rely wholeheartedly upon here in Thailand...it is corruption. Already previous track record of corruption in BOI as well. If agents are allowed into process "special fees" will follow shortly thereafter. If you learn of any agents handling these visa applications please post their details.
  11. Yep. That is why nowadays I only travel to visit geographic attractions. I realised a good while back that regardless of cultural differences people are all the same, they are just trying to improve their living conditions the best way they can.
  12. Immigration must be licking their lips and rubbing their hands together. Rivers of tea money just ahead. Over the next few months as tourist visas expire there will be a massive wave of Russian overstayers trying to avoid the war. They will also be attempting to work illegally to fund their stay.
  13. A French friend of mine used to live here in very similar circumstances. He worked online spinning up new servers for Phillip Morris. He was on 250K USD per year and worked from a 500 baht table and plastic chair. Be careful of your assumptions.
  14. I wonder how long it will be before agents in Patts will be offering these visas without the farang meeting the required financial criteria. If anyone knows of an agency already doing this please provide me with their details and their pricing.
  15. Just had to attend to this task yesterday and was thinking of starting a thread until I found this one. For a Non-O retirement extension my office requires photos of my house from the street, photos of me standing in front of my house, three google maps (zoomed out each map) of house location, and a hand drawn map. The hand drawn map has nothing to do with locating your house. It is required for two reasons: First, to demean the foreigner with a child like task. Secondly, and most importantly, to introduce some greyness into the required documents so that there is an easy point to knock back an application and obtain tea money.
  16. You need some education as well. Reliance upon mean and median based data is pointless. Show me some data that provides the mode of net wealth per household and then we can talk about how apparently rich the Chinese masses are.
  17. I wish everyone would cut Americans a bit of slack. They have a planet to run.
  18. AUD has broken through 23 THB resistance. Next stop 22. No RBA rates meeting this month so they will be even further behind the curve. 40% of Australian mortgages are fixed rate (at covid lows of 2-3%) and they will start to reset to 6-7% next month in an event the MSN now refer to as the "mortgage cliff". If the RBA hold interest rate rises next month AUD will be on track to hit 20 THB by June.
  19. Well I guess that is one strategy to get free transport.
  20. Dress and smell are more important than your looks. If you are looking for a genuine Thai girl very first step is to burn all of your wife beaters and buy some quality deodorant.
  21. That was the topic of my original post...BOT is buying the baht, all of the subsequent posts by other members have been arguing otherwise...
  22. Worthless witchcraft will not help him. All bores over 12m deep have to be registered with the Amphur (but not all are). Just go to the Ampur and ask to see their map and you will get a rough idea what you are up against in terms of required depth by reviewing the bores surrounding your property.
  23. Don't get a mock anything, get a real something. The house I am currently sitting in is in my GF's name and I have a life usufruct stamped on the back in my name. It cost me 75 baht to do this at the local land office. When I did my TM 28/30 I stated on the form that I am the controller and occupier of the property (controller is the actual wording on the IO form). When I did my retirement extension I just included a copy of my TM28 and a copy of the back of the chanote (showing the usufruct). Lots of tooing and frowing but after some calls to Bangkok extension issued.
  24. Some comments on the points already raised. Wise charges a fee for funds held with them over a certain amount. Not sure with GBP but with AUD any amount held 23K is charged an interest rate by Wise What amount are we talking about. I used to have a Citibank offshore account but they changed the minimum deposit requirement dramatically and without prior notice so I closed it down You might be able to use the address of a friend but make sure you get a signed letter from them stating that they have given their permission I have recently opened a account with Interactive Brokers using my Thai mobile phone number to receive the 2FA SMS. You could use that similar to a bank account and you can also convert money to THB and transfer to you Thai bank account like you would do with Wise Convert to crypto (this suggestion is sure to get some feedback)
  25. On one of my farms in Phang Nga I drilled the bore myself. I designed and fabricated the drill rig myself also. There is lots of information on older websites when charities were all about providing fresh water to villages in Africa. Thai neighbor on the block next door paid Thai contractor 125K to drill. He now borrows water from my bore because his went dry 3 months after it was drilled. Random advice: 1. What substrata are you dealing with. If it is hardrock then 100K+ is cheap 2. What diameter bore will you be drilling 3. Make sure the bore is properly cased. With the end of the case sealed and a rat hole below the pump head. 4. Make sure the slots in the casing are cut evenly and correctly. Not just somchai puting few cuts in with a 1mm blade in his 4 inch angle grinder. 5. Make sure a barrier of pea gravel is placed around the casing. If you are using 4 inch casing then you should be drilling a 6 inch hole and then back filling with pea gravel. You want gravel literally the size of a pea and round. Do not use building or road gravel and do not use metal dust as it locks together and does not provide a reliable filter. Reasons why my bore is very successful and neighbors failed was because Thai contractors did not do steps 4 and 5 above. They just hacked a few slots in the 4 inches casing with an angle grinder and did not backfill with any gravel. PM me if you want further tips. Or photos of my drill rig.
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