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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Maybe not so correct. I dated a Burmese immigrant who came here legally 22 years ago, no passport no identification and no family name, only a given name at birth which is common in the village where she is from. She came here on her own when she was a teenager, went to school and worked in a Chiangmai district. She is not a Thai citizen yet, though she is a permanent resident. She obtained a legal Thai first and family name. She then, recently was able to invite her siblings and they are here under the same terms as she, the most recent two years ago. She is essentially a refugee/asylum status, or whatever anyone wants to call it, though definitely an immigrant. Many views on this thread is through a westerners prism. There is much more to this story than most of us know.
  2. Most “immigrants” that I know of in Thailand are Burmese migrants seeking asylum status as refugees, no visa needed, though they must reside in the province of registration and need permission to travel outside of the province. Immigrants from Cambodia here working. Non-Immigrants typically non Asean = visa/permission to stay.
  3. I’m sure some do restrict air flow. The ones I use don’t restrict air flow at all. What does commonly restrict air flow is dirty air filters. Normally clean every two weeks. During the smoky season every few days. Anyway I’m happy with my setup and wouldn’t dare to change anything about it.
  4. Also you can use a fine pre filter sheet for the ac. I use them and it collects a lot of particles that the ac filters don’t catch during the smoky season.
  5. And there it is. If someone wants to live in a box and coward inward, then have at it. Enjoy being an old stick-in-the-mud. As for the nonconformist, continue to deduce empirically.
  6. Ah yes…totally understand the above perspective being this is the education of the media. Yet still, no one’s mind will/has change due to any futile argument.
  7. It’s only an opinion. “Spreading Misinformation” is a catchphrase mostly used by those who get their diapers wadded up when they hear or read something they disagree with and causes their diaper rash to flare up. Just because someone is loud and having a hissy fit doesn’t mean that they’re correct. It’s most likely misinformation is all. No big deal, get over it.
  8. Aw thanks for caring, that’s sweet of you. But don’t have any delusions about changing anyone’s mind, because it ain’t gonna happen ????
  9. I suppose I would think as such if I was incapable of deducing and thinking empirically
  10. I really enjoy it when others get upset about what others think ????. Nothing like a good goat getter????
  11. There are a lot of stupid westerners driving around too I mind you. Per capita, probably as bad or worse. Idiot stupid tourist westerners wobbling on motorcycles, I’ve seen more westerners crashes in the city than locals, more westerners walking around with broken limbs. There are two that live in cm I see every now and then, and what’s weird is every time we’re at a stoplight they try to dangerously cut in front of me so as to be noticed, these are not young punks either. Just stupid desperate to be noticed old farts. Just freaking ridiculously weird. I wonder how many killed or been killed just trying to show off. Stupid westerners ????
  12. Drunk or not…I see a lot of stupid westerners on the road everyday I’m in the city. Just last week I seen a dingbat westerner tearing out of a motorcycle rental shop and slammed into a car, not 30 meters from the shop. Stupid westerners ????
  13. Do Thais need a passport to enter Cambodia? If so then she can get a passport at the passport office in her province in a about 5 days time.
  14. ???? wish you all the best
  15. Hellfire…way back when, you posted… “I was told that they will not let me out to Cambodia because «have too many visas». I asked what am I supposed to do - and he told me to go to Chaeng Wattana to transfer the stamp and to get 7 days extension then leave the country.” Why didn’t you comply with the resolution that was directed to you?
  16. You are in a se Asian country, they have the right to do whatever they want. Personally I’d go to the airport and pay the fine and fly out, then return when eligible. Though your entire circumstance isn’t explained.
  17. Vinegar will leave a vinegar odor. Sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide will kill odors and a damn good cleaner as well.
  18. How dare anyone speak against the Dear Leader. My wokeyt@rdieness is deeply offended
  19. He him she her they them or what-freaking-ever. You’re either born with one or the other and very rarely sometimes both. Genetically plain and simple.
  20. You failed to read my entire post, it might be indicative of the issues you’re having with cm immigration.
  21. Small inconveniences not worth complaining about. I was married to a foreign national in the US, dealing with immigration in any office in the US is a major PITA concerning any immigration issues. In contrast, CM is a total breeze, any inconvenience and discomfort is on the customer in my opinion. Just be prepared…
  22. I’ve done business at the cm office many times, being prepared & never had any complaints. The issues are customer occurrence/discomfort from what I’ve seen at that office.
  23. Smith service appointment in the wualai area is close/walking distance of the area you’re looking for.
  24. Book your ticket round trip. Assuming you’re coming from the USA, a round trip ticket with a 74 day stay the airline won’t bother you. Get your extension two weeks before your 30/45 day expires is what’s generally done. If you decide to modify your plans after you get here, then do so after you get your extension.
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