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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Thank for the information. Silver is not a heavy metal. Common natural occurring heavy metals: arsenic, lead, cadmium and others. Arsenic is common in phosphate that is used in fertilizers. Regions with a history of mining have more heavy metals in the soil. The coffee that most of us drink every morning have heavy metals. Occasionally I listen to heavy metal.
  2. I’ve been to quite a few cafes/restaurants with koi ponds, but not this one, not yet
  3. Plant feed on many nutrients minerals and rejects them as well, as to specific species, many want certain specific minerals and nutrients, example mustard with yellow flowers will pull more sulfur. Some plants don’t discriminate as much and pull traces of a broader range minerals and nutrients.
  4. How dangerous? Depends on the person and the usage. Consuming too much of anything can be dangerous, even too much water is harmful. Personally I don’t like to put anything in my body that will alter any of my senses. What other people do to themselves is entirely their personal business as long it doesn’t interfere with mine.
  5. Excessive heavy metals in the body is known to cause neurological and nervous system damage, in other words brain damage which causes mental disorders. Get the picture?
  6. Gamma & B. Smith hanging out together at the Love Boat behind Closed Curtains?
  7. As mentioned above Hillkoff is good, I personally like Black Thai arabica. My preference though is Bodonso premium dark from Mae Salong Nai, Mae Fha Luang north Chiangrai…
  8. +1, dark roast arabica is what I personally prefer, smooth and not overly caffeinated and can drink more without getting zinged out
  9. The loon hijacking and spamming the the thread is one of many profiles of the same A total loser and in self destruct mode and in the ignore box with the others????
  10. ???? thanks @gamb00ler for epitomizing the convo-i-lution
  11. For me it’s not an age thing, it’s a world view thing and how greeting others from any background without a predisposition or assumption and not giving a damn about their positions or beliefs that may oppose mine, some of the best friendships I have in the US are with those that are polar opposite on beliefs. It’s all in the head and how we perceive the world, minus toxic company.
  12. 555!!!…it’s remarkable of the contrast of a inherently friendly culture compared to a stuck-up culture. Seriously though, sorry she experienced that assuming this is what really happened.
  13. The epidemic of global traffic deaths annually is ~1350000. Now that’s a pandemic. There is a greater chance of dying on the road today than from a snot virus. Though the actual pandemic is the state of mind of the fear that is being perpetuated.
  14. Thanks, this is inspiring even though I’ve always been heavily good shape and conscientious about what I put in my face.
  15. +1…never been much of a buffet person though a few years ago we stayed at the Duang Tawan for a couple nights where there’s a large breakfast buffet with quite the variety, being a protein meat/veggie eater I just ate eggs pig and whatever vegetables. Though nothing beats my wife's cooking, nothing. If she’s not cooking then I’m happy with a simple ฿40-฿100 meal kaiping or whatever at the local market which seems to be more superior than anything else and never disappointed and rarely go to western restaurants where I’m rarely impressed.
  16. Fuel cap is likely also. Easy fix…
  17. This is most likely the o2 sensor, an easy fix that you can do yourself. Depending on the make of the vehicle, it’s on the exhaust pipe just before the catalytic converter, replace it. Or it is the intake fuel sensor between the air filter and the intake usually on top of the intake hose, a wire harness plugged into it. Replace it or clean it with a degreaser, easy fix.
  18. Good I’m thrilled to deliver an effective response ????
  19. This is the one I get a kick out of, the exaggerated count included traffic accidents, heart attacks and anyone who died with a trace of the virus in their body that died from other causes were put on the covid death list. Nothing is beneath these f-ing desperate wretch’s
  20. It also created a comfy security blanket for them to latch on to
  21. Where are the statistics on influenza and pneumonia? (non-covid pneumonia)
  22. It depends on the ideology of the individual, there is currently a rampant ideology in the US that has a wide range of variables, that if anyone that disagrees with an individual following that particular ideology is a raciest, which only applies to the non followers of that secular religious cult.
  23. Go find a nuclear engineering school and start asking the grad chick students for a date if you’re able to find a girl that is challenged by your brilliant mind then you’re half way there????
  24. I had one put in about 5 years ago for ฿1300. Though I’m sure it varies depending on where you live
  25. Give the IO a call and ask what time they are coming, tell them you forgot. You’ll get your answer on the call
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